Dog abuse

United States
June 29, 2007 2:30pm CST
I am appauled, at how humans can be towards their pets. I live in the desert, in the USA. It is so hot. It is running about 113 degrees a up right now. On the news yesterday, they reported an owner that let their dog and her 4 puppies stay chained up outside with no shade or water. You guessed it, they died. What is your opinion about that? Why don't animals have laws to really protect them more?
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24 responses
@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
29 Jun 07
I can't believe they are people like these.We can't even call them human.I haven't pets except 3 turtles and I believe when you decide have any kind of pet you must take care like a child.They can't take care them self or ask help from anyone,is our job to give them what ever they need.If the responsibility is too much we just don't take any kind of pets. I wish it was a law ans strong one for punish these kind of *people*. It's so sad story.....
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• United States
29 Jun 07
I agree. Last week some idiot gave his pet snake a puppy to eat. It was horrible. He only got a little jail time for that. So sad.
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@pallidyne (858)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Well, before answering that--- what happened to the owner. In most states, there would be at least some charges applied, though again that would vary from state to state. Laws are meant to protect, but really they are punitive and reactive. Which is why I wonder at the legal reaction to this case.
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• United States
29 Jun 07
Nothing yet, just on the news. The other week some idiot fed his snake a puppy. He only got a little jail time for that one.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Jun 07
I don't know why they don't and hurts me each time when I read things like this People are not normal when they do this they are Murderers and I wish that a law for any Pet would be enforced
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Because they are animals. Just below us women back in the day. However on some farms the animals were even more important. We just need to begin to care more about others and animals than ourselves. Not so sure that will truely happen in this society. I hope those people will have to pay some fine and never be allowed to own another pet again.
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• United States
29 Jun 07
They will only get slapped on the wrists. Did you hear about the idiot that fed his pet snake the puppy dog? It was to teach his son some stupid something. He only got a little jail time. Not enough.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
1 Jul 07
Sorry feeding one pet to another is not a big deal to me. Motive aside. Anyway, stuff like this goes on and shows how we as a society value life and have morals...sliding away.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Jun 07
There are laws to protect animals; BUT, animals cannot report the abuse themselves. It takes people who are willing to become involved and file a complaint for abuse to come to the attention of the proper authorities. So, the real question is why didn't the neighbors get off their butts and either talk to the neighbors OR report the problem?
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• United States
29 Jun 07
Good point. But it depends where you live. The closer you are to a city, the easier it is. All one can do is report it to the humane society when they see this treatment. But, why do people treat animals like this? I hear horrible stories daily.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Jun 07
You do not have to call the humane society; you can dial 911 to report this type of abuse. I also live in an area where we are well over 110 degrees already and that is what the public service announcements recommend. Why do people mistreat their animals? The same reason they mistreat their children, spouse, and other people. Because we let them get away with it. IF, they are reported; it is investigated AND it sends a clear message that abuse is not acceptable. Some abusers do it because they learned it from an abusive parent. Others do it because it gives them a sense of power. Some do it because their religion tells them to do it. But, the ONLY way to stop it is report it. If abuse is never reported; the abuser thinks it is OK and acceptable. If they serve time, pay a fine, etc.; they learn it is not acceptable.
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• United States
29 Jun 07
Your advise is wonderful. Do you think more people will get involved, or let someone esle do it, attitude?
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• Canada
29 Jun 07
You want to see what so called humans do to their pets? Check out Animal Planet, i.e. Animal Patrol and other programs like A.P. Houston, New York, Miami, Phoenix, this program is on usually Tues, Wed & Thursdays, there are no words to what I would like to do to these people, the abuse is unbelievable and the different states have different laws, so far, I think the toughest state is Texas, they do not fool around there, my only regret is that these things can't get stiffer sentences. God help the person who I see abusing an animal because they would need his help.
• United States
29 Jun 07
I know what goes on, and it sickens me. How on earth can people be this way?
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
1 Jul 07
That is a horrible thing for anyone to do to their pets. It is dangerous to leave our pets out in the extreme heat or extreme cold and people can be arrested and fined here where I live for doing something like that. It is animal abuse by doing something like that. I feel terrible for the dog and the puppies and hope the owner gets punished.
• United States
29 Jun 07
If people assume the responsibility of a pet owner they need to do what is necessary to maintain the health and well being of the animal. If they fail to do so because of neglect they should be held responsible for their actions.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
30 Jun 07
That's terrible. And someone fed their snake a puppy? Crazy! Some people are just mean but I cannot understand why anyone would be motivated to hurt a dog or puppy. Most all they ever want to do is love you.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
29 Jun 07
That is sad. The owners need to be chained up outside for a day or two. Pet owners have to be responsible. What is the sense of having a pet if you mistreat it? I hope you are staying cool.
