Do you let dogs lick your face?

@JudyEv (332010)
Rockingham, Australia
February 24, 2024 5:54pm CST
My nephew regularly puts up TikTok and/or video clips of kids and animals which I always enjoy. Today’s consisted of babies with dogs snuggling up to them. The images are really lovely but for one thing – and I’m probably in the minority here. The dogs invariably lick the babies’ faces. I was always taught not to let dogs lick my face yet in the clips, some of the babies just about get their faces washed by the dogs. Were you ever taught not to let dogs like your face? The photo is of a cute pooch we saw in Austria. Can anyone suggest a breed or is he just a mutt?
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32 responses
@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
25 Feb
Our Corgi likes to lick and I let her do a limited amount. I don't like the feeling of a dog's tongue on my face.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
These dogs were licking babies all over the face. At least adults have a choice but babies don't.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
26 Feb
@JudyEv If a baby does not want a dog to lick its face can't he or she turn the other way?
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Feb
@Hannihar Some were screwing up their faces but turning their face didn't really help much. They were too small to get away from the dog.
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@wolfgirl569 (100049)
• Marion, Ohio
25 Feb
I don't mind a little. It looks like it has terrier in it.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
A terrier of some sort for sure.
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@Deepizzaguy (98044)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
27 Feb
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@AmbiePam (87805)
• United States
25 Feb
I was only allowed to let my own dog lick my face, and I didn’t have a dog until I was eight. At eight, you can decide whether you want that or not. I have never let any dog lick my mouth though, just my face. I assume if the parents is allowing it, they know that the dog is not eating trash or poop, and after all, actual, real studies show in general, a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth (and people love to kiss babies). I remember the show “Mythbusters “ did an experiment to test it, and one of the hosts was indignant that an assistant’s dog had less bacteria than his own mouth.
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@AmbiePam (87805)
• United States
25 Feb
@JudyEv Oh, I’m with you. I would be very wary of letting any dog lick my baby’s face. Maybe I would be considered too protective, but I would be concerned their immune system wasn’t quite up to snuff yet.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
I hear what you're saying but some of these babies were very small to be licked on the face by dogs. That would have been funny to see the indignant host.
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@rebelann (111982)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Feb
Roscoe is the first dog I've ever had that insists on licking which I don't really like but it's how dogs tell each other they are loved. I tolerate a little licking but I'm hoping he'll stop one day .... I doubt he'll stop though.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
Our ponies would lick our hands but that was for salt or the last of the carrot taste.
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@rebelann (111982)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Feb
That makes sense, at least they have a real reason ...... Roscoe just wants to shower me with affection (yuck) and whats worse is Tuffy does the same thing.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
@rebelann Tuffy has obviously learnt from Roscoe! lol
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@1creekgirl (41021)
• United States
25 Feb
I can not stand to see an animal licking someone's face and especially if it's a baby that's being licked. Too many germs.
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@1creekgirl (41021)
• United States
25 Feb
@JudyEv I have NEVER done that. My granddaughter lets her little maltipoo kiss and lick her. Gross.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
That's what I think but I see so many images of dogs licking faces I thought I was behind the times.
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@kobesbuddy (77724)
• East Tawas, Michigan
25 Feb
My mother would forewarn me not to do this, but I did it anyway! I've had hundreds of doggie kisses:)
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
I do understand that but would you let a dog lick your baby? I'm just curious.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb
@kobesbuddy I'm sure that overall it's not a good idea.
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@kobesbuddy (77724)
• East Tawas, Michigan
25 Feb
@JudyEv We never let the dogs lick our babies.
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@much2say (54423)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Feb
Somehow I don't remember my childhood dogs licking our faces . . . they all licked our hands a lot, which was ok. But I never liked being licked in the face by other dogs. I might allow 1 lick because it usually happens unexpectedly, but gotta stop it thereafter.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
Our dogs were farm dogs and I don't remember them licking too much.
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@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
25 Feb
I don't. I might be the odd one out. I love dogs though. He is a terrier through and through..of what kind not sure.
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• United States
25 Feb
@JudyEv Many dog lovers here in the same..let the dogs lick their face.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
Most responses are the same so far but I see so many images of dogs licking faces that I thought maybe I'm the odd one out.
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@FourWalls (64232)
• United States
25 Feb
I certainly don’t mind kisses from a furbaby.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
It's how they show affection so I'm sure it's hard to knock back kisses.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49704)
• United States
25 Feb
I think it’s icky
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
Me too. I certainly wouldn't let a dog lick my baby, no matt how much I loved it (the dog, I mean, not the baby)
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@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
25 Feb
@Judyev And what was the last thing the dog licked before it licked your face? That's why one ought never to let a dog lick one's face.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
On these clips the dogs are licking the baby's faces over and over. I don't even like watching it really.
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@Dena91 (16278)
• United States
25 Feb
The dogs we had weren't lickers. Mike's Moms dog, Daisy, isn't a licker. So this hasn't been a problem for me That said, our beloved kitties Buttons and Ginger would lick us from time to time. Buttons more so. Mostly on our hands though.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
Our cats occasionally licked too but not on our faces.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
25 Feb
I love doggy kisses but I woukdnt allow a day to lick all over a baby's face.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
It was really turning me off. Some of the babies were very young. I didn't think it was very hygienic.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
25 Feb
@JudyEv i dont think so either.
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25 Feb
I think that's their way to show affection
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
I'm sure you're right so it's a bit mean to stop them doing it completely.
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@snowy22315 (174692)
• United States
25 Feb
Not a fan, Jax used to be a compulsive face licker, but I think he is reformed though.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb
Consenting adults maybe but babies??
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@marguicha (218646)
• Chile
25 Feb
Luna licks my hands when I pet her. I would never let her lick my face but she doesn´t do that. Dogs love to smell and lick but they are not picky. They can smell and lick butts and hands and faces. And they do smell poo (I don´t think that they lick it though). So after I play with Luna, I go and wash my hands with plenty of soap. I don´t mind if I have to go and wash many times a day.
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@marguicha (218646)
• Chile
26 Feb
@JudyEv I love Luna BECAUSE she is a dog. But that thing about smelling my butt is something that I only accept from her. I know that I have to set the limits.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb
That's the best idea. Wash your hands after. Licking is how dogs show affection.
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@Aquitaine24 (11804)
• San Jose, California
25 Feb
I think the dog is a terrier of some sort.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb
He looks like a terrier. How about this funny little one?
@jstory07 (135931)
• Roseburg, Oregon
25 Feb
I owned dogs before and did not let any of them lick my face.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb
I guess our dogs were always farm dogs too and not particularly pets.
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@Deepizzaguy (98044)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
25 Feb
It is a family rule to never allow a dog to lick my face because a dog may have some dirt on their tongue or other objects.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb
That's how I would be if we had a dog.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Feb
@Deepizzaguy Pets can be expensive to feed, especially big dogs. I think I prefer cats really.
@Deepizzaguy (98044)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
26 Feb
@JudyEv I used to have a dog but due to high costs, my relatives only have cats in the home.
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@aninditasen (16033)
• Raurkela, India
25 Feb
I allow my dog to lick my face as that's there way of expressing love.
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb
Fair enough. Would you let it lick a baby's face?
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Feb
@aninditasen That's good to hear.
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@aninditasen (16033)
• Raurkela, India
27 Feb
@JudyEv Yes, he was a lovely dog and watched over my sons when I did household chores.
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