arguing children

June 2, 2007 9:02am CST
does anyone else out there have children who continually argue and bicker?? i have a daughter of 12 yrs and a son of 16 and they can't be in the same room together. am i the only mother to have children like this??
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8 responses
• United States
2 Jun 07
No you're not the only mother with this problem. There are many children who fight with older brothers/sisters only because of the physical and mental changes they are going through. As a male gets older, he thinks he should be the "Head Hancho". As the female gets older, she tends to be more sassy and "little miss know it all" towards others. I sure remember those days! I was 12 and my Sister was 17. We would fight constantly about who would get what, why she got it and I didnt, and I would always end up pouting it out till I got whatever she got! My mother sure hated it! Children argue for a few reasons, here's a few. 1. The physical/mental changes 2. Attention 3. Greed, jealousy, or they have the will to do it. 4. They're Children. They will grow out of it. Simply sit down with your children and talk to them. Tell them that it's your house and maybe set a few rules, like no tlaking back, no fighting. Things like that. Now, you don't HAVE to if you dont wanna... I don't want to tell youhow to raise your children its none of my business, but I just think this helped answer your question. Best of Luck! : )
@pinks0da (328)
• Philippines
2 Jun 07
No you're not alone dear. My brother and I used to be like that before, we have 5 years gap. We always argue, my mom would call us cats and dogs because we always fight. And I always thought that my mom favors my brother because he is younger. And there came a time when I thought I might be an adapted because I thought my mother takes side on my brother always (silly thoughts huh!). One time I went to my cousin's place for a month vacation and my mom said my brother was missing me. Don't worry, things will change as they grow mature and understand things better. Now that I am married, my brother lives with me and we are very close that he confides to me and seeks for my advice most of the time. So don't worry Diddydee, that's normal.
@tquick (102)
• United States
3 Jun 07
nope, your not alone.. I have 2 kids ages 9 & 7 boy and girl. They agrue all the time. I am talking about yelling, hitting, pushing.. sometimes it world world 3 in my house. I think they argue some much is because A. they are togother constantly, where we live there isn't many friends for them to play with, so they play togother alot. B. They are so much alike, its unreal C.Because they are kids! Kids will be kids! But with older kids, they especially love to agrue. My brother is older and used to pick on me all the time when we was younger and we would agrue. I Tammy
4 Jun 07
reading everybodys comments i guess i should sit back and thank heaven that my children are normal. argumentative but normal.
@mehale (2200)
• United States
2 Jun 07
No, you are definetly not the only one with children like that! Our daughter is 9 (will be 10 next month) and our son is 6. If one of them is not picking on the other or trying to start a fight, then the other one is! They constantly try to pick a fight, hit, pinch, or do some other mean thing to each other. It is enough to make you pull your hair out!!
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I am the youngest of nine children. We were constantly fighting about something and usually it was something stupid. I think that it is a natural phase that children go through. Siblings only see things the way that they want to see them, they don't look at it the same so they argue about it. My children are constantly fighting about something and usually it isn't anything important.
• United States
3 Jun 07
Sorry to say I have that problem with my sister and I. I am 24 and she is 30. We still can't be in the same room together. I think it might die out between your kids since they are girl and boy, eventually. But I think girls tend to bicker more..
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Diddy it is not just you that has to deal with hthis. My 11 and 4 year olds are the same way. And now that my son is almost two he's jumpig into it. There is never a quiet moment in our house, someone is always argueing about something. It's enough to make me want to rip my hair out some days.
• United States
2 Jun 07
No your not alone in this area! I have a 13 & 16 yr old that constantly fight over everything. Its a mad house here and I look forward to when they decide to go to sleep then it is quiet time for me! Good Luck! ;)