Negative comments really pull me down...

@Zelmarq (12585)
Cebu City, Philippines
August 21, 2008 3:36am CST
Its not my day today. I just heard two negative comments, one from a not so nice subscriber and one from a an officemate and sad to say it was said when I was about to leave the office. Well,I dont know what they have motives in mond but I am pulled down by these negative comments. A realization that no matter how you try to calm down a dissatisfied client coz they were able to experience a not so nice comment yesterday and now I was able to assist her complaint and she already had a not so good impression of the kind of service she got yesterday and now, im part of her dissatifaction. And to insult to injury, an office mate gave her closing remarks by giving a not so good comment, " did your helpdesk went toschool"? that was a comment from a client again that was aksed through a technician. WOw thats just the perfect way to end a not so good day. Im pulled down, I hope to rise again tomorrow. Life is like this. They jsut dont know what we've been through the whole day and they dont understand and will never understand. I hope another beginning tomorrow and I hope I start it right.
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27 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
Hi Zelmarq! I do agree with you dear that negative comments could really affect us one way or the other and will greatly affect us especially if we are in one of our "weak moments". However, you have to fight it off and I do know that it is easier said than done. Nevertheless, I would insist that you do since these people are criticizing you without even really knowing the real you. I am sure tomorrow will be brighter for you dear! Take care always..God Bless!
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Thank you my friend, I know I have to fight this off coz if not im the one greatly affected and its not good. Have a nice day and take care.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Thank you my friend!
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
Hi dear! You are absolutely right dear! Take care and have a very wonderful day! lovelots..faith210
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@angelia286 (2029)
• Singapore
21 Aug 08
Cheer up! It's all over and done with. Even if you don't like the comments, what can you do about it? Ask the person who commented it to take it back? Cannot, right? Lol, so it is better in life to just let negative baseless comments slide, and be happy! Happiness or sadness all lies in what one's mind think. If you choose to let those negative comments affect you like this, and pull your mood all the way down, then again, that is your choice. If you know that you had done your best, and what more, it was done out of goodwill, then why do you want to let this affect your mood for the day? For every 5 comments that people make, there is always one bugger who would make a negative one. This is all part and parcel of life, and in order to survive a mental breakdown (sorry for the expression of words ) we have got to always look on the bright side of life. Have you done your best? If you have, let the comment slide, and keep telling yourself that you had done all that you have, and if that person is still unhappy, that is their problem. Don't let other people's opinions affect your confidence and mood in anything. That is something that I have learnt in my 6 years of working life. There are always people who enjoys dwelling in the negativity of life, and enjoys pulling down people to be the same as them as they just cannot stand the thought of anybody having happiness when they can't. These sort of people take pleasure in other's unhappiness. That's all I can say. You will definately start your day tomorrow with a bright new start! Believe that you will and you will. Hope and there is the possibility that you might never be. So, start off your morning by going, "I'm so happy today!!" Then laugh to yourself. It may sound and look crazy to everybody around you, but trust me, it works!! Take care! And look forward to the future!!
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
21 Aug 08
Thank you, I have done my best so tomorrow is another and I have to amke it all up. Im going to study tonight on phone courtesy and hope it will work tomorrow the best application that could help me improve as an individual.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Yes my friend, thank you very much and have a nice day!!!!
• China
21 Aug 08
Good point! It will help, I guess! Also, I learn a lesson here.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
21 Aug 08
hope the saying DO YOUR BEST AND LEAVE THE REST TO GOD.maybe the officemate is plain jealous of you.try to bless her and you will see it brings great peace of mind.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Of course she was not jealous, she just told me some juicy information. Thank you and have a nice day!
@mauier113 (688)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
Well, we are the same zel, whenever I got negative comments from people, it really weighs me down, that sometimes it made me just lying in my bed for a long time. Maybe we're just not the same with them. Because I don't usually utter words that would offend or hurt people. I believe when you don't have anything good to say to a person, just shut up. So whenever we hear people of offensive words, which we're not used o give, it puts us really really down.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Hello mauier, its nice to hear from you having the same emotions as me. I have to change gear and try to be as positive thinking as I can be. Thank you and have a nice day!
