Green aliens and UFOs said to visit UK: secret files

@MsTickle (25180)
May 13, 2008 11:13pm CST
From : This is all a bit strange yes? Where does all this stuff come from? When I think of Area 51 and the stories that evolved from that I just can't imagine who thinks up these ideas and how they get spread and become so huge. I mean, I've seen photos of the "aliens" from the crashed spaceship at Roswell. It is all false. Do you believe in aliens, UFOs and other such things? Please state what makes you think these things are true.
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14 responses
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
16 May 08
Hi MsTickle, Actually, it doesn't make sense to "believe in" UFOs, because there's no question whatsoever that UFOs exist - belief doesn't enter into the equation. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object - and there's plenty of flying objects that have never been identified. As to whether one "believes in" creatures from other planets, or something else along those lines, well, that's an entirely different question. Id' rather put a different perspective on the matter of whether one "believes" or not. I do neither - I have an open mind on the subject, which means that I have drawn no conclusion either way. One doesn't have to "believe in" or not "believe in" creatures from outer space. One can choose not to accept either proposition as a given. Same as Evolution and Creationism, really. All of them have religious overtones to them - and no-one has to accept any of them if they choose not to. I DO believe that extraplanetary vehicles exist, and are in use. Whether they're operated exclusively by humans, or if some other agency is involved, I wouldn't hazard a guess. But the record shows that some very unusual vehicles HAVE been operating in our atmosphere over the past decades - including some that appear to operate outside the bounds of accepted physical principles. It should be fairly plain that the sensationalist stuff pumped out by the mass media is just prepackaged entertainment served up for crowd-control purposes. Misinformation and nonsense for the most part, carefully crafted to distract the lemmings from any real data. So we mostly have no idea what's really going on - but a bit of logic will lead to the conclusion that it's not ALL smoke and mirrors - there's some substance hidden in there somewhere, that we're probably not meant to be able to find.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
I love your clarity of thinking and your ability to put thought to screen.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
I think when people say "Do you believe in UFOs?" they are really asking ..."Do you think UFOs are alien space craft?"
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 May 08
The only thing about Roswell is the found a metal that they can copy
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 May 08
I too hgave seen the photos and if it is a hoax the Government did it. But we also have area 51 here that no one is allowed to go near. its in the middle of the airforce base close to where trhey practice the jets shooting and bombing. well they use to do that t sure they do any more I think they are mostly dry runs now. THere is such a cover up of what happened way back then at Roswell that no one can really be sure and I dont think it was a weather ballon!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
I've seen photos of aliens that were supposedly killed when their space craft crashed...who would go to so much trouble to create such a hoax???
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
17 May 08
When you consider the vast expanse of space and the number of planets out there it is perfectly reasonable to assume that life must exist elsewhere. I find it difficult to accpet that life may not have evolved on another planet in another solar system. As for having visited Earth, the chances are impossible to calculate. Just because there are so many false and ridiculous claims does not mean that a few claims of sightings are not genuine.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
Anything is possible I guess.
@mummymo (23706)
14 May 08
I couldn't get the link to works MsTickle but I wonder if they will make a trip to Scotland? lol I do believe there are other life forms out there on other planets - I don't really know why I believe it or what form they would take but I just think it would be too weird if we were the only planet with any life forms at all! xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
I've never really thought about it actually. I'd sort of like there to be 'others' but the idea of 'them' being more advanced, more intelligent and unfriendly or very different to us scares me a lot.
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@mummymo (23706)
17 May 08
I think it is just the thought that they were unfriendly that would scare me! xx
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@gemini_rose (16264)
17 May 08
I have asked myself this question over and over again, do I believe, the answer is that I really do not know. I have seen programmes and I have just read your link, and either some folks have got amazing imaginations or there is something. But if this were the case then how come we do not see anything strange, I for one never have. Maybe if I did see something, then I would believe, but then how would I convince others that I was just not imagining things!! It is all really strange.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
I would like to know why people go to such lengths to create a hoax even. The trouble they go to is very strange.
• China
15 May 08
I don't care if it true or not...I really believe that...The most important thing I do care is that they are friends or enemy...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
Friends or enemies...yes, that is my main concern as well. We have enough problems with hostility here on earth without extra threats from outer space.
