
United States
November 14, 2006 7:51pm CST
Do you entiendo life's many plays and fouls and games and takes each scene being in between one positive or negative thing too many bags to carry too many points to handle why can't I just light a candle and take a bath and relax I always want what I can't have but I believe that I can have everything and the joy or pain I bring can mess with someone's life pain, excitement, confusion, happiness, strife are all feelings felt and I wear the belt to carry them around I don't drag on the ground I try not to slip or fall and I try to do it all with just God's guidance and assistance feelings of resistance to anyone that can break my heart but I still break apart not knowing what can be so I try to see an opening in the smog and I go along looking for clues to the subtle abuse of life's everyday tasks I'll rise from the pack and take on it all and when others call I'll answer and help I'll try not to yelp when the load's breaking my back and I'll act as a shoulder to cry on the one people can rely on when they have joy or pain because I play life's game very well
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2 responses
• United States
16 Nov 06
If I understand the spanish word entiendo correctly, ( I thought that's what it meant) (But its been so long with spanish for me, I don't know any more) it means intention. I have to say, that that was very good writing!
• United States
15 Nov 06
Very good write Nicole. Thank you for posting this.