What made this teacher say something as foolish as this?

@cream97 (29087)
United States
October 6, 2010 9:15am CST
My oldest daughter's teacher is really getting on my last nerves! She always has something negative to say. Yesterday morning as we was coming back towards my apartment. She asked me if I had my driver's license. I told her no, that this was one of things that I am now working on. I told her that I could drive though. I have ran into many people that think that a person that does not have their driver's license cannot drive. Well in my case, it is completely different. I have had to tell these same people, that I do know, how to drive, even though I don't have my driver's license. As soon as I told the teacher that I can drive, she then goes, "Don't drive a car without having your driver's license." I told her that I won't. I never do something like this. She was talking about how the police could stop me if I got caught and all. Why does this teacher think so negatively of me? Everything that I say, she always has something to say about it. It is never good. I have never had anyone tell me this. When I tell them that I don't have my driver's license and that I am working on it, they will then tell me good luck on getting it and that they hope that I achieve at mastering my driver's license. Not ever what this teacher has told me. I am really trying to refrain from disrespecting her. But she is really beginning to be a big pain in the azz! When will she let off of trying to judge me? This woman knows nothing about me at all, to make an decision about what she "thinks" that I may do or not do.
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6 responses
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
Hmm... There's nothing wrong about what she said though. I guess I just see things from a different angle than yours because you have heard her and how she said those words might be sarcastic or assuming that you don't know that as a fact. I guess there are just people who can't seem to know how to talk to people without irking them off. I do have an acquaintance like that. She feels as if I value her ideas when in fact I don't. I simply answer her questions without asking what she thinks about any idea then she starts blurting out her thoughts and totally wasting my time. I get you dear. But I guess that teacher (like my acquaintance) just don't get that we don't like them and don't appreciate them trying to push themselves in our business. Anyway, just breathe it out and just end each response with a statement so she gets that you're just being nice but are not really in it for any sort of friendship.
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@celticeagle (164368)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Oct 10
People do jump to alot of conclusions about others and their circumstances don't they? This teacher really seems to think, or acts like she does, that you don't have much intelligence. Like she is teaching you as well as your child. What do you think is up with that?
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
7 Oct 10
You may have good reason for feeling the way you do about this teacher, but let me suggest a little different perspective. You said you do not have a drivers license, yet you say you know how to drive. The obvious question is how did you learn to drive? You told her you would not drive without a license. To some people, that logic may not totally make sense. Her questioning may not have been so much to judge you, as to figure out what you had just said. I think it is better to assume she did not mean you harm and not take offense at the remark. Maybe I am all wrong, but give it some thought anyhow. Have a wonderful day.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
7 Oct 10
hi cream, I just try to avoid getting into too many personal discussions with people like this. You know that any info that you offer up is just giving them more fuel to judge you on. Since she is your daughters teacher, the only thing you are obligated to discuss with her is your daughter's school work. When she asked you if you had your drivers license you should have asked her why she wanted to know. It's really none of her business.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
7 Oct 10
This teacher must not be very happy or she must not have much of a life. I would suggest coming back with something positive but sometimes when you do this, they just think of more negative things to say. I have a sister like this. She has a lot of problems and she's always so negative. That's why I don't like to be around her much. I agree with JerusalemFolk. I think you should go to the principal about this.
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@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
7 Oct 10
Hi Cream, don't worry too much about her attitude. Maybe she is just someone who is over-concerned about other people matter and life. I dunno if she just meant to give a helpful advice, but she should really just do it once if and when necessary. She should also realise that you are also grown-up just like her, and assume that you could also think of the thing without someone reminding you all the time. I do hate people who keep telling and advising us the same thing or things that we already knew ourselves and makes it sounds like we stupid and don't know anything. By the way, just be patient and try to avoid from having a conversation with her too much. Good luck and have a nice day.
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