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Aug 08
Unpleasant remarks seem to be everywhere. I don't like them either and they affect you more than people admit. I have a supervisor who is constantly irritating me and he knows it. Actually, I think he does it deliberately. I have a good bit of experience with this. I know how it feels.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Thats the problem, I know it was not good for me to get affected with those not so good remarks. Some people just dont know how to say things the way we should hear them but its ok, its life and we have differences that may cause the rift and we get hurt.
@misty99 (736)
21 Aug 08
Hi Zel.....i know how it feels.But it's all part of life,everybody gets into a not so good situation and sometimes it strikes one after the other.It is all over leave it there.Start your day tomorrow with a smile and forget the past.It will not do you any good if you keep on thinking about it.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Thank you my freind, this is another day and Im trying to start it rigth with a right mindset. Have a nice day and take care.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Aug 08
You will be alright Just dont let what they say get ya down or what a co worker says. I would have asked her that did I help you today! Iam notthe person ya talked to yesterday. and the past dont help with what you did today. some how ya got to get around those bit*hy people
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Aug 08
cool keep up the positive thinking! hugs
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Well, yesterday is history and I have today as present and try to do my best.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Thank you very much !!!!! Have a ncie day!!!!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
21 Aug 08
cheer up zelmarg!! its only work ..dont let it affect you ...and makes you grumpy and moody..just shrugged it off..tomorrow is another day of facing same complaints(kidding ok)..jsut set in your mind that its the part of your more no less..and may change the color of your sorroundings..
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
21 Aug 08
Thank you my friend.Im just glad you guys are around to put a smile again to my face. I will try to make the sorroundings with rainbow colors.
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@zatak07 (699)
• India
29 Sep 08
bad words or harsh words from others are always hard to swallowed , it really test your patience & but the main thing is that test.... how you react or deal with it.... Goodluck !!
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@zatak07 (699)
• India
29 Sep 08
cheers to both of you ....
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
29 Sep 08
well, yes it takes a Godly response from a godly woman and I hope to be a godly woman and keep God's word in my heart.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
bad words or harsh words? ill be hurt. im a sensitive person and the moment i heared those words....i feel blood rushing to my face, down to my heart painfully. this is one of the situation i want to overcome with. i want to be brave and strong woman inside out.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
We all feel put down when negative comments are directed towards us... so the best thing to do is to summon up all the strength we have so that we can walk out of the office with our head held up high... and prove to them the next day that i deserve to be there... Do not worry... you will rise again tomorrow... this is just one of those days that we feel that the whole world is against you...
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Thank you my friend. I know you guys can lift me up when I feel down and out and when I feel the whole world just dropped on me. Thank you!!!! Takce care!!! happy mylotting!!!
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
well, it is surely give to you so that you will learn. learn to know the different people around us. if you haven't yet become victorious about it then it will surely be coming back to you.. and later on, when you are victorious over it, you will be smiling only and 'kebers' na lang sa mga nagtawagtawag.. well, life is like that though.. we are to encounter a lot of experiences that will really test us. we are Christians, and we need to be refined. and when we are refined in that area, we are to go to the next level.. level 1 to 10.. hehe.. but a great thing to know is that we have the great assurance from up above.. HIS MERCY IS NEW EVERY MORNING.. IT IS ALRIGHT IF WE FAIL THIS DAY, BECAUSE TOMORROW IS YET ANOTHER DAY TO START.. FOR HIS GLORY...
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Yes brother thats true. As the song goes, they are new evry morning, new every morning... Thank you for the sahring. Today is a fight that will make a difference.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
22 Aug 08
Hello there Zelmarq, there's nothing like rude and unhappy customers or anyone at all at work to bog our mood down, isn't there..? I'd say cheer up to you and that these moment would always come. I know it's not easy to stay happy everyday, but at the same time, it would be good to just disregard everything and take them like a pinch of salt. I work as an Engineer and I have my bad moments at work; this supervisor and that and etc. It gets me down, when I have to meet projects and supervisors are bogging my mind, stressing me because they are scared to be told off by authorities, and the list goes down like that. Here's a tip that I've been practicing for quite some time. Every time I come home from work, I make it a point not to think or discuss work issues. And it's just purely rest and relax for me at home. Try it, I'm sure it will work for you.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Yes, thank you for the tip you gave me zed, thats what I do. I try not to bring at home the problems at work. For me the home is the ebst place to relax and take things easy and just watch tv and laugh out loud with firneds and boardmates. have a nice day!!!! takecare!!! happy mylotting!!!!
