I want you to tell me a story

@p1kef1sh (45681)
June 16, 2008 7:12am CST
This is an experiment! For some time now I've been wondering how creative we all are here. If I start a story will you continue it? Taking on from where the last person left off. Don't worry about spelling, or your English, let's just have a little fun. You can be short or long, whatever you want. Here goes: Rising from the bed that I had made from what was left of my now shredded overcoat, I stretched and shook the sleep from my head. My back ached from the hard ground and I could feel the damp from where the morning dew had invaded my jeans. I need water, all around was rain damp, but I had to drink:
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13 responses
16 Jun 08
it is not the story i am teling u the fact that i am going to cinema hall to see the picture but in between i saw a person with his legs at the backside he ask me for an address i refuses her and ran awy from there i think he is not the person it's true u believe or not i am so afraid i haven;t sleep for two nights.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
16 Jun 08
some rain water that had filled up in a pail that I had sitting on the ground beside me. I really didn't know if there was a creek anywhere close around me so I thought this would be the next best thing. I was so thristy that the rain water was very thirst quenching for me. I drank a little bit of it and saved the rest for later.
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@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I promptly walked up to the bloke and said: "unhand those you scoundrel!"
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@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
17 Jun 08
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
16 Jun 08
he hid in the bushes by the tracks to wait for it to come by. When it did.. he jumped on the only car that was open. The car was filled with
@ruby222 (4847)
16 Jun 08
He rubbed his temples with his rugged hand and gradually things became clear to him,the train to London would surely be rattling along the tracks very soon,there was no money in his pockets ,he had to think quickly....and gather his wits...where could he hide on the train???.......the thunder of steam hit his ears and the train approached him and...............
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
What am I missing? I can't grasp this discussion but maybe it's just me and I'm not awake yet...
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• United States
16 Jun 08
Ok will do...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Jun 08
Just follow on from Abby123 above Skinny. Just write the next few lines of the story.
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Jun 08
I walked to the nearest public toilets and drank straight from and tap in there and feeling more refreshed went to the toilet and had a quick wash too. I had been wandering aimlessly on the streets for days now and was feeling lost and alone. How had my life become like this?
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Jun 08
ooops all three posted together. Steph and I got the thirst quenched though eh! Ellie :D
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16 Jun 08
Sure as hell the adrenalin was pumping and the sweat was running down my troubled asrmpits.I whipped my SURE out from thigh pocket on my trousers and made the mark of the tick on my chest,the eccles cake was a million miles away in my thoughts now,all I could think of was a cool Heineken,I looked to my right and there was The Horse and Jockey and..........
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@ruby222 (4847)
16 Jun 08
and all i could think of was a long cool pint ,with a large head on the top.I was heading for the north and rattled my compass to see if it was reading right.From the window of the pub I spotted a railway bridge and......
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
17 Jun 08
My fingers and toes were numb with the cold, my head ached and water was my first priority. I held the little mug which had filled up with rain water, but the numbness of my fingers gave way and I dropped the only source of water I had. Life just got worse. No food in the stomach, no water to drink, and thirst killing me. I now understood the importance of water which we waste without a thought. My thoughts also went to the bedouins of the desert who see mirages of oasis. Water, the nectar of life.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jun 08
gingerale but I hated gingerale and how the heck did I ever get out here. gingerale indeed. I sat up and there ]in front of me was a big bowl full of clear water, but it had a name on it, BOWSER. okay I see him . he is for now sound asleep. a doberman oh my, well thats not good news but I was so thirsty. and I would be damned if I would' drink that gingerale. So i grabbed the bowl and Bowser or not I drank my fill. Sylvia, oh right she gave me that gingerale,she knew I hated the stuff. My G. My coats all shredded how did that happen? Oh my god, I look up and remember now bowser had met me in this yard and had torn my coat to shredds, but ' thank God I was not in it. Oh my this is Pastor Eliots yard, how could I have forgot he lived here with that mutt Bowser? I was so mad at Sylvia, she was in the arms of another man, and I just 'ran out and keep running through peoples yards til I met Bowser. Now Bowser just looked at me and cooked his head. oh oh here comes Pastor Elliot. The pastor looks at me and at Bowser and my poor coat. Come on Bob, lets get you inside and get some coffee down you. He helped me up and practically carried me into his living room. Pastor I croaked I wasnt really drunk, i, my girl, she, she cheated on me, I found her in another guys arms. Sit down Bob Pastor Elliot said. Sylvia phoned me, you misunderstood. 'that was not another man, that was her brother whom she hadnt seen in ten years. You did not let her tell you.
