Lately on mylot

April 29, 2008 2:32pm CST
When I first joined mylot, interesting and meaningful discussions were abundant. I could easily find a discussion to post a reply in, then keep coming back to read what others had to say. Now, I don't know if its just me, but lately I have been seeing less of these interesting conversation starters and more pointless and empty discussions. It really bothers me because I know that mylot is a great place, but because of all these people starting aimless discussions I am starting to post on mylot less and less. Has anyone else noticed the decline in meaningful discussions, am I coming online at the wrong times, or is it just my imagination?
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16 responses
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
30 Apr 08
I also feel the same thing that lately quality discussions are missing from mylot. Members are not posting interesting discussions, as they should have. One thing I can suggest you, you please have a look at my discussions and see if they evoke any kind of interest in you or do you find them interesting to reply.
• Canada
30 Apr 08
Thanks for your response. I will take a look at your discussions. I'm sure they are interesting, as your reply to my discussion shows you put alot of effort into your posts.
@jlcook (166)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I agree with you, I find myself not reading to many posts. The only ones I see an abundance of are about making money. Now I myself am interested in ways of making money on the internet, but I'd rather find a meaningful discussion as well. Have a good one
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• Canada
29 Apr 08
I'm glad to see you agree. Thanks for your response.
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
29 Apr 08
With so many topics to choose from there has to be an abundance of intersts to make a discussion from so that you can have quality responses from. 120 thousand members will always help us out. Have a great day from Deeeky.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
30 Apr 08
With so many members in myLot, there should be a fair share of interesting and thought-provoking discussions each day. Maybe if we dig deeper and not just focus on the more current discussions (those started perhaps in the past half day) or the top discussions, there may be gems buried in there somewhere. I feel it is good to have a mixed bag of discussions, including the easier and more mundane ones, so that at least we have some posts to offer if the more interesting ones are not to be found. It does occur to me though that there are many repetitive discussions and topics, but you know what, each time I post a response to a similar discussion, I try and share something different, so I vary my writing style and content, and not do any copy and paste from something I wrote previously.
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• Canada
30 Apr 08
Yes, it is good to have easier conversations, but these easy going conversations do not have to be completley pointless and, as you said, repetitive. But I do agree, that somewhere here on mylot are the sorts of discussions I am looking for. Lately they are just alot harder to find. Thank you for your response.
30 Apr 08
I agree with you. Every morning I visit myLot and find only 4-5 discussions to respond to. Everything else is just junk. I think everyone who starts these idiotic topics is here for the money which they can very easily make by a prt time job which requires less time than myLot. I hope they quit doin it.
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• Canada
30 Apr 08
Exactly. Although I don't hope they actually quite mylot, just that they start posting useful topics.
@wildfruit (233)
• Philippines
29 Apr 08
Well personally, I'm still excited about MyLot since I'm a new member. So I honestly can't relate to what you're saying.. But it's good that you're being honest. I just feel that if you think that discussions here are becoming less interesting, why don't you be the one to initiate and start interesting discussions instead? :) Maybe it will give people ideas on new and more interesting topics :)
• Canada
29 Apr 08
Yes, that is very true. I could very well be the one to start new and interesting topics. Thanks for your response.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I find it goes in spurts, and it also depends on the time of day, or the mood you are in when you are wanting to post on here. Anytime I come here and it seems like there is nothing to post too, then I leave here for a while and try again later. Because so many diverse type of people are typing here, and a lot of them about different types of issues, there is always new stuff here all of the time. For me, what I sometimes do, is go check out some of the discussions in some of my interests to see if there is something there I could respond back too when I cannot find anything else. Welcome to myLot, and wishing you the best.
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
30 Apr 08
Over the last few months, there have been many times where I've logged into mylot, had a look around and then just logged out without doing anything. I have had a hard time finding discussions that appeal to me, or I think I've got something worthwhile to add. I have also wondered whether it was me, whether I was also logging in at the wrong time. I do wonder if it is because there are so many people on mylot, there are just too many discussions to comb through to find the ones that appeal. I guess if I was here for the money, it wouldn't worry me so much, and I'd just post responses to any discussion!
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
29 Apr 08
C'mon yall,what other reason did you join myLot for?but for the money first and foremost then maybe for some discussions about other topics or happenings occurring around the globe.Most of my discussions and or posts are about earning extra money online,but,not all of them. I mostly reply to discussions that interest me and sometimes there are not alot of them out here on this forum.
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@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
30 Apr 08
Sometimes I feel that way too. Even me,I can't seem to start a new topic but what I do is I really scan those discussions (new) and others... so far I find some discussion still interesting that I haven't replied to.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
30 Apr 08
I agree with you. These last few days, I've been having a hard time looking for discussions that I can post comments to. Even the topics about my interests doesn't interest me anymore.
• Canada
30 Apr 08
hi captainmorgan, i think there are a nice variety of open discussions to choose from. sometimes i want to just "play" and not want to go into something that is all that meaningful or interesting. some days i am feeling "deep" and want to read or discuss with people that have like interest. i do think as mylot grows you will see a larger number of topic thats do not interest you. i also know as mylot grows you will see more topics that will interst you. i like the topic "artist" but there is not much discussion going on there lately. i think it is up to me to start some conversation that interest me in that area..first i need to do laundry, have a cup of tea, walk down to the store for toilette paper....does it ever end!?
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Apr 08
i am new here, so i really can't tell you if that's the case. but what i can say at this point of time, i post, i respond so discussions, but truly, i only post on which i am interested, i start a topic to open my feelings, my likes and dislikes, from where i am now...
• Pakistan
30 Apr 08
hi how are you............ i hope u recognise the avatar,,, my other id moon317317 is not working properly... so i have made this one....
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
30 Apr 08
i think it will be good if you can start some good discussions. i never feel lack of good discussions here. still i think few feel so. it will be great idea that some of you start nice ones so that we all can reply to them.
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
30 Apr 08
I agree with you to some degree.Last week I didn't post or respond to any discussions at all.I thought I was stuck here,I didn't even want to start a discussion.Then I thought to myself maybe it's not the discussions,it's me,I didn't have the same passion myLotting as before.After a long time of period I was a little bored.But I didn't give up.I started respond to discussions the day before yesterday.Though it's not as interesting as before,but I think we could still have fun here.