What are some of your most common spelling (and other) errorss (heh) on a keyboard?

@TheHorse (211968)
Walnut Creek, California
February 28, 2024 1:09pm CST
I don;t (sic) mean a piano, but you knew that. The error in the previous sentence was NOT intentional. It is what led me to write this pot (sic). My keyboard is older, and the letters and characters have worn off some of the keys. My most common error these days is to insert a semi-colon when I intended to type a single quotation. I suppose it's because the keys are right next to each other. My second most common error is simply to have a letter "not take," as in "It is what led me to write this pot (sic)." One of my common typos is more of a "braino." I have talked about it before. I'll jump ahead to a word that was supposed to be about two words later, and skip (never type) the words that were supposed to precede it. But I see news guys doing that on the air, so maybe I'm not ready for "the home." Do you have common typos (or brainos) that you have to deal with?
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11 responses
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
28 Feb
On a phone you can blame those errors to fat fingers . I always seem to misspell receipt to "reciept". Unfortunately it is not my keyboard it is my brain that cannot be trained.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Feb
I avoid writing more than a word or two on my phone.
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@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
28 Feb
@TheHorse Are you well versed with the phone abbreviations?
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
@lovebuglena (43562)
• Staten Island, New York
28 Feb
I am more likely to make a mistake when I type on an iPhone. Way smaller keys make it easier to press the wrong button by mistake. I am not sure what typos I make more often than others. But I remember sometimes writing one word when I intended to write another and oddly those words sound the same. For example, instead of I woke up I end up writing I walk up. Something like that. And I will read it and not notice it right away.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Feb
Errors based on sounds make sense.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
@lovebuglena I have grown way used to them. I always scan what I write for typos. Often I miss them.
@lovebuglena (43562)
• Staten Island, New York
29 Feb
@TheHorse I still don't like it when I make them. I hate typos!
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@crossbones27 (48866)
• Mojave, California
1 Mar
The ones my fat fingers create and when my brain goes dumb. Yours, you are, can't ,can too, our, are, you know how hard it is to keep this straight when you type so long.
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• Mojave, California
1 Mar
@TheHorse That's what most people say, especially teachers. I have only one short cut in life. You will rarely see me say you're, but I try to say you are. Its easier for me to comprehend where I went wrong.
@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
1 Mar
Jut don't confuse "your" with "you're" or you will feel...my....wrath.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
28 Feb
Just hitting the wrong letter usually.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
29 Feb
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
Hitting the wring letter? I have never done that.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Feb
All the ime. I'll type the letter, but it doesn't make it to the page. I need to go over it again and again. Ten there is the finger placement. It can reall mess a dentence up.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
1 Mar
Any your "y" key needs De-Oxit?
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Mar
@TheHorse No, I only need to make sure it types when I press the key.
@dya80dya (35542)
28 Feb
Some of them are funny, but they are in my native language.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
What is your native language?
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
28 Feb
Well, I was a professional typesetter and fairly accurate, too, but I keep hitting the wrong keys on this flat keyboard. Mostly, I'll hit the caps lock key when I want to hit the 'a'.
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
29 Feb
@TheHorse Easy enough to do.
@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
I do that one too.
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@LeaPea2417 (37122)
• Toccoa, Georgia
29 Feb
What you say is what I experience.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
I am glad that I am "normal."
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@xander6464 (41497)
• Wapello, Iowa
28 Feb
I have that word-skipping thing a lot. It doesn't seem to me like it should be possible but it happens a lot.
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@xander6464 (41497)
• Wapello, Iowa
1 Mar
@TheHorse Many people say it's subjective. If you don't mind the too-hot summers, too-cold winters, and all-pervasive overall blandness and pointlessness, every home here is good. If you do move here, or even if you don't, write a letter to the Iowa Tourism Board and tell them I deserve a raise. I promote this place like mad and they act like they don't even need me.
@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
Sometimes I think I am ready for "the home." Are there good ones in Iowa?
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
29 Feb
My keyboard often puts in two spaces between words. It happens so often I mostly ignore it now. And for a while the 'l' wouldn't type but that seems to be corrected itself so maybe it was more a case of 'typist error'.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Feb
My space bar also has problems.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
29 Feb
Some days I can type really well; and some days I have to backspace for just about every word. The error I make the most is I"m instead of I'm. Who's the little princess? Have a great day.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
1 Mar
She's girl I worked with 20 or so years ago. It's an interesting story.
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