When working, no Facebook!

@edsss17 (4394)
March 5, 2012 11:08pm CST
I am working full time in the comfort of my home and there are days I just can't focus on my job because my Facebook is on. I know, its my fault! I just realized today that when working (especially online) Facebook shouldn't be open so we can focus on what we're doing! :) Why did I just thought of it after a long time, right? Silly! Hope you guys are having a great day!
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27 responses
• Japan
6 Mar 12
Hello edsss17, I don't have facebook but I know what is facebook. If ever I have facebook, I wont be opening it whether I work home or outdoor. It will just make me bother and not being concentrated with what I am doing. I have seen people who work and while on the computer they are accessing their facebook which is not right,.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
6 Mar 12
True. That is very true! :) That is why I am thinking of deactivating my Facebook!
• United States
6 Mar 12
Yes, facebook can be very bad, but on the other hand can safe some money. For example, I used to sent pictures to my family and cost some money. Now, the all can see my pictures on my facebook.
• Japan
6 Mar 12
Evrything has a good and bad benefits
• South Africa
10 Mar 12
I used to be so addicted when I first joined facebook. These days I log on when I have somehting important to do or check out...or when I am just passing away time. I also think no facebook when working is the way to go.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 12
what about mylot?? don`t you feel you are so addicted with mylot??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 12
edss, what about in mylot??
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
True that! I was like that before too. I come to Facebook almost every time of the day and just do nothing. But, right now, I realize I should not continue this! :)
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
27 Mar 12
well its a matter of self disciple. if you really wanted to work.even if your facebook is online you will still do your jobs first before using facebook.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
28 Mar 12
right...self discipline can solve your problem...
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
28 Mar 12
Yes, its just how you control yourself, right? :)
1 person likes this
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
7 Mar 12
I have been going to school online and I have to agree, I can't focus if I have facebook on while I'm trying to do my school work. I have to turn it off or I don't get anything done.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Mar 12
why?? it was surprised i think when someone had accesed facebook in working time( below than 30 minutes) it was good for their working passion
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 12
@edss : you are the boss in your office..so you can choose the better for your company..
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Yea. Maybe I should block Facebook when I'm working! :)
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
6 Mar 12
hi there, i guess facebook has now become a part of our lives. i know sometimes there is this feeling that i really need to open it for some important reasons but also there are times that i leave it open. well even when i am here on Mylot, i still open my facebook and it takes more time rather than working here on mylot hehehe
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
hehehe yeah that is what i have been thinking too, that if Facebook was an earning site too, i would be rich.. if only..........
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
HAHAHA! yea!
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Hi Cherish! Yes, true! We even spend a lot of time in Facebook more than any other earning sites. If only we get paid by using Facebook, I'll be rich!
@maratus (184)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 12
I totally agree with you. we shouldn't open facebook or twitter before our job done. Because in that site we can do a lot of fun like chat and game online that make us forget with our deadline.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 12
@maratus : what about opening your facebook account in class and when your teacher still teach you??
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
10 Mar 12
Yes and when we are having so much fun with these sites, we couldn't finish or focused on the job we are doing!
@shadjee1 (602)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
No that's not silly and you are not alone. I too is a work at home mom and whenever I am working I cant help to sometimes stop and open facebook or mylot to check out things.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Mar 12
so do you think open facebook or mylot in your working time will be useful for your activities??
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Aww. I'm relieved to know that!
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Facebook takes away boredom that's why some people use facebook even when at work. But, let's just keep in mind that doing FB is only to minimize stress and should not be used for the whole duration of our working time. I recommend to still use it wisely. :)
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
8 Mar 12
True! :) Use it wisely!
@maezee (41996)
• United States
6 Mar 12
Facebook is definitely a distraction. But I tend to find MyLot to be a bigger distraction, I get bored with Facebook pretty easily especially if none of my friends are online. OF COURSE it's totally different with MyLot, I could waste my evenings after work AWAY on this site. I try to post quite a bit (my goal is to reach 10,000 by the end of this month! Wish me luck!) but I try to get things done every 10 posts or so. For example after posting this response I am going to go do some laundry! . Happy MyLotting!
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Mar 12
thats happen to me mylot take my attention i dont care with facebook because iam seldom online in facebook when working time..
