The hazards of wildlife-watching

@Fleura (29268)
United Kingdom
May 20, 2024 2:51am CST
So many times I have read or heard of people spilling their coffee over their keyboard, but so far I managed to avoid it – until a couple of days ago. I had just topped up my mug and settled back down at my desk to work. I picked up the mug to take a sip when I saw a butterfly on some bushes outside. I hastily put my mug down to grab the binoculars so I could get a closer look and try to identify it, but I wasn’t paying attention properly of course, I was looking out of the window as I tried to put the mug down. Consequently I only got the mug half on the coaster, which is quite a thick one as it’s a mosaic made by Little One years ago. Of course it tipped forward and emptied most of the contents all over my keyboard. Luckily I have a separate keyboard so the laptop itself was undamaged, and since the keyboard is in a sort of pull-out plastic tray that caught most of the liquid, saving the antique card table I’m using as a desk from all but a few splashes. I grabbed a towel to mop up the spill and my partner came to my rescue and disassembled the keyboard so I was able to wash off the coffee and let it dry thoroughly in the sun. And today it’s all reassembled and working again. And now I’ll be sure to pay more attention to what I’m doing! All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2024.
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11 responses
@xFiacre (12574)
• Ireland
20 May
@fleura We are all relieved that you weren’t working in the Oval Office and spilled your beverage on the big red button and your well-meaning partner wasn’t too vigorous in his attempt to take it apart and clean it.
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@LadyDuck (463269)
• Switzerland
20 May
My husband never let me bring "liquids" near the computers, we get up and go down to the kitchen to drink, coffee, water, no matter what.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
20 May
That's very sensible. My problem is that I take a long time over my drinks, so if I went to the kitchen and sat down with my coffee I would basically not get any work done!
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@LadyDuck (463269)
• Switzerland
20 May
@Fleura - We have coffee with breakfast at 5:30 in the morning. We take a "coffee break" around 8:30, we sit at the table and plan our day while drinking our coffee, it takes 15 to 20 minutes. After that if I need to drink a glass of water, I go to the kitchen and it only takes a minute or two.
• China
20 May
It's all the butterfly's fault ! But then, it could be worse !
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@JudyEv (329109)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 May
Stuff like that can happen so easily. I suppose the butterfly got away without being identified.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
20 May
Unfortunately, yes!
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@LindaOHio (161760)
• United States
21 May
I'm so glad nothing was damaged. Have a good day.
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@arunima25 (86224)
• Bangalore, India
20 May
Good that it's all clean, assembled back and working fine . We all are careful that we don't spill things but they do at times. I had once spilled coffee in a party on my expensive dress. Luckily the stains went after a dry clean wash.
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@Juliaacv (49046)
• Canada
20 May
Lucky for you that you were able to get all of the moisture out of the keyboard. I felt that same way a few weeks ago when I did basically the same thing on my desk. I have a wireless keyboard and mouse and literally could take the keyboard and shake the water out, but I did fear some moisture hiding under the keys, but I was lucky. The mouse also survived. Hopefully this doesn't happen again to either of us.
@wolfgirl569 (98043)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
Glad nothing got damaged
@just4him (311401)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
20 May
I'm sorry you spilled your coffee all over your keyboard. I'm glad it's working again. You got a nice picture of the butterfly.
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• Shenzhen, China
20 May
I felt sorry a butterfly distracted you from keyboard,such a thing can happen occasionally.the lucky is keyboard still can can buy a transparent rubber cover on the keyboard,it can protect your keyboard from damage.
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@HaruLoid (1485)
• Philippines
20 May
Good thing you have more than one keyboard. The only thing I spilled with coffee so far was one of my law books. I got upset when it happened, but whenever I look at it now, it just gives me a smile.
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