If you are having personal some problems who would do discuss them with?

October 7, 2009 12:55pm CST
You may be having personal problems or business problems (work related). If you have such problems who do you discuss them with? Your spouse? your friends? Your relatives? Or others? And why? I personally try my best to solve all the problems myself. I avoid discussing them with any one, I know it is not the right way of approaching the problems , though.
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37 responses
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Hello dear brother, Good to see you once again. I used to be like you,i deal my problems(personal/work/business)all by myself. Until one day,i found out,i was too numb. I can't cry,i felt as i am hard like a stone,and i hate it. I still wanted to cry my heart out,but can't find reason to do. Now,i always tell my mom everything,everything as in every small details whenever i face a problem. Have a good day always my brother..i miss replying your topics
• India
7 Oct 09
Yes, I guessed it already dear. You may miss my topics but never my brotherly love hehehe.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
yah,there is no doubt about it my dear annan.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
7 Oct 09
hi vijayanths I have the tendency to discuss my problems with my hubby unless of course they are with him, then I just push him around a little...LOL..I even at times will discuss them on here. I have some new friends that are great with advice and very good listeners. Mostly I will discuss them with my husband. He may not have the answers but the fact that he listen to something that bothers me is great. Have a great day and keep smiling...
• India
7 Oct 09
yes rose a good conversationalist is one who listens. You are lucky to have a great conversationalist with you, hehehe. This is enough to boost your moral.
• United States
7 Oct 09
This is true..He really is a great man and friend to boot. I guess I'll keep him around for a while..LOL..
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
7 Oct 09
When I have personal problems, the first thing I do is go to my mom to get her feedback on the situation. If, however, the problem concerns my parents, I'll call up a friend and talk to them so I can vent and get it out of my system. If I'm having problems with both parents and friends, I'll usually take it to my blog and rant and rave there.
• India
7 Oct 09
This is another way of discussing your problems, I mean in the blogs, that is a good idea for these days.
• United States
8 Oct 09
A lot, for me, depends on what the problem is. There are some problems which I would discuss first with my husband, but sometimes it would be someone else. Many times it will be my best friend, who is like a sister to me - we live in different countries now, as I married an American and live in Massachusetts, and she is still in England, but nothing has changed between us and I trust her with my life. She is the only one who truly knows those things about me which I would never tell anyone else. Other than that, my faith is a huge part of my life so I will pray about things.
• United States
21 Oct 09
thanks for the best response!
• India
20 Oct 09
Hi vijayanths, S everyone will be having a personal problems are the other problems. First i try to solve my problem myself , if its not sorted out, if its a persnal problems then i discus with my parents, if its a office related one i share it with my friends. Have a nice day.
• Indonesia
8 Oct 09
My GOD,My Friends on my Blog. I don't have close friend in reality:)
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
8 Oct 09
why it happens to you? are you shy to be friends?
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
If I have personal problems, I like it to keep it to myself first. I am the first one to analyze and solve it and if I can't do it I ask the help of a much older friend. I ask them if they had to deal with this kind of problems what happen, what they did to solve it. I don't really like to share my problems with my parents of with my siblings. It is not just I don't trust them, but I don't want to add to the burden they have. I know they have problems of their own, I don't want to add with that, although I know that they are willing to help me in anyway I am much comfortable of keeping my problems on my own.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 09
I used to be able to talk to a friend of mine,but since i have found out that they like having a gossip about everyone life as well as stab me in the back so to speak i do not.I now tend to keep quiet and suffer is silence as i do not know who i can trust telling anything to and to be honest the way i look at it now is that it is my mess i have to sort it out.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
8 Oct 09
Hi Vijayanths, In the beginning I would never talk to people when I had personal problems. I used to see it as a badge of honour that I was able to battle my way through them by myself. A few years ago though I blundered into a situation regarding myself, which I was enable to deal with alone, and so I bit the bullet and forced myself to get help. It was the best thing I ever did. Through my counsellor I learnt a lot about myself, and was able to open up and gain a greater understanding and interest in other people. These days I not longer have a counsellor, but whenever I get problems I don't just keep them to myself. Instead I tell someone I met online and have become very close to. She is my best friend and is like a younger sister to me, and when I went through some things very recently she was the one I told, because she is the one who understands me better than anyone else ever could. I have tried talking to family in the past too, mostly because they would hurt me accidentally and they needed to know, but it never works. They just end up looking confused and hurt when they find out I am hurt, and as for boyfriends, that is even worse. The last one I had used to look as though he was about to cry, and would then say something that wouldn't help so I just stopped telling him and in the end dumped him because it was just hurting me to try and hide everything to keep him happy. Oh well... I hope you can find someone you can talk to though. Sometimes I feel bad about telling my friend everything, but I think it brings us closer. I definitely feel closer to her when she tells me things anyway, it is nice knowing you helped someone All the best, Dranz
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
when i had a problem at work in the past, i told my late husband about it. i was thankful he listened and we both worked on what should be done. now that he is gone, i tell my little problems and concerns with my daughter who is very close to me. it is always good to share ur burden to someone, it surely becomes lighter.