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
That is a pretty nice goal, maezee! I used to do that before. I usually tried my best to post a response 10 or 20 times a day but that has changed when I received bigger loads of work to do... And right now, I still manage to somehow post here in myLot!
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Mar 12
i think you are right sometimes too much online with facebook, our concentration will be bothered since two days ago, i never visited facebook in my working time..because i still be busy for preparing my academic rank..even i still surf mylot LOL
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 12
edss, iam just afraid the effect to be addicted with mylot i dont know why iam too addicted with mylot than facebook
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Good for you that you are able to control yourself not to log-in in Facebook for you to be able to study! :) Well done!
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
18 Mar 12
I agree with you. hehehe. Since you handle your own time. Why don't you treat yourself at least an hour break. Every 4 hours you take a break on the next hour you do whatever you want. Then on the 6th hour you start working again. You feel great since you can accomplish two loads in a day. May I know what's your work?
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
28 Mar 12
Hi! :) Sounds a good routine to me. I'm an online virtual assistant. I help create websites!
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
8 Mar 12
Oh yes! Facebook is one heck of a distraction. Whenever I try to do some project or stuffs like that, I get a notification on my phone and then I'm on facebook without even realising it. It's strange how addicting facebook can get at times. And sometimes I'm just on there without doing anything, it's annoying!
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
9 Mar 12
That's what am talkin' about! Even though that I'm not Facebook when I'm in front of my computer, its my phone that keeps beeping for the notification. HAHAHA!
• United States
7 Mar 12
facebook is one of thos sights that can jsut draw you in. i do not work but i know that is sometimes things so not get done around the house because i was to caught up in the new games,photos,or commetns my friends have posted lol. there are times i have to make myself get off and stay off all day so that i dont get distracted again lol
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
I'm trying to get myself distracted in Facebook now.
• United States
7 Mar 12
It is easy to get caught up in the networking. I do it. Keeping tabs on family and friends is as easy as a switch of a light. When it starts to interfere with your daily work, I think its time to shut it off for 3 or more days. At least that is the way I Look at it. Staying balanced is the important thing. Now if we could all just get so carried away when it came to thinking about Jesus. The world would surely be a different place.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Nice idea, I shall do that! And yes, about Jesus. This world will surely be a different place if all of us just have faith in Him!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
6 Mar 12
I have this problem too, unfortunately. I think part of it is that I do work quite a bit plus have a toddler, so I feel a bit entitled to a break, but I would get more done without Facebook open or I could even just turn the computer off.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
I totally understand! Its too hard to discipline oneself when it comes to social media, ain't it?
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
6 Mar 12
for me its not facebook but pintrest and mylot. i never go on these when i am at work because i wouldnt get anything done.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Is pinterest addictive too? I've heard about it a lot of times but I actually haven't tried that site myself. Maybe I will in the upcoming days!
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
6 Mar 12
If we are working. We must focus on the work we are doing. If we do not focus, our work, will be a mess, not timely, and you have to waste time in vain.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Totally true! That's what I'm trying to do now. I need to focus on my work!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
7 Mar 12
I know what you mean, FB can be distracting with everything else going on. Do you play any of the games on there? I finally quit them a while ago and I feel so much freer now that I don't have to worry about watering crops, etc. I just played Bejeweled Blitz a few times with a friend there though. First time in a long time I have played a game there.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Hahahaha! You mean FarmVille or CityVille? I played that before too and it makes me sick always worrying about my city and farm! HAHAHAHA! Its too addictive but I deleted in my applications in Facebook now. And as of now, yes, I play games in Facebook, and its only Tetris Battle. Its pretty addictive too!
• Canada
6 Mar 12
I am the same way, when I am working online at home I always get distracted by social network sites such as facebook and can't seem to concentrate on my work. There are a few companies that block social network websites in their offices so that employees don't waste their time there and are more productive at work. I really have to force myself to concentrate on working rather than wasting time on facebook ...
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
True! :) But since I'm just working in the comfort of my home, social network sites are not blocked and it is very tempting!
7 Mar 12
it's up to u. i think u are esay to be affected by outside factors. this is not good. in life, u will meet a lot of situations that u have to face with many problems at the same time. this can be a useful method to help u practise strong mind.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
Oh yes, it is indeed up to me. Distractions are parts of human's life. It gives us challenge, right? So, next time.. I will try to control myself not to dig-in into Facebook!