Lost 8 Dollars In Comparedby Because of Rating Feature Cancelled!!!

January 2, 2009 7:21pm CST
I log in to my comparedby account today. I was really surprised when I check my account balance and it decreased 8 dollars. As i have check it, they removed the 1 cent per rating. This is to avoid spamming the site. Many members are just rating other's review and not even making any review from the site. I saw someone earned $50 just by rating. i do not know what happened to his account now. What about you??How much were lost?
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18 responses
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
3 Jan 09
Wow, although I guess some people were just rating and not actually reviewing. It's too bad that this had to happen, but I guess it's better than to allow people to take advantage of them and eventually have to close the site.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Well, I'd like to check thissite out. I know you aren't supposed topost links here, but you can post the name of the site. I am interested in finding out aout it or them, as the case may be. thanks C. C.
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Jan 09
the site under discussion is called comparedby. It's in its beta stages right now. Another site I post on is called reviewstream. They've been around for longer and have different rules/issues.
• Hong Kong
3 Jan 09
I lost a few cents but they do have a point. How could they pay well if they don't distinguish the spammers. However, I do know how it feels like when our hard honest earnings are lost in the way.
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@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
3 Jan 09
i just lost for about $2 for rating reviews. I guess its the best thing that CBU did, it a wise decision for them to create a better community for us.
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• Philippines
3 Jan 09
hello, i had the same experience i lost more than the amount that you did. I was quite at lost for a moment until i read the note they had and i understand why they have to do that. I just hope they can do something about it for the good of all those members who are doing the right thing and not by spamming the site. I hope the post review will be activated soon so that we can start doing reviews again and start earning. This is for the best of everyone.
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@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
3 Jan 09
I did not lose anything becuase I believe in working diligently and properly. Maybe I'm just lucky though. Try reading their update blog, their site is currently updating and making a review will resume early next week. I hope so. For now, let's just work on another stuff and focus to a more positive approach than lulling about what we lost. It will all be send back in no time. That happened to me in Ciao last year but they were kind enough to express their apologies and they sent it back as fast as I could imagine.
@cooiky (548)
• China
3 Jan 09
it is possible.you should read their rules before you start.they provide a high price per review and another way to make money--rating.so everyone can earn much money in a short time,so they may forget the rules,just to write reviews and rate others reviews.if you read their terms,you will know that,they have editors,they may delete or edit your review if they think that your review makes no sense.so treat is serious.
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@healer (1779)
• India
3 Jan 09
I am sorry to hear that you lost quite a large amount of your hard earnings though i have lost some few cents the loss is not comparable with you. $8 is quite a huge amount of money here in mylot and i hardly make that much in one whole month. I don't have any idea how they deduced such a big amount of money from some body account and i guess its not fair as its very hard to earn even one dollar here in mylot and deduceding &8 at a time is very unfair. Anyway wish you good luck and a very happy new year.
• Philippines
3 Jan 09
Hello rberon1985! I lost some amount there too. Too sad that this had to happen. But, come to think of it, they are doing us a favor. If they really did that to avoid cheating, then that would serve a good purpose. However, if they are doing that to cheat on us, then that's a different story. Let's look at it as something that would help us and all the other members who are there to earn money without having to cheat. Good luck to you!
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@LouieWpHs04 (4554)
• United States
3 Jan 09
I think it was a bit unfair to remove.. everryonnes earnings. They should have determined a cut-off line like I proposed to them just recently of let's say everyone who rated 200-300 reviews should keep their earnings & everyone above whatever the limit should lose their earnings. I think you can almost most definitely say for sure that anyone over 500+ reviews rated in a given day either had a lot of spare time on their hands or was clearly taking advantage of the feature. People with 1000+ or even topping off 5000+? It's pretty obvious they weren't actually reading the reviews. I lost about $1.45 apparently even though i took the time and honestly read over all the reviews I rated. It did make it a lot easier though when a person wrote a review of one sentence or so & I could skim it over in like. less then a minute and determine it as not helpful. Oooh well, looks like i'm heading back to this other review site thinger I was working on as once again, it's the #1 in my book of profitability level. Well, they're about equal I suppose but this one if you get votes on your review you get $0.10 per vote. It's been in their system for a while & apparently it's working great or otherwise I would imagine they would have gotten rid of the feature. The only problem with this one is it's much harder to get a review to approve & approve for their best rate(regular rate of $2.00) then some of the other ones.. If you're interested I could provide you with the link?
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@marina321 (4556)
3 Jan 09
Shame that people abusing the site caused that but then seems like the site is already not able to cope with the recent flock of members I was dropped a line to join on my blog long before it was popular here on myLot and was yet to join, will probably just wait and see if people get paid first this month, my other sites are not doing too badly
• India
3 Jan 09
i too have lost a few cents but not i dollars becasue i have rated only a few reviews and so i have lost around 38 cents there . they can remove the spams but not all the rating are spam . even some of the ratings might be good too so they must look in to this aspect too . but any way this is a good site paying around 1 $ for each extended review which should be appreciated happy lotting
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@aakay4u (799)
• India
3 Jan 09
i am used to such reductions of money at the sites just when all seems pretty to me.even at mylot this has happened when in the last couple of days was certain to reach my payout and they took my one day's earnings for reasons best known to them.also in one another posting site just when all seemed right they deducted money for some stupid reasons.they just dont make things transparent initially and when things get out of control with people increasing their balances they simply look for excuses,i read a person got to zero from 200 dollars there,ok agreed something must be wrong but in the first place,why were his earnings shown as 200 dollars.
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• United States
3 Jan 09
Personally, I only lost a few cents. But I have to say, I'm not surprised they had to remove the feature. It's too bad some people spoil good features for the rest of us.
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@unisoul4 (11)
• United States
3 Jan 09
ive lost some cople of cents in my short carrer here
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
3 Jan 09
I'm not sure how much I lost but what I am sure is that it's a substantial amount but I am not worried about it since it is just a free earnings and I believe that it is just right and appropriate to curve and eliminate those unwanted members who keeps on writing reviews with just 1 or 2 words and who also giving higher rating to those kind of reviews.
• United States
3 Jan 09
I had just signed up on this site a couple of days and didn't lose that much money,just my time. I thought it was just too good to be true. I was wondering how they were going to pay all of this out to all of these people, too.
@xjgege (110)
• United States
3 Jan 09
well i lost around 20 dollars... however I actually took the time to READ the reviews and rate them, unlike some people who were probably abusing the system and wrecking it for the rest of us :(
• India
3 Jan 09
thanks for the information.till now i dint rated anyone.