National Hot Chocolate Day.

United Kingdom
January 31, 2024 5:52am CST
This must be one of my favourite days of the year, it is National Hot Chocolate Day. I love hot chocolate , so I am going to celebrate by making myself one later. It is also; Eat Brussel sprouts day Scotch tape day Inspire your heart with art day National backward day I also like the idea of National backward day where we have to do everything backwards. Should be interesting.
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6 responses
@porwest (81633)
• United States
31 Jan
I like hot chocolate, but hardly ever have it. Brussels sprouts are delicious and I do eat those all the time. In fact, I have some I can cook up right now in the crisper in my fridge
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
4 Feb
@lazydaizee Probably more than I should have. But I enjoy it, so...there's that. lol
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
Did you cook your Brussel sprouts yesterday? Why do you not have hot chocolate very often, maybe you only have it as a treat? I could drink it everyday, but then I would get fed up with it.
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
31 Jan
I love chocolate but my teeth do not agree,,,
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• United Kingdom
1 Feb
We do have to look after our teeth these days because dentists can be very expensive.
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
2 Feb
@lazydaizee I agree... Too late for me.
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• United Kingdom
4 Feb
@simplfred That is a shame. My teeth are not great and I wish I had looked after them better in the past.
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@Orson_Kart (6347)
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
I loved Hot Chocolate, back in the day. Errol Brown was a great singer and had some fabulous hits. I think my favourites were - I’ll Put You Together Again and Love is Life. I used to be able to recite the alphabet backwards really fast. Now I think I’d struggle.
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• United Kingdom
4 Feb
I liked the pop group Hot Chocolate, they were the soundtrack to my youth. I can remember dancing to their music at discos. I have to think about reciting the alphabet forwards these days.
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
31 Jan
Oh is it? Nice.
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• United States
1 Feb
@lazydaizee Nope but I want some always
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• United Kingdom
4 Feb
@RebeccasFarm You will have to treat yourself to some.
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• United Kingdom
1 Feb
Yes, did you have a hot chocolate yesterday?
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
31 Jan
I love Brussels sprouts. Haven't had hot chocolate in ages. Have a good day.
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• United Kingdom
1 Feb
Brussels are a very healthy food. I did not like them when I was young , but now my taste has changed and I enjoy eating them.
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@KarenAnne (257)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan
No Brussel Sprouts for me today, I'm having curry and they really don't belong in one. I do like Brussel Sprouts (they're for life, not just for Christmas). I didn't know about the Hot Chocolate either, that will depend on whether I feel like making the effort later!
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
@lazydaizee didn't make the hot chocolate but I did make a posset, my first!
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• United Kingdom
4 Feb
@KarenAnne What is a posset and how did you make it?
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
Hot chocolate can be quite difficult to make. Did you make the effort and have some yesterday?. I had curry too yesterday, but I cheated and used a ready made sauce, it was nice though. Brussel sprouts are tasty and good for you.
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