@weemam (13372)
14 May 08
I believe there are things out there and we will never see them pal , I think there are things that will never be explained , I am really interested in everything to do with the paranormal . but I wouldn't delve into it in case I find out to much :) :) xx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
I don't have such strong beliefs as you wee but I wouldn't delve into it either. I'm such a coward.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
14 May 08
From what I have seen(that wasn't digitally mastered) I say they aren't real. If they were wouldn't they be like showing the world that they finally had real proof instead of all that other cr'ap they have out?Area 51 is probably just a base probably for undercover agents, if they are really any of those either anymore. So until we have more proof about these things I am stradling the fence about it.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
According to Wikipedia...:"Area 51 is a remote tract of land in the southwestern portion of Lincoln County in southern Nevada in the western United States. Situated at its center, on the southern shore of a dry lakebed (salt lake), is a large military airfield, one of the most secretive places in the world. The base's primary purpose is to support development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems" I'm willing to believe but like you, on the fence.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 May 08
...I can't say that I do... but I do believe in fairy godmothers.. and dang it, I just know she's gonna show up one of these days.. - Actually.. I do believe in them (not fairy godmothers, but aliens) in a way.. I think of them as alien entities, those romantic figures, the fallen angels.. High occult figures (like aleister crowley, children of the golden dawn, that guy that's the head of scientology, and others) keep trying to "open portals so alien entities from other dimensions can come through" - maybe that's what's wrong these days, anyway it doesn't seem to be helping much of anything..
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
Oh dear, I don't think I'd like it to be them. Aleister Crowley delved into the black arts didn't he? And ...what's his name, can't think of it just now, scientology all about power and control and money as far as I'm concerned.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
14 May 08
Yes I believe with all my heart in UFO's and life outside this earth. I have seen a UFO, spacecraft, flying saucer, what ever you want to call it. It was directly above my head, I saw it along with my sister. It was not from this earth, I know it. It was round,, quiet, very bright white. It hovered above us, as we ran it followed us. Then it just took off. This was seen at a time when many other UFO's were spotted thruout the world. I was a kid but big enough to remember and know what I saw. This happened in the late 60's possibly early 70's.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
Oh my goodness. How alarming. Were you scared? I wonder why they haven't made themselves known to us. Maybe they have and it's been kept secret?
@raydene (9871)
• United States
14 May 08
Hi Hon My X was always seeeing ufos and talking about government coverups and the like... I hope he gets abducted! hehe xoxoxoxoxo
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
Turns out he was a bit strange anyway...if he were abducted they'd probably throw him
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
16 May 08
Hi Ms Tickle! Anything is possible! I do respect other people when they say they believe and that they have seen the UFOs. I would of course would ask many questions and be inquisitive about it if I know the person who claims to have experienced such encounters. I will be curious, of course. But at the moment I don't believe in them since i have not yet seen any alien nor have seen a UFO. I haven't talked to anyone who have valid claims but who knows for sure? Take Care and God Bless! Happy Mylotting!
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
UFO Basically means Unidentified Flying Object so that could even be a bird who species a person doesn't know flying in the sky. A lot of sightings can be explained but there are a percentage that can't. I personally saw years ago something in the sky at Ottershaw in Surrey which is by Horsell Common where H.G. Wells wrote his book the War of his Worlds was it something like this that gave him his inspiration, who knows. Ellie :D
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@sconibear (8016)
• United States
14 May 08
i don't know if UFOs have actually been here to Earth (i've never seen one) but i do believe in all probability, somewhere they do exist. i mean how big must our heads be to think that out of all the billions and billions of stars and planets in the universe that we're the only planet that has developed intelligent life. and i'm pretty sure that some of those planets with intelligent life, there must be at least a few that are more advanced than we are. just think what people a couple of hundred years ago would have thought if someone told them some day man will fly like birds, land on the moon, or communicate with other people from all over the world by typing a keyboard and looking at a "lit up" screen. They would have locked you up in an asylum.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 May 08
And I'm sure too that behind the scenes there is a lot of secret, scientific developement that we know nothing about. I wonder if we will ever get to meet with our counterparts from other worlds.