do you observed your neighbors??

@acie_21 (5633)
March 10, 2010 8:53pm CST
hi guys!do you do that?? i came up with this topic cause i hate one of our neighbor in front of my parents house... they dont have respect cause every time we talk something.. just like for example i shouted something to our maid... "where's the ball" our stupid neighbor will answer back even though their are not the one been ask! do you have neighbors like that?? very irritating! grrrrrr!!!!!!!!! how do you deal with people like this?? thanks! share your thoughts! cheers!
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22 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
14 Mar 10
Hi acie, may be your neighbors feel lonely and keen to make friend with you therefore they are not stupid. They just try to arouse your attention by simple answering whenever you throw a question to someone even though they know you are not asking them actually My neighbors around are very friendly. Only the family on the left seldom to others. Neighbors on the right and opposite like to chat with me whenever we meet any of them outside the compound or near the gate. Sometime we will exchange vegetable seeds, for all of us like to do some vegetable planting. Happy posting
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hi my friend!... you have good neighbors huh??? i think their jokes was not in the right timing... sounds kinda sarcastic....hehehe! well anyways...its over now... hehehe! miss ya!friend!...
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
16 Mar 10
Hi acie, I understand what you mean here. Yeah, joke should be made at suitable time only. I would become more furious as well if someone create joke when I'm not in good mood I always observe the visitors of my neighbor out of my curiosity, a bit busy body notice this by seeing the unfamiliar cars parking in front of the house. Anyway I'm still lucky that the neighbors live in the left are quite friendly and helpful. And we offer help to the opposite parties when needed. Sometimes neighbors are more important than relatives who stay at far distance. For relatives and friends who live far away can give us urgent help like what our neighbors do. Have a nice day
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
yeah !i agree..that sound sad...but true.. well it depends if we have friendly neighbors.. now a days it hard to trust somebody.. cause crisis is already arising.. so we must know our neighbors properly to avoid such problem just for our safety.. right? hugs!..
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
11 Mar 10
lol =D U have weird neighbours huh!! Why will they answer back, when they obviously know that u are not talking to them?!?! hehe UNless, they have been accused of something by your family members?? and that they dun feel good?? Or they are just taking it as a joke, on the behalf of he maid in house?? hehe ^_^
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
15 Mar 10
I guess they are just being crazy!! HAve they just moved in or what?? Or all along they have been like that??
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
they've just newly moved!... what a neighbor!... they are being inconsiderate!...
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@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
naa....they also do that to my brother... i dont know why they haven't learn any respect at school! gesssssh!.. and to the point they are a very noisy neighbor! who always shout!....and talk loud! grrrrrrrrrrrr!
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
haha...relax friend...your heart might fall! well well, from where i am living now, i don't have much problem with my neighbors except for some who are always questioning why i don't go out of our house! hehe i think your neighbor is just a plain bully! why not answer them back? haha so far i don't encounter such kind but when i am still in my parents house, sometimes our cousins do that, answering even if we are not talking to them, well it don't irritates us coz they are our relatives and its like a joke for us... but if its someone that i don't have any relation with, just a neighbor & if we are not close...i guess i will just be ignoring them.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
hehe, maybe they are just seeking some attention from people in your house... well, just ignore them or better yet talk to settle things out.
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
heheheheh!they are such a burden!...grrrrr... my heart..hehehe!
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
hi there best.. i dont go outside my house..i only go out side if ill go to my parents house... but when buying something like for our snacks.. i let our maid do it for me.. i wont answer back cause they are a fool...uneducated people... so why should i mind them...hahahah! its not a joke already ...they should respect their neighbors... and besides they are still new here!... why should they act that way... hmmm..never mind..hehehhe! hugs!
• Estonia
11 Mar 10
I don't stalk my neighbors, I don't care, what is happening in their private life. We live in an apartment house, so we can often hear if something is wrong at the neighbors apartment. Sometimes they have arguments, so they shout at each other and stuff. That's when I hear them. I could also have a chance to spy on them, by listening closely through the wall, but I don't want to. However, there have been some old ladies living in our apartment house, who were spying on almost all other neighbors. There were keeping an eye on everybody and then having gossips. I hate such people.
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
hi friend... those kind of neighbors..have nothing to do in their life!.. thats why people like them gossips do things...just to kill their boredom.. but their idea has no good at all!... its really feel weird if someones is been spying on you!!.. geshhh!....hope they would get a life on their own!.. happy posting!
@mac_fish (723)
• China
11 Mar 10
Hi,there Well,...... take it easy , man If the one likes answer u is just kids,he/she is just little cute villian and I donnt think he will put u in any trouble... But if it's an adult,the one is really weird and his/her behavior is ridiculous I think doesnt make any sense,right? Whatever,life is boring without these trifles,maybe the trouble-maker is sent by the god and has some profound cability to change ur life,it's essential maybe
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
heheheh!hi there mac.. heheh!but the problem is they are not kids!there are 30ths or even almost at their 40ths!gggggggggesssh!... well you have your point..hehe! but its a little bit annoying already...ehehhe! take care!
