Have you made a Will - I did mine today

@ellie333 (21016)
June 10, 2008 5:15pm CST
They say if you have property, children or a partner you should make one. No one likes to think about their own death really but a friend of mine recently died who was a lot younger than me and it got me thinking about who would look after my son if anything did happen to me. I spoke to my girls and they agreed to be guardians so if anything does happen they will make sure he is looked after if not by themselves someone they trust to. I have no material things but felt I had to do this for my son. Have you made a will? If not what stops you? Ellie :D
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16 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
I have 2 daughters and one is regularly in conact but the other doesn't really care about contact unless there is something in it for her. I am in touch with my elder daughter and her 2 daughters regularly but not with my younger daughter since I moved here nearly 3 years ago. I've tried contacting her and her son, my eldest grandchild and I have sent cards to my grandaughter but it has been for nothing. I've left my super to be evenly shared between them but I don't know what to do with everything else. I will leave my treasures to my granddaughters because I think they will treasure them too. My younger daughter will pawn anything I leave her. I've had wills in the past for a very long time, because as a single parent I wanted my girls looked after if anything happened to me. I just don't know what to do now. The eldest has been a good daughter and the younger doesn't give a hoot. It seems unfair to leave everything fairly between them.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Jun 08
That's avery good idea Ellie. I think it may work as well. It's a shame yes, but that's just how she is and I accept that. she is content with her life I guess, otherwise she would change things. She doesn't make much effort with anything actually. Sad, isn't it. My elder daughter took them all on holiday earlier this year and she and the kids loved it but they just settled back into their old ways. I feel a bit sorry for my granddaughter in this case.
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@ellie333 (21016)
25 Jun 08
Hi MsTickle, sometimes in life if we don't actively make the changes that are needed they are made for us in some way and I hope she does manage to change, I also feel for your grand daughter, it must be so frustrating and upsetting for you, but acceptance is the key and you do seem to have accepted she is as she is. Hugs. Ellie :D
@mummymo (23706)
11 Jun 08
Well done you - you are obviously much more organised than me as I keep meaning to do one but have never gotten around to it! I had a similar things to your daughters - my sister had 3 biological children who are all grown and left home, she has been a foster parent for around 28 years and has adopted 3 of her foster children! The elder 2 are also grown and left home but the youngest was only 10 when she legally adopted him and I had mentioned years before that I would willingly take him if anything ever happened to her as we are pretty certain her husband wouldn't cope alone! A couple of years ago she called me and asked if I remembered offering to take my nephew if anything happened to her and I started panicking until she calmed me down and reassured me that nothing was wrong with her and that she had made her will and everything was official now! lol Ever since I have called him my inheritance and he thinks it is hilarious. He is almost 14 now and it looks as though i will never receive that inheritance (thankfully) but I do still adore him! xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Mummymo, thats great that your sister finally got round to doing one and really you should too when you can even though it is something I don't really like to think about at least now I am relaxed knowing that my son will be looked after properly. I can imagine the banter between you and your nephew over this. That is amazing that your sister took in so many bless, I wish there were more like her around to give loving homes to these kids. Ellie :D
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@mummymo (23706)
11 Jun 08
I promise I will look into doing just that when I can afford it and when I am able to get to a lawyer! I adore my nephew - we have a good bond anyway and can really talk to each other. I really respect what my sister has done and is still doing (she has 4 foster kids , 2 of which have special needs) but it breaks my heart that 2 of her adopted daughters have hurt her and thrown everything she has done for them back in her face! I don't think I could cope with that! xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
No that must be very heartbreaking for who you consider your own children to repay in this way, but the ones that have appreciated everything she has done makes up for these two to a degree eh! Lovely lady and you can let her know that I admire her for doing this, it can't be easy. Ellie :D
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Hello ellie, I agree with you..Life is very unpredictable and I have no properties either..LOL, But, I believe for those who have, it will be better to prepare ahead since we all know, it's the source of big fights of some members of the family!
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Checapricorn, yes it certainly does cause trouble within some families I agree. Ellie :D
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 08
Hi dear Hope u must be doing well. Will, sure its important but its not necessary its written, it can be verbal in family. I have not such will as our society set up is like that we know that in case of such mis hap (God forbid) who will be taking care, and other thing in absence of Will, our relegion Islam clearly state as how to distribute wealth. take care
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 08
Well, i do agree what u mean just hope foe best and pray that parents who give birth to childres, raise them themselves
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
It is lovely to hear that a Will is not necessary but here families will say one thing then do another, not necessarily mine but I have seen in the past so I would rather have my sons needs met legally for this reason so I feel a lot more relaxed now I have done it. Ellie :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
14 Jun 08
No neither my hubby or I have yet made a will. I keep thinking about it and telling myself that I need to do it but then I get busy again and it slips to the back of my mind. I do not like to think about it no, but I do need to at least make arrangements for the kids should the worst happen to me or hubby. No one knows when the unexpected will happen so it needs to be done really.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 08
Thats the main reason I got mine done because of my son and I feel a lot more relaxed about his future now should anything happen. Ellie :D
@Candee (530)
• India
11 Jun 08
That's very sensible of you ellie. I feel that everyone should make their Wills in order to secure a hassle free future for the kids. We never know what happens after we die!! I am still a student and living alone. Wish to secure my future by doing good in my studies and job. I am hopeful.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Candee thank you for saying I am sensible to do this. It is mainly for my young son in case anything does happen eh! Not that I intend to be going anywhere soon but life can be so unpredictable eh. You certainly don't have to worry about one just yet. Ellie :D
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Jun 08
i haven't made mine yet actually... you give me an idea now by reminding me through this post... everything is so unpredictable nowadays and it is better to be safe than sorry... so it might be a good idea for me to discuss it with my hubby and do it when we are ready... we don't have children yet as well... so that's why we haven't really think about it... take care and have a nice day...
