Iran and Israel conflict is just from 1970s

@vandana7 (99681)
April 20, 2024 5:42am CST
It is not centuries old as I was led to believe. Jews were liberated by Artaxerxes from Mesopotamia. They were established in Jerusalem. Based on that, Jerusalem belongs to Jews. What brought about the revolt against a 2500 year dynasty of Cyrus the great and Artaxerxes.... display of opulence? Did Shah of Iran overdo it? He was, after all, from Pahlavi dynasty to which Artaxerxes belonged. I think it was not that. I think it was Shah not acting upon the plight of Palestinians vis a vis the Jews settlement on their lands after WWII. There is a lot of hurt on both sides....and the world needs to acknowledge this and go the simple moral science route...REPAIR THE HARM DONE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. Everybody is affected. And future generations will suffer more. It is for them that we need to lay to rest this conflicting situation. Future generations will not thank Netanyahu or Zelensky. They are doomed if they stop the war, and doomed if they do not. Because interests of everybody are affected, there should be collection of some money to enable Palestinians settle down. With that lands can be bought enabling them settle. Atternately, Jews can be asked to relocate. Countries that sell their land, obviously cannot complain at present or in future. Especially because it resolves a major issue.
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3 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
20 Apr
Judging by the amount of immigrants everywhere in the world, I think the the human race has grown a lot as compared to to time you are mentioning. There are other problems. What countries will be willing to sell, as you say? In my country, a very rich ecologist Douglas Tompkins bought a great bit of land here to save it, so to say, from mankind. It is the only piece of land that I know that has been put to a better use than before.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
20 Apr
There are a lot of abandoned cities across the world. Ross Island in Andaman Nicobar island is one such island that I believe India should spare.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
20 Apr
The Jews cannot relocate. God gave them their land long before Cyrus told them to go and rebuild Jerusalem. God gave them the land when He told Abraham the land he walked on would belong to his descendants. When the children of Israel walked into the Promised Land, they walked into their inheritance from God. Cyrus gave them permission to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem that belonged to them.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
20 Apr
Any land that is in dispute should be under the UN custody and sorta belong to the UN till the concerned parties negotiate and resolve the issues among themselves.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
20 Apr
@vandana7 I disagree. The UN would be poking their noses in where it doesn't belong.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
20 Apr
@just4him It is only gonna be under its custody and the concerned people like India and Pakistan would not be entitled to it, until and unless they finish discussing about the territories with evidence before say a UN led delegation. I think such a measure would reduce the chances of wars.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
20 Apr
How could this be "century old" as the State of Israel was created in June 1948? Before May 1948 a state of Israel did not exist.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
20 Apr
True. But the anger between Jews and Arabs is pretty recent. Prior to that they seemed to have been in good terms.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
20 Apr
@LadyDuck Arabs and Jews are cousins as race goes. As you see, politics is nothing that people with common sense can understand.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
20 Apr
@vandana7 Israel and Iran were the best friends before to become enemies. As well as all European countries were against Germany before they decided to become "United". We will never understand politics.
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