Do you sometimes rate responses to your discussions but don't respond?

I rate but don't respond sometimes! - mylot logo
United States
December 9, 2007 8:17am CST
I have to admit that sometimes I get lazy and will just make it a point to rate the responses to my discussions and not respond to them. I don't know if I'm right but I think I'm helping the responders by giving them that plus. Am I right? Do you get lazy and just don't feel like responding after reading responses so you just rate them?
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20 responses
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
10 Dec 07
Sometimes I will just rate the responses to my discussions, ctry, but it's not due to laziness. Some of the responses are so similar that they begin to get repetitive, so I don't believe in commenting on the same point over and over. I will give them a plus rating for their contribution. I also sometimes give one-line responses a plus.
• United States
10 Dec 07
I've given one liner responses a plus only if they deserve it. Some one liners say nothing at all and to me mean nothing to the discussion.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Dec 07
A lot of the time I do. I have only had a few discussions where i had more than 30 responses and it can get tiring trying to respond to them without repeating yourself LOL so yes, sometimes I just rate and move on to the next response.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
When I start getting to the point that I'm repeating myself I stop and go to another one of my discussions until the next day when I think I'll have a different view of the subject and something new to say.
@GardenGerty (158310)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Well, the way I have been doing this, and what I have understood is that you do not really gain by answering (commenting on) every response that you receive in your discussion. You do not get paid for it, so many people do not do it at all. Some people do not even rate those responses, but I do because it does, at the very least, help their ratings. Do not call yourself lazy, as sometimes you may just not have anything to say, or any time to say it, which is me, at this time. Time is a serious crunch. That is also why I have not started any new discussions this week. I may today, though, as we are iced in, and I am going to be at home all day, cooking and cleaning. Any time I am given the option of rating someone, I will go ahead and do it. I think it reflects on you, as well.
• United States
10 Dec 07
Isn't it great having mylot to turn to when the weather is bad and we've done our housecleaning? I'm not positive but I thought we did get paid for the responses we gave when members reply to our discussions.
• United States
10 Dec 07
Sometimes I will rate without responding. I will respond when I have additional comments to add to the discussion - so I rate almost all, but respond to maybe about a quarter of the responses - but sometimes my response is longer than my original topic.
@quentina (109)
• China
10 Dec 07
I appreciated everyone who gave me responces.I ususlly read it seriously and learned something new from them.but sometimes i actually didn't have a feedback to them.In my opinion,it's unnecessary to make a responce to every comments expecting you have some new and unique viewpoints as additional.Not responces didn't mean being lazy.of coure,it's sure to be good for you giving every comment feedback.but in fact we have enough time to finish to understand everyone here.:)
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• United States
10 Dec 07
I also do this when I have nothing left to say. Since thanking them for the response is against the rules and it is time consuming, if I have nothing more to add, I don't add it. Additionally I often have a hard time going back to discussions that I commented on and then had a response to. Sometimes I do, but most of the time it takes a lot of work and I don't have anything left to say...
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I just don't have the time on the computer to answer every response, but I do read them and try to rate them all. I think it is important we all support each other by rating our discussions.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
I think it's an important part of mylot to support our friends here. Without them our earnings would be very low wouldn't they?
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
10 Dec 07
I think it just depends on the individual. I like giving replies to all of the responses to my discussions. I feel like it's letting the people know that I am actually reading and paying attention to what they are saying. Of course, there are times when I get lazy enough that it's a week or so before I start in with my replies. Then I end up kicking myself for getting so far behind. ;-)
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
10 Dec 07
Don't feel bad hon. I got so far behind before Thanksgiving, that I finally ended up turning off all of my email notifications because it was so overwhelming each time I opened my inbox. ;-)
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• United States
10 Dec 07
Lately I feel like I'm always behind but of course it's because with the holiday coming I've been very busy. I'm sure others are going through the same thing.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I am not big on starting discussions.I have found that i do very well just answering others discussions.When i do start a discussion i will answer all of them and rate them, but if i were to open a lot of discussions i would probably get tired of answering each one too.I have found that answering a lot of discussions i can do much better.i think for me i get better pay just by answering...
• United States
10 Dec 07
I think everyone has their own way of working mylot to make their earnings. I find that starting discussions helps me more. There are so many times I can't find enough discussions to respond to.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
10 Dec 07
Well i mostly respond to everyone i can and not giving rates.I think it's more neat to answer them then to only rate them. But it's not that i'm lazy i just don't get may responses and everyone who responds all have good responses so i don't think it's fair of me to rate one of them because they are all good.
• United States
9 Dec 07
I try to always respond. It helps move the discussion back up to the top if you respond. I always rate because it helps the other person with their rating. I respond to discussions of others more than I start discussions of my own.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
That's another good reason that I forgot about! It does help get the discussion moved to the top!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
11 Dec 07
You know I have had quite a few that I have rated with best response.Others I just haven't. Not on purpose,just the way it turns out. But I can see your point.There do get to be alot huh?.Some I admit I don't respond to.
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• United States
9 Dec 07
well i dont respond to every single responder but i usually do atleast once or 2 in everyone and i rate all of mine... i try to do alittle of everything..
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
10 Dec 07
The guideline rules say not to comment to a response unless it is to answer a question or to add more information. You shouldn't just comment with a thank you for posting or I am rating you. The comment has to relate to the response and the discussion. So I do not always have a comment to add to the response on my discussion. But like you, I do rate them. If it's a response that is too short I don't give it a rate at all, I don't want to give anyone a negative, but if it has quality and is of a good length, as the rules say, i will give it a plus rating. Yes this does help the person responding with their star number and rating.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
11 Dec 07
You are so right, my friend. I didn't need the link, though I thank you for it. I have read every thing there is to read in this site before I started working it. I know you are not supposed to just say thank you, but sometimes there is nothing to add to the persons response so I don't comment.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Dec 07
I always respond where it needs responding it is very rare that I do not respond to anyone unless it does not require responding
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@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
10 Dec 07
I do this, only because sometimes I don't know how to answer the discussion but others that have answered sound like great answers. I can only answer some of the questions or help some people on this great website. I wish i could answer more questions. maybe then would my rating be higher. I am tring to get to 500 before Jan.
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• United States
11 Dec 07
For me it isn't about being lazy or not feeling like it , there are some posts that I have nothing to add to the discussion but I didn't like what I read so I rate the post with a + and then I go to the next post.I rate Everything I read but I don't respond to everything I read.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
Yes im also guilty of doing this. The reason i do it is more so because sometimes i dont have time to make a response. I usually go back later on and do it though. But sometimes it is because im just too lazy to reply. And yes i think your right about helping responders. I think thats what bring our feedback up/down. I think i also read that by giving feedback we make more.
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@chunter (1759)
• Singapore
9 Dec 07
Sometimes I don't reply to my discussions.....I prefer to see what other mylot members are saying in mine... I do rate them most of the time, but I hardly reply back into the same discussion
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@star2453 (129)
• United States
10 Dec 07
I havent rated anyone, i didn't even know we could do that, will check it out. I'm still new.
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