Do you check the response you type before submitting?

mylot - Picture of mylot
@smilyn (2967)
United States
June 4, 2008 3:51am CST
Mylotters are great in sharing their views. Every one posts atleast 10 responses in a day..So there has to be a speed in typing and posting the responses.Sometimes I find typographical mistakes in few responses and posts.Do you ever re-read the response you type?Do you check the response for any mistake before submitting?
5 responses
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I type half way decently so I don't bother looking over my responce before I send it. Have you tripped over some of these posts though? I can understand if someone doesn't have some sort of mastery over the English language, but some of these posts seem to be written by three year olds! Misspelled words, incorrect verbage, etc! I don't even bother with them. How can I repond to a post I can't even read!
@smilyn (2967)
• United States
4 Jun 08
yes, I too have seen many posts with lots of mistakes.I think they don't like to spend time on re-reading their own posts before submitting....For me, spelling mistakes are ok..Because that happens to all of us while typing fastly..but grammatical mistakes are terrible.. I can't even understand the meaning of posts at times.
• United States
4 Jun 08
I teach school for a living so it is natural to me to read things with a critical angle. Sounds like you are really busy with the editing thing! It would personally drive me insane!
• United States
4 Jun 08
Hey King. I'm like you. If there are posts that have the type of mistakes you mentioned that make the message to where I cannot understand it, I don't bother with it either. I don't even like to see chat speak in these types of sites either. I belong to a writing site where members rate the articles that are posted. Sometimes I don't even get past the first paragraph, especially when the writer does not mentioned the topic in some form or if there are spelling and grammatical mistakes. One of my internet friends had asked me to read his ebook. I did not get past the first paragraph and right away I told him he needs and editor. I almost volunteered to be that editor.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I usually look over my response before submitting it but sometimes I'm in a rush or I simply forget. I don't take the time to preview usually so, once I hit the Post button, it's gone.
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@figjam00 (1445)
• India
4 Jun 08
When I first joined mylot I used to type a bit slower but after spending couple of months with mylot I type faster. But yes there seems to be bit typographical mistakes in some responses but not that big so as to change the meaning of the word. I don't recheck the response but in this post I will !!!
@smilyn (2967)
• United States
4 Jun 08
ha..ha..I enjoyed your response..When we try to type fast, typographical mistakes do occur.That happens to all of us..But it is not wrong unless the words can be understood..
@Pixelus (151)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
haha i just thought of this a while ago. yes and no is my definite answer to that. yes! that is when i just started commenting or replying to the discussions. that is at the morning where my energy is up :) and no! when i just made several comments already and feel lazy and tired to re-read my post. hehe just being honest. so if you have seen my reply with wrong grammar or spelling, probably im tired that time like now. peace! :)
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@smilyn (2967)
• United States
4 Jun 08
ha..ha..that is true..When we are fresh and active, we are very careful with our posts..But as time passes, we just type and submit...wish you can post yet another response in the time spent on re-reading the same..
• India
4 Jun 08
I have just started mylotting and I too do atleast 10 posts in a day.Usually I don't make any mistake while typing a response or post but even after that I do check my response once so as to avoid any grammatical mistake or to check if I have written some wrong sentence. Even after this I give 10 responses in approx 1 Hour. Actually I did the typing practice too much in my school days.And this is the benefit I am having now. Happy Mylotting!!!!
@smilyn (2967)
• United States
4 Jun 08
That is great..your typing skill helps you is always good to re-read the response before submitting..I do it too..Welcome to mylot and my best wishes to you..