Math Month activities

January 20, 2024 9:24pm CST
During January, it is a Month month in our school.And the activities that were prepared were Quiz Bee, Rubik's cube, and Poster Making.The theme was Reinforcing Mathematics Content:Gearing Towards Mastery and Resiliency.Through constant practice, one gain mastery and through problem solving, students can be taught to become resilient to continue solving despite the difficulties they may face while answering. In Quiz Bee, there were easy, average and difficult round.Questions for easy and average have multiple choices and have 10 and 5 items respectively and have 1 and 3 points each respectively.Additionally students had to answer each question in each round for 40 seconds.Meanwhile, there were 5 questions for the difficult round with no choices and they have 1 minute to answer each question with 5 points each. In the Rubik's cube, there were boys and girls category in which if one finished he or she needed to raise his or her both hands.Moreover, the participants for the poster making should create a poster related to the theme. It was a fun day as those activities could help students appreciate the beauty and importance of Mathematics. In your case, have you ever joined Math activities in your school before?
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3 responses
@porwest (81633)
• United States
21 Jan
I hated math in school. I mean, hated it. Nothing you could have done could have made me like it or appreciate it. That being said, as I have gotten older, I definitely find math to be helpful in my financial matters. But it is still not a subject that would now, or then, be tops on my list. lol
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21 Jan
Financial literacy is helpful..
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
21 Jan
@elmer0421 Yes. Very much so. To me it is one the most important things in life next to health.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Jan
That is a good idea about the math activities.
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21 Jan
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
21 Jan
Math was the topic I least liked in school. I never joined Math activities.
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