hi, who is the one whom you cant forget in your life

January 31, 2009 6:39pm CST
hi guys, we all wil be having one or the other special person in our life who would have become a part of our life even though there wil not be present today. Its really hard to forget those people, their memories can never be erased from us. We feel that such persons were god gifted soul and we still wont accept their loss in our life. They might have gone away from many ways like death, breakup, missing etc...So is there anyone in your life whom you cant forget forever and ever in your life.
6 responses
@Wizzywig (7847)
1 Feb 09
The 2 I miss most are my brother who we lost 3 years ago last Monday & my dad who lost his fight against cancer 7 years ago today. I am lucky that I have so many happy memories of times spent with them both and I still have my mum to share those thoughts with.
• India
1 Feb 09
U r right wizzy, memories are the only things which dont change in this world, sweet and beautiful memories always brings happiness in the persons life with those memories, i wish your life to go on with the same happiness. happy mylotting:)
@snowy22315 (172502)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I guess that person would probably be my first husband because he is always in my life and our love was expressed through our son. When you have kids with someone part of you is always in them and part of them is always part of you so it is hard to forget that person existed. I like to think we are always together.
• India
1 Feb 09
ya ofcourse snowy, love is something which is really hard to forget, thanks for sharing your personal special things here in my discussion, happy mylotting:)
• United States
1 Feb 09
hmm i can't forget myself. Does that count?
• India
1 Feb 09
hmmm..if the one u love and miss the most in the world is you itself then it surely counts:)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I have a lot of people in my life that I feel that are very speical to me. I try to let them know everyday that they are imporant to me. I miss my dad the most he passed away in 2006 and I wish he was still here. Welcome here to mylot and I look foward to seeing more discussions from you. Happy mylotting too!
• India
1 Feb 09
ya thank u for ur response. happy mylotting u too:)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I will never forget my uncle who passed away with cancer. I loved him so much. He was one of the best uncles that anyone could ever ask for. He always had a smile on his face and you could always go to him with any problems that you ever had. He always seemed to have an answer. I still believe he is with me though, because I think he is watching over me making sure I make those right decisions so I get to be with him again. I love him very much still to this day and I wish if I could bring him back just so I could see his smiling face on those days that I just want to give up. I know that isn't what he wants me to do so I look at it this way, I can still talk to him, even if he isn't there in front of me, and Im sure he'll still help me out.
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
i cant forget those people dearest to me.. who are my parents my brothers and sister.. then my husband and kids..