What do you do to stay cool on a hot day?

United States
June 25, 2008 3:42pm CST
Since it is summer, I was wondering what other people do to stay cool on a hot summer day. For me, I keep the shades closed and the air on in my apartment and drink plenty of liquids. Care to share any hot summertime tidbits?
9 responses
• China
26 Jun 08
i have some good ideas to stay cool. if you don't have air conditioning where you live,here are some ideas. 1.go to a pulic pool and splash around 2.go to a park and stay in the shade.bring some drinks with you,bottled water,for example and read a book. 3.go to the mall and walk around.you'll get exercise and stay cool at the same time.bring a book or magazine with you so you can sit in the food court and keep yourself entertained. 4.go to the public library.there are usually programs going on and you can stay most of the day.there are plenty of books there to read.you may be able to get some computer time. Drink lots of water.stay in the shades.if you are at home.there are some ways to make your home cooler 1.close the drapes or shades.this will lower the temperature in your home a few degrees. 2.keep the fan going. 3.if you have a bath tub.you may be able to fill it with tepid water(not hot,not cold.but cool)and sit in the tub for about 5-10 minutes.this lowers your body temperature.
• China
26 Jun 08
I will sleep. While I am sleeping ,I forget the summer heat.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I go to my pool. Inside right now i just open all windows and turn on my ceiling fans to get the wind blowing thru. For now that works but soon i will need to turn the air on.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I don't open the shades until afternoon, since all my windows are facing East. I also have my air-conditioning going. It's also important to drink plenty of liquids.
• Canada
25 Jun 08
Well I have air conditioning so I use that. For some reason my dad gets cold really easy from the air conditioning (probably because he is outside all day working) so that kind of sucks. When that happens I will usually keep some windows open. We also have a pool and boats so we use those to keep cool as well.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I stay inside and shut my house up tight, and turn the air on if it gets to hot. We live in an old house and if the temperature is fairly cool out during the evening hours it will stay very cool in our house. I have 2 boys with asthma that are really bothered by the hot and cold weather so we try to keep the house about the same temperature all year. We normally stay downstairs in the day to avoid the attic heat, and play games (video and board), have a cool lunch salad or whatever, and just relax so no one has an asthma attack. Stay cool!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I usually just stay inside in the air conditioning....and then do things like crafts or just mylotting.
• United States
25 Jun 08
Yeah I basically try to stay still and not move too much if it's really hot. I also drink plenty of cold liquids like you. And I take cold baths. We also turn on the fans that we have and an AC that we have.
25 Jun 08
since i am not fortunate enough to have air con in my house i have to make do in other ways lol i wear loose fitting clothing and have a fan in the home for when it is really warm, i always draw the blind and sit in the shade, drink lots of water and sometimes have an ice lolly lol! and try not to do anything to strenous