Are the student riots in the UK going a little too far?

Charles and Camilla under attack - Prince Charles and Camilla caught up in the student riots.
@ruby222 (4847)
December 12, 2010 11:00am CST
Sadly the student riots have once again hit the headlines. The students have a point and they are entitled to their views and opinions but surely this is going a bit too far. During the student riots last week the Royal car came under attack. Naturally Charles and Camilla were shaken when they realised that they were caught up in the student riots. What is your opinion on the UK student riots and how would you feel if your car was daubed with paint and the windows were smashed?
4 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Dec 10
Is that really you Ruby? To say that I have missed you is an understatement. I am completely opposed to the riots and certainly to the attack on the Royals car. Where have you been? So much has happened whilst you've been away.
@ruby222 (4847)
30 May 11
Hello Pikey i am having a little surf around the old site. it seems as active as ever. a lot has happened to the royal family since this was posted too! We enjoyed the wedding of william and kate, it was marvellous. Now we will have to wait for a baby Kate to come along!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
30 May 11
I wonder if they'll rush to babies? Royal women generally don't hang around after marriage. I hope thst all is well with you. I am OK now after a difficult end to last year. I do miss you. Not enough sensible British ladies on here nowadays!
@ruby222 (4847)
30 May 11
Oh pike, how sweet. yes all is well here thankyou. i think a baby will be along sooner than we think, not a honeymoon baby but maybe next year sometime. Apparently a woman should have her children before the age of 35, so researchers say. Now Kate is thirty next time around so maybe she had better get her skates on! Or William had better get his fingfer out, one or the other! after having shared that wonderful snippet of information with you I have now told my girls that they shall produce no more! I say four grandchildren is enough for anyone. Any on the horizon for you and Mrs Pike?
@GreenMoo (11834)
15 Dec 10
I rarely get to see the news in my little corner of the world, so my knowledge of recent happenings is pretty sparse. I thought I´d pop up though, just to say how good it is to see you!
@GreenMoo (11834)
31 May 11
Right now I'm in bed, which is the perfect little corner of the world as far as I'm concerned! I'm having a sneaky five minutes as my youngest wanted a cuddle before school. It's good to see you pop up again, and I hope all is well. I'm only just back here myself, after a massive gap due to lack of net access.
@ruby222 (4847)
30 May 11
hello Moo! Yes I apologise for being a little late with my reply but Mr ruby keeps me on my toes you know! where are you again I have forgotten? lots of new names here on Mylot and they all seem to be posting well.
@benhilo (871)
• Tripoli, Libya
13 Dec 10
Yes, I think they went too far. First of all, these silly protestors were harrassing the wrong people. Everyone knows that the Royals are for show and have nothing to do with policy. Members of Parliment would have been more suited. (Not that I advocate any type of violence.)
@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I think that the violence is going too far. Demonstrating with no violence or protesting if you would rather, is acceptable. I do not agree with the violence and property destruction. I think that it is only a certain portion of the crowd that was doing this. Most of the crowd were peaceful it was those few scattering of people that were doing more. I believe that the peaceful protesters started out and ended things in the right frame. Shame on the ones who were destructive & violent. I saw pics of Charles and Camilla and they both seemed pretty shook up. I am surprised that the National Security let the members of the Royal family, the Heir to the Throne get this close to such happenings.