De-stress day

@sallypup (58732)
Centralia, Washington
May 21, 2024 1:30pm CST
It's rainy in my neighborhood. There is a bit of wind. This afternoon is my time to take Beau Teak Siamese to the Vet. I called the local bus company yesterday to set up a door to door ride. They said they couldn't and wouldn't give us a ride that late in the day- 3 pm. Beau's Doc is in the city about half an hour north of us. It looked like I would just have to buckle up and do the job of dealing with big rigs in the rain. Then I spotted an ad on NextDoor: a young man was willing to help out with errands and house stuff. I contacted him and he says he will be here this afternoon. Of course he will get a nice wad of cash but help is welcome. Beau Teak's mouth is hurting enough that I can barely get him to lick up anything. He must get to his Doc, the sooner the better. Of course I must also convince him that being in his carrier is a fantastic idea. Right now he sleeps on hubby's lap.
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13 responses
@kobesbuddy (76093)
• East Tawas, Michigan
21 May
We got a very heavy rain-storm last night. Even into the early morning hours, it was still coming down. This morning, it was a bit foggy, now the sun is shining brightly:) It's not even 70 degrees, I love this temp! I am glad that Beau Teak is finally getting his mouth treated. He's miserable, that's why he won't lick anything.
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
21 May
You are having sweet temps @kobesbuddy. It is 51 here but for sure I don't need to water the gardens.
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@kobesbuddy (76093)
• East Tawas, Michigan
21 May
@sallypup Two days ago, it was quite warm here in Michigan. Even 80 degrees, I don't like it!
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@akalinus (41100)
• United States
21 May
I wish you could send some of that rain our way.
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• United States
21 May
My brats are pretty good about going places in their carriers, but I found a touch of catnip helps. Just kind of smoosh it between your fingers and sprinkle it in the carrier. I will say that no matter what he won't be happy going out of the house in his carrier with his mouth hurting. Just make sure that there is plenty of cushioning and soft blanketing for him to lay on for the trip, especially in the rain. Right now both my babies are snuggled someplace warm and cozy. Petey is on a shelf of teddy bear fur and Freya is sacked out on my legs which are propped up on my footstool (a blanket covering a big tote of ultra suede pieces for paws and soles for bears. Give Beau Teak a very gentle hug from me and Petey and Freya. Well at least when you get him home and he is settled in and feeling a touch better. Kitty hugs and love!
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@akalinus (41100)
• United States
21 May
@sallypup Wow! Poor kitty.
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
21 May
@BearArtistLady Thank you for the wise suggestions. I am quite worried about Beau. This is not his first circus. Twelve teeth were removed last year. That was supposed to be the cure all. He just can't seem to stop having mouth pain. I hope the Vet gives him an injection of pain meds.
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• United States
21 May
@sallypup I know I'm getting personal, but how old is Beau? When he had the teeth removed last year did the vet give him any antibiotics? Did he give him any this time? A person's (or pet's) mouth isn't exactly the cleanest place on earth-especially for germs after you have had teeth removed. I'm going to do a little bit of research (if you don't mind) and see what might be causing the pain. One of my questions is: does Beau get dry cat food? Anyway, I'm going to do some research and see if I can find anything out that might be causing the mouth pain...if you don't mind. You also might see if he will give you a few to help him over a couple more days too.
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@snowy22315 (172629)
• United States
21 May
Poor Beau..I really hope the vet can do something to help. I was worried about getting Nico into his carrier for his vet visit Somehow I managed. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be..but he was screaming most of the way there.
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@snowy22315 (172629)
• United States
22 May
@sallypup What could be causing the pain if it's not the teeth? Did he do tests? Nico would drive a saint to drink. Halfway through the bag he has decided he doesn't like his urinary cat food now. If you give Hime something on top..he will just eat the topping. I was afraid this would happen. He tires of food quickly. However, I told him today he was going to have to eat it. He wasn't getting anything else..eventually he did. The water consumption is still an issue..Things he used to like with it like tuna liquid..he doesn't want...I have been looking for a magic bullet. His blood work came back good other than a small amount of blood in the urine.
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
21 May
@snowy22315 Nico needs a hug. Poor fella. Beau got an injection of pain meds, I paid for a blood test. For now he will start to feel better. Basically the Vet wants to take ALL the teeth out- no guarantee that will help. About 1,300 more for that. Huge sigh from me.
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• United States
22 May
@snowy22315 There are a couple of things that might be causing the problem with the water consumption. One is the taste of the water. My tap water here has chlorine in it so I give the two bottled water which has better flavor. I figure if I can't stand the water I shouldn't force it on them. Also, they could be having kidney stones or other urinary tract problems. Another thing I do is change the water every other day, they like to have their water moving so they paw the water before they drink. But with the blood in the urine it could point towards kidney problems. What brand of food are you feeding Nico? It could be time for a change, try alternating brands, have some of one brand one day and some of a different brand the next, then switch back to the one you fed the first day etc. Adding the tuna liquid to the water isn't the best idea as it doesn't flush the bladder and kidneys like plain water does. I figure that since I can get a gallon of bottled water for under a $1.20 it's better for them than the tap water with all the additives and other stuff that comes with it in the pipes from the city.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
21 May
I hope they can help him
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
22 May
@sallypup That's good
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
22 May
@wolfgirl569 For now Beau has been helped.
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@akalinus (41100)
• United States
21 May
I hope Beau Teak will be okay. Not being able to eat is an emergency. I'm glad you found someone to take you. It rained all around us but we did not get any here. When it gets too dry, there is a fire danger.
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@akalinus (41100)
• United States
21 May
@sallypup I hope they deep-cleaned the vet's facilities. No one wants Covid. Cats can get it too. Good l luck today. Do you know why his mouth hurts?
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
22 May
@akalinus Beau has infected gums. This reminds me of mouth cancer.
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
21 May
Thanks @akalinus. Beau had an appointment a copule of weeks ago then somebody in the Vet office got Covid so they shut down. I hope the Vet can figure out something today.
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@Dena91 (16060)
• United States
22 May
I am glad you found someone who could help you out with getting Beau to the vet
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
22 May
@Dena91 Me, too. That rain was nasty and the big rigs splashed water everywhere.
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@kaylachan (60588)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 May
If you have the time and space, leave the carrier out and make it feel like an extra bed. Don't wait until you need to use it, if you do, then the animal is going to view it as "bad" and will put up a fight. I don't have to take Chilly out much, but we leave his carrier for him and he loves it.
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@jstory07 (134833)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 May
I hope Beau Teak will be ok. I am glad you will have a ride.
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@just4him (311404)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 May
I hope all went well with the ride to the vet and Beau Teak is feeling better.
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@JudyEv (329059)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
I hope this all goes well for you. It's a tricky business I'm sure.
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@LindaOHio (161648)
• United States
22 May
Awwwwww poor Beau Teak Siamese. I hope the vet visit was successful and Beau Teak is in less pain. Have a good day.
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• Pakistan
22 May
Ensuring Beau Teak's comfort and health is the top priority, even if it means convincing him that the carrier is a safe and necessary place to be. Hopefully, with your care and the vet's expertise, Beau Teak will be feeling better soon.
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@dya80dya (34862)
21 May
What problem does he have with his mouth? I have a cat with a similar problem. The vet recommended we remove its teeth, but we have to travel to be able to do this.
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@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
21 May
@dya80dya Same stuff going on with Beau. Its like the teeth are cancer for him so yep, Vet says take them out. 2,000 last year for 12 teeth extracted. Now he wants more out.
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