Can Someone Give Me My Voice Back?

@KrauseHome (36448)
United States
April 28, 2008 2:24pm CST
Seriously, I have had this Bad Cold, Sore throat, etc. since last Wednesday. It got to the point I woke up with no real voice on Saturday and it is still gone for the most part. I am going back to see my Doctor again to see if their is something out there that can help. As I am a Calltaker for a Cab company, I really need to be able to talk to people to be able to input their information and send them a Cab. I am still running a mild fever all of the time too. So overall, I am not feeling the best at all yet. And since I am Diabetic, my numbers are running all over the board no matter what I do. So it has been no Fun, and I still am feeling like Death warmed over. I am really wondering if someone has found my voice, and if so can you please return it? I know it is doing you no good either...
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14 responses
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Apr 08
KrauseHome yeah I just felt it poke me in the shoulder and wake me up here at the keyboard where I was typing. I told you voice to hear back to you as you really need it. so hopefully he will be toddling along and e with you in a shorttime. lol I told it that it did not belong here and that you were really in need of it at guess he is on his way back to you
@Jemina (5770)
28 Apr 08
Didn't you give it to Ursula in exchange of having feet? Maybe your father, Poseidon can help you take it back from your wicked aunt. Anyway, when I was a child and I get a flu or sore throat, my mom would apply oil on my neck and wrap it with muffler. The next day I would feel better. Ginger is also good for sore throat, colds and flu. I find it very relieving to chew a ginger and bite on it lightly to let the spicy juice out and it gets the phlegm out.
@mansha (6298)
• India
29 Apr 08
nothing works like ginfger, lemon, cinnamon and black epper mixed tea or plain water if you can have it. sip some salt mixed water only a pinch of salt , like the water you use for gargeling. Its all grandma's recipies. If you were in India I wqould have recommended tea masala of Everest or Gurukul Kangdi tea. It clears the throat in just two days if you have it thrice daily. If you can't get it you can use the tea I suggested. If you can have licorice just chewing on it will help your throat. Licorice is also called spanish licorice or mulethi. I hope I was of some help.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Apr 08
I am so sorry to hear that you are not well and I really hope that you will feel better soon I am coming sown with a cold here to which means another Doc Trip lol But seriously I do hope that you will get better and get your Voice back soon
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@cheenlly (3477)
• Philippines
29 Apr 08
hi, sorry to hear about losing your voice. The only thing i can say to you is try to get some day off work for a couple of days until your voice is back or until it's get better. I'm sure your doctor would say that too. Since your voice is your bread and butter or if not your still using it in your work so it is very important that you take care of your voice. Make some rest and as much as possible while you are in rest at home you have to talk less until it's ok and try to drink fruit juices or lemon in a luke warm water, it will somehow helps. Hope your voice will be back soon, remember avoid talking a lot or using your voice for the mean time if you really want your voice back. HOpe this helps. Have a nice day. God bless!
• United States
28 Apr 08
i just got over being sick and i was not happy about what my gendmother made me do but it helped she took a shot of whiskey and hot water and honey mixed it together and made me drink it as fast as i could then covered me up with lots of blankets and i sweated out the fever and as far as the voice try hot tea with honey hope this helps
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I think I know where your voice went. A little over a week ago I had a bit of a sore throat and my grandma said to drink piping HOT coca-cola for a day or two and guess what? Within 48 hours my throat returned to normal and my voice got so much sweeter sounding that I've begun to sing all the time! Can't figure it out at all, cause I never sang before! Where you a singer? I think I'll keep this voice but I do hope you feel lots better soon!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
29 Apr 08
i will make a very honest confession krausehome... i accidentally found your voice wandering around outside my house... so i send it back to you as soon as i can... hope you will get well soon... get lots of rest and drink lots of water please... take care and God Bless you...
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• Philippines
29 Apr 08
Awwww..sorry to hear about your condition. Maybe you can boil some water put it on a basin and put some mint on it or balm. And cover yourself and inhale the scent. Put some balm on your neck back and chest when you're at home to soothe your cough. And don't drink cold water warm would be good. Gargle Bactidol if you have that. It's a good gargle and helps me with my cough most of the times. Hope this helps to get your voice back.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Since you have a fever it is probably more serious that to be just a cold. To hang on for a week indicates to me that you probably will need an antibiotic to clear up the problem. I am not a doctor but I have been through enough sick kids to recognize that this is probably the case. I hope you will go back to the doctor for a second look. Good luck on getting your voice back.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I've been doing way too much talking lately, you can borrow mine, my family will thank you. If this is a virus, it sure is hanging on way too long for ya. That fever doesn't sound good. Are you drinking teas or any hot fluids, not a cure but might help a little.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I'm responding through my email so I don't know what suggestions that you have already been given. But the one that comes to my mind is hot tea with lemon and honey. Or another one, simply gargle with some warm salt water. Hope you find your voice soon!
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29 Apr 08
The best medicine for sore throat is to gorgle in warm water with salt. Additional information is that you should add more amount of salt (dont add a pinch of salt to warm water and expect it to become alright)like 2 spoons of salt for a glass of warm water and then check out the results.
• India
29 Apr 08
Hi Dear, This is to tell you that I have a pretty natural solution of your challenge. 1) First you start thinking of the things which make you feel happy. 2) Stop speaking that your voice is not proper 3) Start literally speaking that you r fit and healthy. and you have pretty beautiful, soft, attractive voice. Start practically doing these. I have experience these theories in my life, so many time. Believe me there is nothing to loose in it and I am giving you the guarantee.
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