the zeitgeist

May 7, 2009 5:20pm CST
Has anybody heard of it, are you wondering what it is....well its apparently the big plan to id chip everyone in the world and have a one world government! It is about control,at the moment we are living in a free world where we can do things and go places without being tracked. But in the future some sinister power hungry globalists want to watch our every move. Type it in on and watch some of the videos so you can form your own opinion, some people believe it, others don't and some find it offensive because it contains material which suggests that all religions evolve from astrology. I dont want to upset anyone, so if you are a devout religious person then maybe just ignore this, because I tried to tell some of the older fella's on the pool team and they weren't having any of it - they said to me, we've got a life (they are married and have lived their lives under the watchful eye of God) so I realised I couldn't mess with people who truly believe in something. I believe it though me, I didn't know the federal reserve was set up by a handful of men who would lend money with interest to the US Government until the end of time, and these men's families actually have more power than the goverment itself.
4 responses
• Thailand
8 May 09
If you are going to watch this movie don't forget to put on your tin-foil hat first. It is a sad collection of untruths and conspiracy theories. I can't believe anyone would take this trash seriously.
8 May 09
Are you a communist by any chance?
8 May 09
PS - i've got a chip in my passport, with a copper aerial around it embedded in the back page. Have you?
• Thailand
9 May 09
Are you a communist by any chance? Bit of a cheep shot don't you think. Calling people that disagree with you Communists went out of fashion years ago. I am a skeptic with a strong attachment to the truth and a belief that it is important to dig a bit depper than internet conspiracy theories can take you. A few links for your edification:
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 May 09
I'm pretty well on board with eliminating the federal reserve, I already know it's shadowy history and am well aware of the danger it poses to us. I haven't seen zeitgeist actually, but have you seen the adendum? they have changed a lot of their original positions since the first movie from what I understand. there also seems to be a conspiricy rivalry between the producers of zeitgeist and Alex Jones on a lot of this stuff, don't know if you have seen any of his stuff yet, most of it is as wild and extrapolated as zeitgeist, but he hits a few nails on the head at least.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 May 09
If your using wiki as your source it's no wonder you came to that conclusion. I spend a lot of time hanging around the tin foil hat crowd, because once you sift through the 90% thats garbage, they still haev a lot of good solid information you don't find in the main stream media, good bunch of folks, a lot of times though they have a really hard time with solid evidence and rely on extrapolation and speculation and rumor as evidence.
9 May 09
fair comment, happy Mylotting!
8 May 09
Thanks for that, i'll certainly have a gander when i have the time, i'll let you know what I think. There's so much going on behind closed doors that it just blows me away, i've been sat on wikipedia for an hour just digging myself into a freemasonry hole! The whole world is run by freemasons!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 May 09
So, this is a movie? And we're supposed to believe all of this because someone made a series of movies about it? Just because you didn't know what the Federal Resesrve was...that means that the rest of it is true? Based on what?
8 May 09
These bankers made the people think the Federal Reserve was going to stop recession in the future, unfortunately for all us working class, nearly a century later, we are now feeling the hit from this stupid decision. The movie makes a point of JFK saying there are secret societies that need to be investigated and shut down in order for true democracy to prevail - unfortunately, some people didn't like the thought of that so he got assasinated. As long as I hear his voice on tape saying that exact line I just wrote, and the fact he got assasinated then I believe it ALL. Why else would he get killed, there are no other explanations other than the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS work for the same men who own the FEDERAL BANK, they don't answer to presidents, they don't answer to anybody.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 May 09
"These bankers made the people think the Federal Reserve was going to stop recession in the future, unfortunately for all us working class, nearly a century later, we are now feeling the hit from this stupid decision." While I have my issues with the Federal Reserve System, I don't agree that they or anyone else has ever stated that it would stop future recessions...mainly because recessions are economically motivated so no banking system can control that. The Federal Reserve was formed in order to stop runs on banks during rough economic times by panicked customers who thought the bank was about to fail and wanted to remove their funds, which in the past did cause some banks to fail that would not have otherwise done so. They insure bank deposits under the FDIC and, in certain circumstances, lend money to banks who are in trouble to keep them open. "The movie makes a point of JFK saying there are secret societies that need to be investigated and shut down in order for true democracy to prevail - unfortunately, some people didn't like the thought of that so he got assasinated. As long as I hear his voice on tape saying that exact line I just wrote, and the fact he got assasinated then I believe it ALL." I'm sorry, if you're going to go down the conspiracy theory road, you're going to have to know the material. I'm certain the Federal Reserve is not a rogue organization that answers to no one but I don't have the time to research the specifics right now. the Director of the FBI definitely answers to someone and, were he the one behind the assassination of a president he would have had to depend on the agents who participated to keep silent...forever. "Why else would he get killed" There are several other conspiracy theories out there related to Kennedy's assassination so how can you be sure that you have the right one? Nothing has ever been proven but there are other suspects with other reasons. Lyndon Johnson was involved according to one because he (allegedly) hated Kennedy and feared that he was going to be dropped from the ticket for his re-election, the CIA for several reasons, the Mob (organized crime) in retaliation to Bobby Kennedy's efforts in the area of prosecuting these criminals which is why he, too, was murdered, Cuba itself as well as Cuban exiles living in the U.S. and working alone, Russia...I'm sure there are some that I've forgotten.
8 May 09
Well, I must hand it to ya, you are certainly keen on ridiculing any form of critique aimed at the federal system, and by mocking the JFK speech as a conspiracy theory, I believe we are now entering into much chartered territory. I believe that Freemasons are in control of the populace, everyone in power is a freemason. Secret societies are the only threat to true democracy on this planet, if you think thats a conspiracy theory too, then good luck to ya!
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
8 May 09
if the world is a big country. then i will go to everywhere without so many proofs. and i can more rich if i have so many person to support me to start a company, i think i will find more friend ,and more friend will come to my poor town.
8 May 09
The world is obviously starting to integrate more than ever, it will continue until we are one, you can see it is a natural progression. It makes you happy in a way because world peace maybe a lot easier if we are all one and the same. Then we will probably start wars with other planets!!!