@phoenix8606 (4942)
11 Mar 10
hell0 you little bad voyeur no, i don't observe my neighbors, because I actually live in a block, and there are no block near mine, so i can't observe them. well, if i have a long stick i would probably bind the digital camera on it and spy them, but there is nothing interesting to see there I think :) because on the lower floor there is no one living, and on the upper one, there are some mad neighbors nd if they catch me i will have a lot of problems
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
hahahahha!phoenix... have you ever tried doing it??? even just a little...come big deal.. share! heheheh! any experiences??lol!
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
Indeed it would be frustrating and irritating...maybe they are confident you have no other guys in your house that could stop them doing like that..why not talk to them about it..ask them why they keep on doing that? If you think they would have just making something that could trigger to a quarrel then that's the time you have to look for someone who can depend on... At least you know that they would just be looking for something that cause a trouble. By the way, have you had any grudges before with your neighbor? Or maybe they were just jealous for something on your family? Hope this could create a little help with this problem problem of yours... Mobhomeir here...
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
hi there!.. the worst thing is that they are girls... they sound like uneducated!one's....! i have no problem with my past neighbors... they are our new neighbors and they have the guts to show their attitudes! what a shame! i dont want to talk to people like them...wasting my patience and feelings... just..they will do more worst things if will noticed their acts! stupid neighbor! thanks for sharing!
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
I hate people who invade privacy of a person. On our home, this kind of people are very irritating especially if they make stories and tell it to other people. I don't know if they feel happy about that. They just ruin my everyday. :p
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
hi friend... have you encountered one??? what happen then?? how do you deal with people like that??
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
In our village, we mind our own business. We don't care about other people's lives. We don't want intruders to be meddling with our own lives also.
@JamesKYTan (1605)
• Malaysia
12 Mar 10
Hi, my neighbour is different. My neighbour usually peeks at us when we go out or return home.But in good nature. She is friendly and helpful.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
13 Mar 10
Thankfully this has never been a way in which we've ever faced conflict with our neighbors. It seems like the majority of the people that the majority of the people that live around us generally keep to themselves. However, the way that we have faced conflict with them is over the fact that for some reason our neighbors seem to think that they are better than us because they have lived in their homes far longer than we've owned ours.
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
maybe they just want attention, sometimes theres neighbors like that just one way for them to talk with their co-neighbors and have friends with. though sometimes we just ignore them. in the province neighbors there known each other and if they saw one of them outside they greet them and share food together. i also wish to have a neighbor like that. but in the city people here to busy and no time for neighbor specially if your just new to the place as your afraid that maybe your neighbor might give harm to you rather than help you. if i dont know my neighbor i dont bother to talk to them too, just to be safe.
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
hi there!... hahahah!they really want attention...they could go to our house and make friends.. but what their doing is really disrespectful... i think they want a fight ...rather than making friends..heheheh! thanks for sharing! happy posting! cheers!
@MrKennedy (1978)
11 Mar 10
I don't really take an interest in my neighbors. Never have done, and neither did my parents. We just leave them alone and they leave us alone, and that's just the way we like it
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
I consider myself lucky because we have friendly and understanding neighbors so i have not experienced what you had. If i were in your position, i would not just mind them but if this situation keeps on repeating maybe i will have to talk to them nicely about it.
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
hi friend... its just now....that this happened to us.. they are our new neighbor.... so unlucky...i hope they would move out!hahaah! thanks for sharing! pink!
• Malaysia
11 Mar 10
hi acie during our younger days, the neighbours to friend with were choice of my parents, if they were not close with those people we did not get to know their children as well .. now life in the city is worst, i come home and close my door and busy with my housekeeping work ... no time to get to know my neighbours at all cheers
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Mar 10
Hi Acie, I seldom observed my neighbors as i am always busy with work. i go out of the house early and home by night. no more time for such thing. the only thing that irritates me is their being insensitive to their neighbors sleeping time. even during weekdays they will play and sing-along with videoke until the wee hours. inconsiderate too.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
11 Mar 10
What my neighbors do is their own business. They really do not affect my life whatsoever. Of course, I happen to catch bits and pieces of conversation, because some of them have voices that carry an insane amount. That is just an aspect that I will have to deal with. Just try and ignore those people and block them out. Sadly, this does not go both ways. I have had neighbors in the past that are quite noisy. Everything is their business, even if there should be no way that it is their business. They feel like they have to add their two cents to everything. Thankfully, I have no neighbors like that right now but when I have had them, it is very annoying. I try and distance myself from these people as often as I can. They are just not worth my time or my headaches.
@lhadie (32)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
@sether7 (183)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
No I don't. They have a life of their own and I have mine too so its better to ignore them. It would be awful to butt in because we are not that close to each other. I would rather mind my own business than meddling with their deeds.
@bestylish (922)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
Here in our neighborhood, it's really peaceful. We don't usually bother that much with our neighbors. Just don't mind them. Let them say whatever they want. They're the ones who are going to act all weirdos.