First review of the last film is out!

July 6, 2011 10:10am CST
Just saw this on the Daily Telegraph: Be warned, there are a couple of minor spoilers if you've not read the last book (very minor, but hey... still spoilers). By all accounts the last film is a stonking good'un - the director managed to get a real epic feel to it all and bits of it are "genuinely terrifying". Looking forward to this now...!!
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6 responses
• United States
6 Jul 11
I was looking forward to it right along. It is nice to see a good review, but I will still withhold judgment until I actually see it myself. I have seen previews, and the brief snippets from them do seem good, but it seems there may also be glaring differences from the books, which I do not like. The critic said that the final book was basically "lack luster" and the film did a better job. That suggests to me that this film does not follow the books the same as several of the others, and I did not find them anywhere near as good as the books.
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6 Jul 11
Films are never (well, almost never) as good as the books they're based on - but I think they've done a pretty good job so far. The films are also much better if you've read the books - the HBPrince was completely incomprehensible the first time I saw it, since all the back-story's missing. Then I read the book and was like "Ahhhh, NOW I get it!"
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@bmthepro (118)
• India
6 Jul 11
Ya but I wouldn't agree that Harry Potter films are better than the books. No way! If you have read all the books then I think you'll agree with me. And HBPrince was perhaps the worst as the story remains almost untold in the film. After the film released I had to explain the story to some of my friends who have watched it but hadn't read the books what the story was. They never noticed that Dumbledore had a withered hand in it. lol!
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• United States
8 Jul 11
Spike - I have to agree that the movies themselves were good and entertaining if you view them as separate from the books. The first few movies were pretty good about following the books, even after they abandoned their school robes for street clothes, which would have been absolutely forbidden at Hogwarts. I really disliked the Half-blood Prince the most, though, because the movie was so far from the book that it was like watching a "fan fiction" movie rather than a movie based on the actual book, in my opinion. Bmthepro - I had the same problem. I had to explain what was going on to my friends that had not seen the movie. In fact, those of us that had read the books were getting very upset during the movie, and we had to keep pausing it to complain about the movie and explain what was happening. The ones that had not read the books were getting really upset not only because they didn't understand what was going on but also because the rest of us kept getting so upset about what was (and was not) happening.
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• Philippines
9 Jul 11
I am looking forward to seeing this movie on wide screen! I've seen the first installment of the final movie and I must say that it is successful in making me want for more!!
• United States
9 Jul 11
I definitely agree that the only way to see this movie for the first time is in the theaters. I think that it is one of those movies that needs to be seen on the large screen with the surround sound and the whole apmosphere of the theater to really do the movie justice. There are many ... in fact most ... movies that I can wait to see them until they come out on DVD, especially since it costs so much to go to the movies these days and money is to tight. I will definitely get this movie on DVD when it comes out (just as I have gotten all the others in the series), but I can't wait to see it in theaters first.
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• United States
10 Jul 11
That should really be such a fun time, especially since you are sharing the experience with your nieces and nephews. How old are they? Do they already like Harry Potter or will this be their first experience with it? My little one is just barely four years old, and she really is too young for Harry Potter. Under normal circumstances I would not let her watch something like this, even though it is for children, because it really is for older children. She is still into "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Jungle Junction" and "Blue's Clues" and stuff like that. The themes and violence level of Harry Potter, although not really graphic is still a bit old for her, in my opinion. We were watching it one day when she was taking a nap, though, and she woke up before we realized and started watching it ... she was hooked. Now, she likes Harry Potter just as much as the rest of us, and when she gets older I can't wait until we can read the books together.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Indeed. There are a lot of movies that I can do without watching on theaters, I just download them or buy some copies on DVD but HP movie series can't be! The effects will be better appreciated when watched on the wide screen as the chances of missing some scenes/ effects will be nil. I will be watching this with my little nieces and nephews so it would be real fun!
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
6 Jul 11
was never a fan of the harry potter series. anyway, maybe if my daughter shows interest to it then i'll bring her to watch it but i doubt if that happens. i'm bracing myself for all the harry potter talk that i'll be hearing when the movie gets shown. lol! anyway, glad you're stoked for this one, hope you enjoy the movie! cheers!!!
@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
@ spike, i don't think i'll catch this movie at all. my office mates are already excited to watch the final movie for this one and have set up date. perhaps when my daughter sees the trailer and becomes interested, that'll be the time that i would watch this one.
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7 Jul 11
Funnily enough, I wasn't either: I avoided them like the plague because everyone was going on and on and on about them. Then a friend in Oz recommended I read them - and his recommendations are always very good... so I caved and read them. They're surprisingly enjoyable.
• India
6 Jul 11
yeah even i am desperately waiting for its arrival. the things i have waited for a long time.i am just hoping that the epic finale would end on very high.
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@naija4real (1291)
7 Jul 11
I have not had the time to watch Harry Potter. I just hope I had the time to stick my eyes on my tv to catch a glimpse of this movie that people use to talk about.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
I have watched all the Harry Potter movies.Some better then the others.Nice to see a good rewiew.I'm looking more forward to the movie now.Thanks :)
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