Very surprised to hear there id deleted...!!!

@prokat (229)
October 1, 2011 11:15am CST
I read at one discussion of my friends he writes about ID is removed, please explain to me why until the ID is removed I am very worried because I often play at internet cafes.....
5 responses
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
1 Oct 11
As long as you're not doing anything wrong, then you won't get kicked out of mylot. Most probably your friend has broken some rules that's why he got banned. You shuold check out mylot faqs and guidelines to know what is allowed and not allowed. Anyway, you have responded to one of my discussions and you have tagged it with your name. I don't think we are allowed to do that. In the faqs page it is stated that we have to tag relevant words associated to he discussion. Here it is: Simply, read through the discussion and submit keywords associated with the discussion topic that has not been posted. So better not do that next time.
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
1 Oct 11
Tags are used to index the discussions here in mylot. So that when you search for discussions, it would be easier. Besides, isn't it stated below the tag box this? [i]A tag is a keyword or keyphrase that describes this discussion. You may enter multiple tags by separating them with commas in the box above After completing this step, your new topic, response, or comment will be posted. Creating tags is a helpful way of organizing discussions for yourself and the myLot community.[/i]
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
2 Oct 11
I think it is because prokat is really used to do Facebook Photo Tagging so he got that misconception.. And yeah, if we are doing tag on Facebook, we tag the name of people :D But nope, here in myLot, there's different concept of tag, like swirlz stated above.. Happy mylotting again, all!
@prokat (229)
1 Oct 11
:O :O :O I really do not know of it I think it's tag only needs to be charged anything so from me to fill it with words I do not understand, I think with enter my name it is better I did not think that It is a gross.. Thx atas infonya...Thumbs for you...ekekkek
1 person likes this
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I'm not sure why he was removed. It's possible he either started a really bad discussion and got reported. Or maybe he was constantly breaking the rules so they decided to remove him. Or he created more than one account and got banned. It's hard to say. Mylot reserves the right to delete anyone, so if you aren't following the rules they can delete you. Did he try to contact mylot to find out why? I would think he'd at least get an email explaining why he was removed.
@prokat (229)
1 Oct 11
Thank you for your explanation, I just hope that the admin not remove a person's id because the person is never or often been an IP with another user, because I do not have Internet network in my house so I have to go to internet cafes order on line, while I also do not know whether there are other people who frequently be one with my IP. I am very confident Admin n Mylot very professional..!!! ^___^
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
1 Oct 11
I have done that in the past, being in an internet cafe just to mylot. I think it's ok. But if you think about it, does your expenses for computer rental be paid back with your earnings in mylot? Mine didn't, that's why I stopped. I was spending more money just to be in mylot than the money I'm actually earning being here.
@prokat (229)
2 Oct 11
I think it is not worth it but I also do this my other tasks...^___^
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I have no idea. I am very confused here too.
@prokat (229)
2 Oct 11
LOL you are my senior please help me because I'm new here ^___*
• United States
1 Oct 11
Members will only get suspended if they do not follow the guidelines. It does not matter how many times and or if any reports what they feel is against the guidelines. Ultimately Admin makes all decisions and removes ONLY if they are not abiding to the guidelines. I would not worry about internet cafes, as long as you have your own ID and p-word you are loggging in with. Admins here have the necessary tools to figure out and monitor the site. As for anyone trying to know why a member was suspended, unless a member says so directly, we will never know here, as admin is very professional and will not discuss one member with another. Simply follow the guidelines here: Participate and enjoy your time here. This one is our admin's profile where he lists what he expects for us to abide by daily. Welcome to myLot.
@prokat (229)
2 Oct 11
True words my friend which suggests to me MyLot, He told friends or family in MyLot It is very nice and friendly thank you for your submission. I very much hope if I make a mistake please my friends and family here admonished me so that I know if I do it is something wrong.....THX...^___^
• Indonesia
1 Oct 11
if you still follow the rules and do not ruin it, i think you will be safe...a place or game even though very simple always has the rules and policies as long as you strick on it, you will continue stay... perhaps your friends made a mistakes that cant be forgiven... i hope there is no another member will be deleted or banned...
@prokat (229)
2 Oct 11
Wawaiii MUACH....MUACH...MUACH....Miss you, I also hope Accordingly if we make a mistake I very much hope to get a warning,because I sure is not necessarily the error was intentional, and I also believe if someone reprimand us it is a sign if the person is still concerned on us..THX...MUACH..MUACH..MUACH......^___^