• Bahamas
16 Jun 08
Just a few weeks ago i had it all together, a good job, house, car, and money in the bank. It's funny how your life can change in the blink of an eye. My stomach is starting to feel the first pangs of hunger, but the thoughts racing through my mind dulls me to them.
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@Abby123 (261)
16 Jun 08
My eyes turn to the cake stall owned by that wonderful woman Ruby Radiance and I stare at the eccles cakes,salivating,the currants are beckoning me with a come hither look,and my tummy churns in anticipation,I turn out my pockets and theres b **** all in them,a nail,my old dentures and a few peanutsd that I stole from the bird table.But then I see a way,a chance to get one of those lucious eccles cakes
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• United States
16 Jun 08
So I started a conversation with Ruby Radiance about her beautiful, though large brimmed, pink hat that marred her vision. I saw my cake, the one in the middle, currents everywhere and I couldn't resist any longer. Ruby turned to the other customers and served them. I snatched the cake and ran faster than any marathon runner down the block. I ducked into a dark alley and...
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
18 Jun 08
gotta find out where the last person left off first..
• United States
18 Jun 08
She was radiant in her beauty but she was with another man, one who the good Pastor had called her brother.. No brotherly and sisterly hug was what I saw, I only remember in my burning hunger the looks of passion and lust that was radiating from the two of them, so locked in a lovers passionate embrace.. No the good Pastor was lying to me, why??, why?? why??, Why would he be lying to me, was that the good Pastor's overcoat that I had found lying on the side of our bed last week.. The one that she said she had bought for me and was now torn to shreds by the huge monster of a dog that I had encountered.. My mind is swarming with so many thoughts, I can't keep them straight because of the burning hunger in my stomach and in my mind.. I will have to find a place to get safely off of the train, But who is that coming towards me and what harm do they mean to do to me??
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• United States
19 Jun 08
I wasn't pleased to see him either.. Who did he think that I was, my hungered mind was asking.. I trusted him so completely and now here he was staring me down with a loaded pistol in his hand.. The hunger was gnawing at me but I was past caring anymore, my life, I cried, my life is over and for what??? You were the one bedding my wife, you and the one that you called her brother.. Who are you?? just who the H*ll are you?? I trusted my soul to you and you have torn my heart out and thrown it at my feet.. The hunger was tearing me up inside as I had only eaten the stolen eclair cake and a few peanuts that I stole from the bird table. Was it just days ago that I had a good job, house, car, and money in the bank. Now it was all gone my raging mind told me, gone for good.. I couldn't control my anger anymore.. Well, now we will just see who is the better man for my wife, he said as he lunged toward the wayward Good Pastor.. As he reached the pastor, shots rang out and
19 Jun 08
She was bedding someone else ,she was bedding someone else the travelling train seemed to be sayin to me.The thought of her warm body wrapped closely to another was makin me beside myself.The train crawled to a halt and there was that godamm pastor there a looking at me,his revolver indicated he wasnt pleased to see me but======
@Abby123 (261)
16 Jun 08
HE threw himself into the parcel carraige ,he was bruised and the dentures in his pocket were smashed and jabbing into his leg now...he was clearly in pain and very much in need of the love of a good woman........
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Jun 08
unfortunately all the good women were at a pub in Canada so he had to make do with
@moejun (75)
• Philippines
17 Jun 08
Snap out of it. This water nonsense was driving me insane. I had to think of something, how to torture her, make her suffer and bleed. Images of the two of them torridly kissing in OUR bed were occupying my every thought. The fact that she'd never sounded that satisfied with me just made it worse. Was i that bad? Was it because i lacked size and girth? I began to feel insecure, insignificant. A giant L was growing right out of my face.
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@ruby222 (4847)
17 Jun 08
I decided that the giant L had to be squeezed,so I rifled through my pockets and found the tweezers clinging to the lining for dear life,I felt the puss ridden giant L and took its head between the tweezers and squeezed.My eyes watered and I found relief as the Giant L burst its banks,at last I had rid my face of that humungous spot,I came out of my dreams and..........
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@moejun (75)
• Philippines
17 Jun 08
Enough. I don't believe this. It was as if the ten years of a love filled relationship wasn't enough. Countless nights spent spooning in the dark had led to this? Infidelity? The pain was intolerable, yet little by little it was replaced by an evil overpowering feeling. Revenge. I had to get even.
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