@forptc (287)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
Hey, it's great to find someone I could quite relate to. I don't discuss my problems with anyone, specially the more personal ones. I hate sharing stuff with other people considering I'm not really a social person. When there are business problems or problems with work that I may not be able to handle on my own, it's best I discuss it with my immediate superior so that a better action could be taken to resolve it rather than me pretending to be a know-it-all and I just might mess things up. But if it were any other problem, I take them head on all on my own because I strongly believe that people cannot be there for you all the time, or mostly when you need someone. It's a dog-eat-dog world and it's always every man for himself so why bother look for someone to lean on. Hermits take it all their lives, why can't we?
• United States
8 Oct 09
Who I discuss my problems with depends on the problem. I love asking my mom for advice but you can't tell your mom certain things. At least it would be uncomfortable to do so. I think I mostly consult my family, but like you I try to solve all the problems myself. If I get exhausted trying, then I'll turn to someone. We have to admit that we can't come up with the solution to every problem in life. We do need other people's help at least every now and then. Sometimes having problems let's us realize that and reach out to our fellow man. I guess there is some good in having problems after all.
• India
8 Oct 09
I too try to solve the problems myself. At most, I do not share my problems with any.
• United States
13 Oct 09
I talk to my boyfriend and my sister about my problems. They are very different individuals, so I get to hear different perspectives. It helps me gain a better, rounder insight into the problem and also allows me to get an idea as to how to best deal with the issue. You should try to talk to someone you love and trust about your issues- I use to do the same and keep it to myself. But I find that a lot of unnecessary stress can be eliminated if you share your problems with someone who really cares.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
8 Oct 09
I have also developed the habit of keeping it inside and getting rid of it as soon as possible..becoz if u discuss more..many times it will become public..and no solution u will get...instead if u keep it to self and think more ..concentrate more to solve it and give time to get the solution..u won't have problem at all...mostly after marriages women lose their best friends..and they can't discuss things so closely with in-laws or such relations...at least with me this has happened...so i have developed the habit of not sharing and tolerating more.
8 Oct 09
As for me, I choose my very best friend to talk to whatever the topic is. My best friend is very reliable, keep the secret till die and always gives me one good advice. We have been friends for more than 6 years now, and I'm very proud to be her friend because of who she is. I sometimes discuss about very personal things between two of us, and somehow we just feel comfortable with it. Either family, business or another issues. I know that family is the best place to lean whenever you have a problem. But however, I just see my best friend as part of my family. =)
@gmkk1986 (471)
• India
8 Oct 09
Solutions are so simple to find, but right one is difficult to identify. So by experience of age, you can say you will avoid to discuss, because you can identify best solution from your bag. But few people need some one to share their problems. I at very important times discuss with father about my problems, either personal or related to my work. He is very good guide to me always.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
8 Oct 09
because untill now, iam unmarried person, i always tell my feeling in diary.thanks to my diary. i always write my feelings, my anger, my hopes. but i hope when i get married, i think i can discuss my problems with my spouse.
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
well, I always tell my problems to my boyfriend.. sometimes I keep it to myself. I try to solve it on my own, but when I feel that I need someone to talk to and I need to get the opinion of other people. I tell my boyfriend everything, specially because I know that he would tell me if I did something wrong or something. we are very honest with each other and I think that that is one key to our relationship.
• India
8 Oct 09
Hi Good topic, If it is personal problem, i discuss with my spouse, or parents. If it is work tension, i discuss with my friends and Dh. Cheers BHA