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Have a nice day!!!
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
30 Aug 08
That's good to know, Zel. Take care. c;)
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@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
Hi Zelmarq, I dont want to offend you but i should say that we can never please everybody, though we think we try our very best still there some who will be unsatisfied. Instead of getting frustrated about it why dont you just accept what they say and just learn from it, sometimes we think that we're doing the right thing but after evaluating we found out that we have participation why did it happen.. Cheer up and dont let that negative comments pull you down instead use it to climb up to your success. Have a good day..
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Yes, I could treat this as negative reinforcements for me to perform well in the work place. Thank you my freind and have a nice day.
@husmear (10)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
cheer up Zelmarq. don't let your self be affected by those negative comments, instead take it as a compliments and let them see that what they said is not true and wrong. Well, there are people who are like that. Whatever nice and good things you do, they will still give you negative comments. They are simply jealous for what you've achieved. Negative comments are sometimes painful, but they are part of our life so don't be sad. There a lot of people received such negative comments including them.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Thank you hus... I have to let it come from one ear and let it go from the other ear. Maybe sometimes im just too senstive and its bad for the health. I have to forget what happened today and face tomorrow with a smile. Have a nice day!!! take care!!! happy mylotting!!!!
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
22 Aug 08
From the years I worked with the public I've learned that some people are not going to be satisfied no matter what you do. Just keep your chin up and a smile on your face. Let the criticism roll off your back. Do the best you can and then don't worry about it.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
No matter what we do, they are always right and thats one of the things I know I should keep in mind.
• United States
22 Aug 08
im sorry about the comments you recieved today. just try to let it roll off you. i know its hard.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Thank you my friend. I know life has to go on and I have to continue living in this world of wrath and tears. have a nice day and take care!!!! happy mylotting!!!!
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I hope you have a much better day tomorrow! And the saying "stick and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." is not true! Words cut really deep and you cannot take those words back but bruises and cuts heal and most of the time never leave a scar. Words scar for life, I feel. We all need to watch what we say. I hear a saying "be careful of the words you throw out today because you may have to eat them tomorrow." So whether they are bitter or sweet words you have the choice. I know you do your job very well and I know tomorrow will be much better. God bless you!
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Yes, in another way said.... Harsh wounds break no wounds but they do break hearts. Thank you for the reminder. Have a nice day!!!
• Hong Kong
22 Aug 08
Don't worry, I am sure you will be fine tomorrow! Life is like that, there are different kinds of people and not all of them are nice and considerate (imagine a perfect world if that's so). Some people do that deliberately do make others miserable and some of the people don't know what they have done. Just forget it and move on because the life is yours, no one could really help if you are feeling down.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
Yes, tomorrow is another and face it with a smile. Thank you my friend. Have a nice day!!!! take care!!!! Happy mylotting!!!
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
Don't worry it will surely be alright the following day. In your type of job (call center right?) you shouldn't take the clients' comments to heart. Let the bad comments pass from one ear to the other or you will have a heart attack sooner or later. The good comments you receive should bring you up. Forget the negative ones. They do not make you a better you. Also, learn from the comments and take them constructively. Why did the client comment that way? Have you committed a mistake? L Learn the ins and outs of your job and do not let a measly comment - which I guess was only one out of the hundred clients you had - ruin your day. Don't mind your office mate, too. Life goes on. Cheer up.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Aug 08
Thank you!!! Have a nice day!
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
Well, that's life. I've learned to let negative comments go in one ear and out the other. Take a deep breath and smile. Of course, imagining the person who insulted you wearing a toilet bowl on her head helps a lot, too. Hahaha!
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
LOL, you are really funny, it helped me though. Thanks a lot my friend. have a nice day!!!! Take care !!!! Happy mylotting!!!