Should you have your kids doing chores ?

kids - playing or working
United States
March 12, 2009 6:00pm CST
My wife and I both agree that have your kids doing house hold chores teaches them a little bit of responsibility. Do you agree or disagree
10 responses
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
12 Mar 09
I agree that children should help out, when possible, to learn responsibility. My kids feed the pets, put their clean clothes away, gather their dirty ones for the laundry, help with dishes and lunches, sweep up, etc. They love to help out.
@tman555 (161)
• Canada
12 Mar 09
Well, getting them to wash dishes, take out the garbage, and clean the house a little bit will help them prepare for when they go off on their own. Of course, you kids will probably hate them for the first few weeks. Just make sure they keep to it, and it will eventually just become routine for them. A good way to enforce rules like these is to give them some allowance weekly or monthly. It`s like reward for work, just like in real life.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
15 Mar 09
I think teaching children how to do house hold chores is something every parent should do. My daughter actually started helping with laundry by folding towels & putting her own clothes away with my help when she was 2 years old, maybe even a little younger. I made it fun & she has always tried to help. Now that she is older, she is 6, she actually knows how to start the washer & dryer & does her own small loads. Plus helps with the bathroom & of course her own room. So I think it teaches responsibility.
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@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
15 Mar 09
Teenagers should be taught responsibilities. They can be given light chores in the house. For children under 12, for me they are still babies and should be allowed to enjoy life by just letting them play. Teaching them to keep their toys would be considered their household chore
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I think that is a great idea. I was brought up to do chores myself and I think I have a better understanding of the little things in the house because of it. You can learn a lot from cleaning the dishes, cleaning, cooking, and etc. You understand where things come from and appreciate things better.
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@tman555 (161)
• Canada
12 Mar 09
I`d like to add on to the appreciation thing a little bit more. I mean, when you`re a kid, you don`t know how hard something is to do until you actually try it for yourself. I`ve met some people who have never done chores, and at age 20, they had to be taught how to clean the dishes. You will learn to appreciate what everyone does for you, and learn that not everything is as easy a 1, 2, 3 for people.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Yes, that is very true. I pity a lot of my friends who never were taught to help out because they just sit there and expect food just appears on the table or dishes become magically clean. I think appreciation gets you closer to being happy also.
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• Philippines
13 Mar 09
yes,i grew up helping in household chores and i would also like my children to learn to fend for themselves so that they will know about responsibilities early in life. i do not want them to grow up and expect other people to serve them. i see a lot of children nowadays who are very lazy and even asks other people to do tasks for them, even easy ones they can do themselves. i do not want my children to grow up like that.
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• United States
12 Mar 09
I think children should have chores to do around the home. I've lived with and live with people that never had to do anything at home and they are the most spoiled, irresponsible, uncaring individuals that I've ever seen. They have an attitude that says I'm better than everyone else, therefore I don't have to do anything because I deserve to have someone do it for me. It's annoying. And, it's not helping to create acceptable members of society. It's just creating a generation of young adults that could care less about everyone else because they've never had to work for anything and they see it as, well it doesn't matter what happens because Mommy and Daddy will bail me out mentality.
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@kylaerin (145)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I agree. Your parents are not your slaves and your parents do so much for you that I don't think it is to much to ask to help around the house. Besides it teaches responsibility which alot of children lack now a days. I absolutly hate it when I see a parent pick up a child toys because the child does not want to. I seriously want to ask them "who's the boss?"
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
12 Mar 09
Yes, having your children help with the upkeep of the home, and pets is a great way to encourage growth, and develop and strong sense of responsibility. This will help them stay structured at school, and earn better wages faster when they enter the work world, even if they decide to work for themselves, it might even be better for the self employed. And don't forget to reward them extra when they go the extra mile. ;) And if you do have a Home Based Business, and get your kids to help there, I do believe there is a tax deduction for their wages.
@pricelis (86)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I believe its our job as parents to give them responsibilities and teach them how to take care of themselves. At first you can allow them to help you do common things around the house so you don't feel as though you're depriving them of a childhood, but as they grow older they can be asked to do certain things for themselves. Isn't part of our job (as parents)is to teach our children how to live without us?