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• United States
29 Jun 07
Good idea. It would make a great punishment. Too bad they don't have the feelings they should, owning a pet. So very sad. I am trying to stay cool. My kitties are indoors with me. It is 77 to 80 inside the house. It is 122 degrees on my porch. Are you cool?
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
29 Jun 07
No problem here. It is only 78 right now. Hardly gets into the low 90's that much. Maybe late next week. It has been pleasant, little rain and fairly cool at night. 122 degree is totally out of the question That is about 40 degrees past my
• United States
30 Jun 07
That's horrible! I think they should put the owner in jail for that! Those poor puppy dogs! Can you imagine how much they suffered? How terrible! It's like the parents of small children who leave their kids in a hot car or in a car by themselves at all. A couple of days ago when I went down to the store, this woman was allowing her small child to run ahead of her. He was at least half a block in front of her and she turned onto a sidewalk where she couldn't even see him while she looked at someone's food stand then she walks back out and yells for him to come there and she was walking across the street with cars coming. This is Los Angeles and that child could have been snatched and gone in a few seconds and she might never have seen him again. She was just oblivious to the dangers. I wanted to jerk her and let her know what could happen to him. Of course, she probably didn't speak much English so I probably would have been wasting my time. I'm just amazed at how careless parents and animal owners can be.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
7 Jul 07
There are laws that do protect our pets. Unfortunately it is hard to prosecute when people don't turn people in for doing these heinous things. That is sad what happened to those pus and their mother. I honestly consider it to be murder. How can someone do that to their pet? I thought about that and my dog, what if I did that to Miko? I could never!
• United States
1 Jul 07
I live in southern Colorado. It's desert-like and gets very hot. I do not let my dogs go outside for extended periods of time in the summer. I make them stay inside in the a/c, even though they usually prefer to be outside. My yard doesn't have enough shade, and even if it did, I think 100 degrees is too hot for anything to be outside for extended periods. I have a neighbor who would tie their dog up to their fence on a 6 ft. leash. The dog would have no water, no food, no shade, and the dog couldn't get anywhere comfy, as it couldn't reach the grass. It was stuck on the rocks. I did call animal control to have them checked out, and since then I haven't seen the dog outside by itself.
• United States
7 Jul 07
The problem is that some people don't have any idea that owning a pet is a lot of work. They think that it will be fun. They get it beacuse it was cute or they wanted something to play with. Then they get it home and have no idea how to care for it nore do they want to. Some people just have no sence of responsibility.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
30 Jun 07
That is so sad. I wish the laws were better for the animals. If I had my way, those people responsible would have been put through the same conditions those poor dogs were put through.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
30 Jun 07
oh my goodness that is horrible how could someone be so horrible, when my dogs are chained up outside they are on a trace (wire thing that their lead runs along) and they both have kennels and near trees and also plenty of sun. and both love water so they both have big enough containers to jump in if they want(which they do) my partner even lets them inside if its too hot or too cold. there should be laws to protect animals, people can be so cruel
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
30 Jun 07
That owner or owners should be taken outside and tied up with no shade and water for enough time for them to see what it's like to be in that situation. I don't see the big deal if the dog wasn't tied up, because she would of been able to find shade for her and her four babies, and try to find water. My female dogs stays inside doesn't matter what the temp. is outside. They are like my kids, funny they act just like my two girls. So in total, I have four girls, and they will always be my babies.
@sidoney (1033)
• Jamaica
30 Jun 07
I hate people who wants pets and don't know how to care them same thing goes for kids or for anything but the least they can do is try to get an understanding of how to take care of their pets
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
30 Jun 07
This story really f*ckin p*isses me the f*ck off- sorry mylot users if I have offended any of your with my language. but coming from the standpoint of being the owner of a beautiful dog (as you can see by my avatar)- I think these people should be left out in the exact same heat- so they can see what torture they put this animal through. I have trouble putting Karma in her pen for too long if she has misbehavied (mind you her pen is right under the air conditioner and very much cushioned) because I feel so bad about locking her up for too long. I am actually in the process of making a descision of whether to call animal control on my neighbors because they leave thier little mut dog tied to a dog house with no shade. The dog is all matted and I get so angry because all it does is bark- and me being such an animal lover - I really believe this dog is asking for help! I know the people because I actually work at the same organization as the woman of the house- I just don't want any trouble though. I'm not sure what I should do. As far as the laws to protect animals- I believe that the legislation was presented recently with a strickter law concerning animal abuse- not sure how far it has gotten.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
30 Jun 07
This is very disturbing to me. I have no respect for any person that would do this to a animal. They are human too and if they are chained or penned up, they can not take care of their selves. How would the owr feel if they were made to be outside in the heet with mo food or water? This is inhumane.