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Glad I reminded you about it, like I said it is not something people really want to have to think about but at the same time it makes everything a lot easier and clear cut should something happen as without a will things can can very complex for others. My main priority was that my son would be taken care of. Ellie :D
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Jun 08
No I have not made one, I have no property and what I do have my Children will share between them so there is no point really To be honest it scares me to think about it I have no small Children any more so I do not need to worry about that
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Gabs, yes it is something we don't like to think about and I have nothing materially as such to leave and my girls are grown but it was my young sons welfare I was more concerned over and now this has been done I feel much more relaxed. Ellie :D
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I would love to have a will but I have not set aside any funds for one yet. I have too many other bills right now to try to work on. I do have a living will though. It is a will that states whether or not you want to be hooked up to a macj=hine if something happens to you and you are in the hospital fighting for your life. I would love to have a real will though for my properties to make sure my daughter is taken care of also.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Steph, Yes it is something put off for a while for one reason or another but once I made the decision I would I just got it done. It didn't cost me much but then as I don't have property it was a lot more simple. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jun 08
No...not quite yet. I have to really sit down and think how to distribute things here. I'm not married, no children..but I do want someone to be able to take care of anything I might own...I don't like the idea of my belongings just being tossed out like trash...I have my huge collection of books--some are rare editions too.....my huge photography collection (over 21,000 slides and an estimated 15,000 black and white images) Also, my writings. I have already talked to a friend of mine who agreed to take in whatever pets I have at the time
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Pyewacket, Thanks for sharing. Wow you have such a collection of books and photos. If there was no one to leave them to perhaps donate to a local art college and the books to a university library or something. Oh that is good that you have someone to take care of your pets too though. I found mine easy to do purely because I don't have much material and my main concern was my sons welfare. Ellie :D
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
We made wills when Clare was born and have updated them periodically since. I think that a Will is an essential thing to have otherwise there can be a long legal mess should you die intestate. I have a copy of the Will at home and one at the solicitors where I drew mine up. We need to change ours now in fact, as Clare is grown up and no longer requires the guardianship provisions that are in our wills. I have to say that it is something that is preying on my mind. I must dig the blooming things out.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi P1kef1sh, I am pleased to hear that you have Wills in place, my main concern was Jacob as my girls are both older now and now I have drawn it up I feel a lot more relaxed now having done it. Ellie :D
@byetals (66)
• China
11 Jun 08
Oh ,I think you should do.But before it,you must think it over and over again.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Oh I agree a lot of thought has to be put into it and this I have done and now feel a lot more relaxed that it is all drawn up legally. Ellie :D
• China
11 Jun 08
I Hven't made a will yet,before I read this artical,I have never thought about that ,but now I realized it's much necessary even I still young.tks,Ellie
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Wayne, yes it is important at whatever age the minute you have either property, children or a partner. Ellie :D
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
11 Jun 08
Yes, I have. I would not want my family members to go through the torture of dealing with the government over my assets - and when it's time to go, at least my mind is at peace that my family is taken care of.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Well done you for having the forethought to put this in place. I agree it would be horrible for family members having to deal with the complexities of the government departments if there were no Will. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
10 Jun 08
we haven't made a will up yet. we've talked about it but still haven't done it yet. we really should i guess. we had trouble deciding who would take care of our kids too. we both have brothers and sisters but none of which is a good choice as parents for our kids. and his parents seem bothered by babysitting our kids over night so i doubt they would want them full time. so that leaves my parents but i felt bad having them do it because they are enjoying their empty nest and their freedom. but my mom said they would take them.
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
I am not planning on going anywhere just yet and I don't suppose you guys are either but for me reading what you have said I would suggest your parents as guardians so that way they wouldn't be obliged to take the children but they would make the right decision as to who would have them if that makes sense. For example I made both my daughters that as they are older but one is still going through university so I wouldn't want her to give that up to look after her baby brother but I trust her enough to make the right choice, however if it happened in 10 years she may have a family herself then and be in a position to. It is such a difficult thing to do I agree, but I feel much more relaxed now I have. Ellie :D
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Jun 08
THat is something I need to do. I have it all written out but haven't made it legal....my son who lives close is always teasing his sisters that since they live so far away by the time they get here everything will be gone...LOL.....I know he is teasing but recently I have decided to take precious things and give them to each of them when I visit them. But still in all I need a will.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
Hi Jill, Even though you know he is teasing it is interesting to see that you have been taken special bits and given already. Families are strange at times like this. My uncle grabbed everything of my nans and left everyone without including a set of dishes she had been giving the girls a bit of each time they saw her, he said he dumped it, yeah right. His son drives a ferrari, they have two houses and I'm in social housing, work that one out eh! My main reason is because my son is so young as I have nothing material to leave but I want to make sure he will be looked after. At least you have it all done and just need it witnessed to be made legal really. Thanks for sharing. Ellie:D