It's the Day After

Sparta, Tennessee
May 22, 2024 6:41am CST
It's the day after the final and... I PASSED!!!! I passed with an 85% on the first try and I am over the moon about it! Now the next week is focused on practicals. Those are on June 4th. Then I have to register for the national exam. It's a lot of steps and hoops to jump through but it'll be worth it. My friend Chris had it rough. She had to take it twice because her mind was so occupied. She got news that she'll have to put her other dog Coco down. It is the same exact thing they had to put Holly down for so it hit so much harder. They took her home for the next couple days to just love and spoil her before it happens. Today I think I'll make fried apples and maybe get to the gummy bears. I wanted to yesterday but I ended up getting so freaked out about finals I was worried I would mess them up. I almost messed up the cookies but they turned out really good. I'm also finishing up laundry today. I got most of it done yesterday but when my husband got off work he went to work in the yard and forgot about the laundry. Not that I blame him, I'll just finish it today. I started a new puzzle which should take me into the weekend. I only work on it for about an hour in the mornings. It's another Nightmare Before Christmas and it will also give me time to get more puzzle glue. At some point today I'm also hoping to get some reading done. I keep losing track of time when I get to working on something. I think I might start coloring again too. I miss that. I have all day tomorrow free so I'll try to test out a new schedule and see how it works. I'm still trying to find my way. I did a live yesterday so people could do a type of online shopping but I think it was just too long. I think I'll need to break it down into multiple lives so people can see more of what is here rather than trying to be quick. No one watches an hour long live, that's just the way it is. I have a few more things to make today and I think I'll do a live to display them. I know that I need to do more of them, I just need to get adjusted and find a good time to do it when people are actually around lol. What is everyone else up to today?
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5 responses
@sharonelton (25936)
• Lichfield, England
22 May
I'm sorry I'm not sure what it is you've passed, but congratulations anyway! I'm sorry about your friends dog. I hope you get everything done that you need to do. I hope you are well. Have a nice day.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
22 May
Sorry, I guess I got excited lol. I passed the EMT book final.
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@sharonelton (25936)
• Lichfield, England
22 May
@JordanLader OK. What does EMT stand for? Sorry for my ignorance!
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• Sparta, Tennessee
22 May
@sharonelton No problem. Emergency Medical Technician. Once everything is done and I pass the rest of the course, I can get hired on at most ambulance services.
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@annierose (20211)
• Philippines
22 May
Congratulations on passing your final with flying colors! It sounds like you're on top of the world right now. It's understandable that practicals and the national exam might seem like a lot, but you've got this! I'm so sorry to hear about Chris and Coco. It's heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to a furry friend. It's beautiful that they're giving Coco all the love and spoiling she deserves in her final days. Fried apples and gummy bears sound like the perfect celebration treats! And it's great that the cookies turned out well despite the stress. Don't worry about the laundry mishap – it happens to the best of us. Starting a new puzzle sounds like a fun way to unwind, especially with "The Nightmare Before Christmas" theme! And getting lost in a book sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. Coloring sounds like a fantastic idea too! It's such a relaxing activity. Testing out a new schedule tomorrow sounds like a great plan – finding what works best for you is key. I'm sure your live shopping event was a hit, even if it was a bit long. Breaking it down into smaller segments sounds like a good idea for next time. As for me, I'll be tackling some errands and catching up on work today. But hearing about your plans has definitely brightened my day!
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@annierose (20211)
• Philippines
23 May
@JordanLader It sounds like you're managing to keep a positive outlook, Jordan! Errands do have a way of breaking up the routine, don't they? It’s great that you’re feeling on top of the world after your exam success. Keep that momentum going as you tackle your practicals and the national exam—you’re doing wonderfully! And I’m here cheering you on. Let’s both make the most of our days, whether it's tackling lists or enjoying those quieter moments.
• Sparta, Tennessee
22 May
I really am on top of the world lol. Errands can be fun or at least a reprieve from daily monotony. That's how I look at them...unless it's a huge list and it takes up most of the day lol. I'm glad I could brighten your day a bit :)
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
23 May
What said news to get before a test. Your poor friend. Congratulations on your success.
• United States
22 May
Congratulations on passing your exam!! I'm sure you'll do well on the upcoming ones too. Thanks for the recommendation on the Nora Roberts book Identity. I downloaded it on my Kindle. Hope you have a good day. Nothing much going on here today but I'm happy to have a quiet day.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
22 May
Oh that's great I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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@LindaOHio (161648)
• United States
23 May
Congratulations! Good job!!! Thanks so much for the update. It's good to know what's going on in your life. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's dog. That's really rough. Today I have someone coming to look at the broken window. Nothing else planned. Have a good day.