Democracy that I want

@vandana7 (99681)
April 16, 2024 6:29am CST
Power of the people to the people, by the people and nobody to be powerless anytime....Phew...that seems a tall order. But it is simple actually. In India, I would not want a person to be elected the second term. What more not his family too...that is not parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings, their spouses, all in laws, nieces, nephews, children, and grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yeah ...for about 50 years. Why? I expect the person to discuss the problems with family before coming up with suggestions. This means the entire family has offered their valuable input, and discussed it in depth. By the time the grandchildren become 50 or so, they become eligible to stand for election. So only one generation is skipped at the most. Personally, I would want this to be 4 generations gap, but I will settle for one generation for now. When the same family is denied the opportunity to stand up for election, they allow 1. Fresh thinking to enter the administration 2. Do away with the need to cultivate people who will be threatening blackmailing or using undue influence - in other words goondas or criminals... Politicians here do help such people off and on as they come handy during elections with such attributes. 3. Bring down corruption. If there is no set of criminals to sustain, there is no need to generate unaccounted money for paying them. Nor can the politician gain by being corrupt as the next person may end up exposing him, and that would lead to a ban on family for the next 250 years! I would also like to do away with party type of politics. It kinda denies people with differing views to go against party dictat. That is most certainly not democracy. Instead, there should be election at lower levels, graduating to higher level. So each region with a population of 500 people would have to elect a member who does something for them based on the efficiency and honesty. This person then stands for election in a group representing 5000 people, next slab of 20000 people, then 50000 and then 100000. This way, people who are genuinely working for other people's problems will be elected, and as mentioned, the rule of not standing for re-election applies here as well. This enables people who work for betterment of more people, i.e., more capable hands to be churned out every time. Obviously, the person coming through such a process would be more knowledgeable, capable, experienced, person. Not some obscure personality. Once the representatives of 100000 persons is elected in the above manner, he or she has to list the priorities. This needs to be done in form of private ballot type of process. They are given a figure say 100. They have to decide how much they would spend towards health, army, education, infrastructure, law and order, employment, etc. Their selection upwards is obviously based on them being aware of what their people need. Therefore, they would allocate funds more judiciously than the ad hoc way things go right now. Based on alignment of their preferences, groups would be formed. As can be seen this is temporary grouping. It gets disbanded completely before the next elections. And since there is no party system, politicians will not waste time witch hunting, cribbing or other libelous stuff. The groups can be audited based on the percentages that they initially indicated. If they fail, we can punish their families by delaying another member being elected for another 100 years. The groups aligned in this fashion determine who would be the majority and who would be in opposition. Opposition does not mean anything the majority says has to be opposed. Instead, it means, they have to critically examine anything that the the majority proposes, ensuring proper amendments to ensure minimal hiccups later on, if at all. Everybody gets paid equally since they have worked hard to come up get the approval of so many citizens. No attending ribbon cutting ceremonies. No lifetime health care benefits for self and family. No large palatial buildings. No foreign travel at the expense of government for self, family, or personal staff including doctors or nurses etc. Any war related decision should be through referendums as it affects the lives of everybody.
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5 responses
@gnatsmom (2367)
19 Apr
Wow! this is interesting. One can tell it is the result of much thought. I love my country America and believe the original plan established by our founding fathers is the best form of government. But your words relating to one family being continually elected is great. That is when corruption and cronyism rules. That is a big problem in America. This is a great post.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
19 Apr
Gee thanks....we face this constantly. So I thought I will tell others why I don't vote.
@gnatsmom (2367)
19 Apr
@vandana7 I vote. I don't know that it does any good, especially after our last election. Even local elections are showing signs of corruption. I have always been in favor of party politics as long as it was not ruled by elite systems. As I have gotten older and wiser, I now question party politics. Here in America, we have six parties, but only two have any impact. Those two parties are funded by rich men and groups with agendas and are the only parties that have a chance of winning. Both parties are so corrupt. I want to find a way to make more of a difference in my country. Of course, I, firmly, believe that God is the only hope and until we turn back to Him, we will have to suffer from these wicked rulers.
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@just4him (314721)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Apr
A lot of thinking went into these ideas for government.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
16 Apr
But results are not satisfactory at this end. That is why the existing democracy in India needs to undergo change.
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@just4him (314721)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Apr
@vandana7 I hope you get someone in office to provide the change you need.
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@wolfgirl569 (100049)
• Marion, Ohio
16 Apr
All good ideas. Sadly we will never see it happen
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
16 Apr
The present form of democracy is simply useless in this country.
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@wolfgirl569 (100049)
• Marion, Ohio
16 Apr
@vandana7 Not any better here.
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@JudyEv (332014)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Apr
These are good ideas but I doubt things will ever change much.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
19 Apr
Doesn't look likely in our lifetime. But hey, somebody will find my genius plan and posthumously they might implement this, and the world maybe a happier place. Hopefully.
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@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
17 Apr
All your ideas are always good. Perhaps you should run for office! I doubt change will be forthcoming as it is.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
19 Apr
Too old for that. LOL. I too have no hopes for better governance. :(
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