Snow Flurries, Hot Coffee and Christmas Cards

United States
December 6, 2023 9:47am CST
Happy Wednesday Everyone! We're having our first snow flurries here this morning and I have to say it looks pretty. Falling snow has such a peaceful effect and I guess I'm feeling all sorts of warm and fuzzy if the snow looks pretty OR it looks pretty because it isn't sticking and won't amount to anything. I got my first Christmas card yesterday and I have it proudly displayed on my shelf. I don't get many cards anymore so getting a few is really special and reminds me of the old days when we would get cards and display them as decorations. Once Christmas was over I would take the cards and use the front picture as gift tags for the following year. Guess I've been a crafty kind of person my whole life. I know cards aren't that popular anymore buy do you still send some or enjoy receiving them? I still send some to close friends and family that I don't see very often.
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22 responses
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
6 Dec
I send out a few and get a few back.
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
6 Dec
@Marilynda1225 Yes, and the postage has gotten so expensive.
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
6 Dec
@Marilynda1225 Yes, and the postage has gotten so expensive.
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• United States
6 Dec
They aren't as popular as they used to be. Now everyone sends greetings through e-cards, texts etc.
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
6 Dec
That reminds me... I agreed to send a card to my goddaughter niece. She asked for all her contacts to send her a card so she could have strings of 'em all over the house... I better do that now while I remember.
2 people like this
• United States
6 Dec
Don't procrastinate and get that card in the mail. I hope she gets lots of cards to string up
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
6 Dec
@Marilynda1225 Signed and addressed, will pop in the mail tomorrow when I have to go out anyway.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec
@BarBaraPrz I always feel good when I can cross something off my list. I'm sure she'll appreciate the card
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@Juliaacv (49654)
• Canada
6 Dec
I have all but stopped sending cards out myself. I send a few to some special myLotters, and that is really about all that I send anymore.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
6 Dec
I send out a few and love to receive them.
2 people like this
• United States
6 Dec
I appreciate the ones I get but it always reminds me of the old days when the mailbox would be full of cards.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Dec
I send a few
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Dec
I'm glad you got your first Christmas card. Snow is the perfect setting for Christmas cards. I still see lots of cards for sale, so people must be buying them. I think I will always send Christmas cards to friends and family.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec
I love cards too and am still working on getting mine out. I'm a slacker I got my cards on Amazon this year and there were lots to choose from. Christmas cards and birthday cards are still the cards I send to family and close friends.
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• United States
7 Dec
@just4him I agree. I feel that way too. A small gesture goes a long way
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
7 Dec
@Marilynda1225 I got a box of birthday cards from Amazon for the people here. People really appreciate being remembered on their birthdays. When they thank me for the card, it makes me feel so good that I made them happy on their day.
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@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
6 Dec
That is such an original idea for the cards as gift tags. Of course, I know how talented you are, that’s for sure. I put my Christmas cards on the back of my front door so I can see them every day. I only have one now, but I’m sure a few others will pop up. It’s a lot of fun to send them.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec
When I got a lot of cards I did the same thing... Hung them on and around my door as decorations It made the house feel festive
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
6 Dec
I like to use old cards to make gift tags as well . I only send out two cards each year which I handmake. I’m glad you got your first card and are enjoying the coziness of looking at the first snow fall outside. This is the second time we have had a light dusting of snow.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
7 Dec
@Marilynda1225 I send them to @Courtlynn and her mother. I’ve shared some I’ve created I don’t think they are beautiful but I try to do a good job. Not sure what I’m going to make this year but I better do it soon.
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• United States
6 Dec
I bet your handmade cards are beautiful and appreciated by whomever receives them. This was our first snow and it melted as it hit the ground.
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
13 Dec
@shaggin And we lovee them!
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Dec
My husband was working on Christmas cards yesterday and this morning. We got our first real snow fall Sunday into Monday. It's definitely winter.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
7 Dec
@Marilynda1225 We got about 20-30 cm. I'm not looking forward to the cold of winter. I hope that it's mild.
• United States
6 Dec
Did you get a lot of snow? This was pretty this morning since it melted as it hit the ground. I'm not looking forward to winter and hopefully we won't get much snow.
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
6 Dec
I hardly get any cards as I do not send any but I will post a video of the party that I will be having We have no snow but our plants that have tiny flowers are blooming every where resembling snow.
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
6 Dec
Yes, I still get Christmas Cards Every year form someone in my family.
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
6 Dec
@Marilynda1225 I still send them out to family that doesn't live nearby since we won't be seeing them. I think it's the least I can do since I can't see them and I can't afford to send an actual gift. It's the thought that counts right?
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec
Me too
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• United States
6 Dec
@ShyBear88 you're absolutely right. I do the same and appreciate a card knowing they were thinking about me. Gifting can be so expensive
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
6 Dec
Sound nice Marilyn..hope you get your cards done then and that your back and knees are doing okay. No cards for us here or do any anymore.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec
I got most of the cards out even though it was only a few. I find that I need to organize my time better. My back is much better but my knees hate the cold weather. Did I see you mention somewhere that you're moving?
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• United States
7 Dec
@Marilynda1225 I am working on that. Forever a shite show here.
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• United States
7 Dec
@RebeccasFarm hope you find somewhere decent and can enjoy a peaceful place
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
6 Dec
I send some to my family and a few friends.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Dec
I'm sure they appreciate getting the cards. How are you? ready for Christmas?
@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
13 Dec
Your card should be there this week
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
7 Dec
I am going to mail all of my cards on Monday.
@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
7 Dec
Snow flurries, hot coffee, and the warmth of Christmas cards — your morning sounds absolutely delightful. While the tradition of sending and receiving cards may not be as widespread nowadays, it's wonderful that you still keep the tradition alive! We'll post our greeting cards by next week.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
7 Dec
I do not send cards anymore. I send e-cards through the email, at least I am sure that people get them.
@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Dec
I admit that I enjoy getting them. But I never did send them out.
@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
7 Dec
I actually send about as many to MyLot members as I do family and friends! My list grows every year. Have a great day.
@Beestring (13901)
• Hong Kong
7 Dec
Yes, I send physical Christmas cards to friends living overseas. For local friends, I text greetings and we exchange gifts.