11 countries seeking voice in the AZ immagration case

United States
October 7, 2010 12:36am CST
not only has the obama regime brought a case against AZ because of the immigration law, now the MORONS running this Country into the ground, have allowed 11 countries to voice their opinion! Why? does the opinions of foreign nations have to be sought in order for Obama to make a decision?
7 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
7 Oct 10
"The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State." ~U.S. Constitution,amendment 11 That's all I have to say on the matter.....as if any thing else even needs to be said.
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Oct 10
THANK YOU X. I knew it was illegal. I wonder why no one has called him out on it? This is clearly unconstitutional. You would think a "constitutional lawyer" would know better. LOL. Obama is just Bush all over again. Neither cares about the constitution unless it suites them. Otherwise they just ignore they heck out of it. Don't you find it funny he is sueing AZ saying their immigration law is unconstitutional...yet he is violating the constitution himself. I guess laws and rules are for the "little" people and not him.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
7 Oct 10
The way they are getting around it is bogus. It is called a "friend" of the court" filing. It's nothing more than legal mumbo jumbo, I don't care what they call it...it is still unconstitutional. It's just another way lawyers have twisted meaning fo the constitution to get around things. It is like them using the "general welfare" or "interstate commerce" clauses as justification for all manner of unconstitutional garbage.
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Oct 10
Which is why we should NEVER elect lawyers into public office.
@nzinky (822)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Those country's needs to keep their noses out our countrys business.........When foriegn countries stick their comments into our business cause they have no legal rights to do or say what goes on in this country........and any judges listens to them should be taken off the bench.......
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
7 Oct 10
NO! On the other hand, I wish that you would remember this feeling when it comes to the US nosing in the affairs of other nations!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Obama shouldn't have any say in the Arizona law one way or the other. It's for the courts to decide; but I would want to know why these 11 countries have an interest. Could it be because they have made nothing of their own country and need to steal from the USA to survive? Or is an open American border an easy way for them to get rid of the less desirable citizens? If they are honest, law abiding countries, why would they complain about Arizona asking that our immigration laws be upheld? Are not their immigration laws carried out to the letter?
• United States
7 Oct 10
As a soveriegn nation we should not be getting other countries opinions about the laws that govern our own country. The laws are suppost to be decided on by the american citizens. We tell our elected officials what laws we want...what laws we don't and how we want the laws to be written...our "public servants" are suppost to listen and do our bidding. That is how it is SUPPOST to work. But try telling them that in Washington. There is not suppost to be any foreign interference between the will of the people of this country and our government. This is actually illegal, isn't it? Foreign powers having an input in our domestic laws? I will have to look into it...but I think it might just be illegal. Notice he is asking foreign countries what they think....but not the american public. That should tell you something right there.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I wouldn't be so willing (eager) to say "F off" here to other countries if everything was going to be truthful. In reality, we all know, even those of us clinging to liberalism and lying to ourselves, that the Arizona law is a much toned down version of a federal law that was already in place. It PC'd the language up and actually limited power - only it put into the state's hands instead of the feds enforcing it (because they flat-out wouldn't). That's stone truth. 100%. There's no avoiding that. Now, instead of going on the merits of a state overriding federal rule, they present it as if white people in Arizona are straight-up trying to purge the state of all immigrants south of the border. Never mind they're illegal. Never mind the language of the law. Never mind every bit of truth and common sense. I fully expect the opinions of these other countries to be similar to the opinions uberlibs here and their ilk have on it. Partly because other countries are only going to be presented with the BS, kneejerk version, and partly because America is always flame fodder. Always. Friggin' Mexico wants to build a fence to keep the Guatemalans out. Mexico's punishment for illegals surpasses the worst they catch by law in America 50 friggin' fold. But when it's perceived as white people vs. minority (and I pull my hair out constantly over that word - "minority") the entire world has to wave their fingers in our face and start preaching to us. (The PC world is bigoted. They just can't see it.) I just wish Obama and the gang would be honest. Just come out and say it! "Because the illegal immigrants flowing into America are minorities in the United States, we believe they deserve preferential treatment. And those not willing to give it are, to us, racists for not feeling the same level of compassion and not realizing that, as we firmly believe, these people cannot do for themselves and need our assistance." I would disagree with that. But I would respect it. Instead, they go the long way around, making enemies and making sure social justice is always balked at, and actually risk long-term damage by America being made out as Nazi Germany (by AMERICANS no less).
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
7 Oct 10
They don't want to offend anyone. Those 11 countries probably have a majority of the national income coming from immigrants (legal and illegal) working in the US. Look at the Mexican immigration policy. Why is their southern border so heavily guarded? It is to stop the people from Central America moving through Mexico to America and taking jobs away from Mexican workers who are here (legal and illegal). The number one source of money for the Mexican economy is money sent back from Mexicans (legal and illegal) working in the US. Without that money the Mexican economy would collapse.