mylot is much more easy to use

March 13, 2012 1:35am CST
compare to other discussion forum, i thin mylot is the most easier way to use. the other forum really caught me a headache, topics were so dull, and not in a tidy form. mylot is much more clearer than others. that's why i like to use mylot =)
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30 responses
• Malaysia
13 Mar 12
Yes , you absolutely right.. I've been here for a month and i really enjoy mylot because like you say its much more clearer than others..I like to read what their post and always I'm not post my responds because what I'm thinking was same with what their post..But I'm happy in mylot..Can share our opinion with others.
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@olliekobra1 (1825)
13 Mar 12
That's true and they don't mess with your page that much, Facebook is constantly Changing its format. You get use to it and then they change it and make it complicated, why?.
• Canada
14 Mar 12
Oh, we have the same Question Olliekobra1! Why is facebook keep on changing their format? Sometimes it is really annoying.
• Malaysia
14 Mar 12
you mean the timeline in fb? i didn't change it, cause i don't like the format
15 Mar 12
it is really annoying you get used the layout and then they change it and now they have changed it on my phone aswell, its so unneccessary.
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@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
myLot cannot be compared to forums by these reasons: 1. once you post/respond to discussions, you can NEVER edit them. 2. myLot is a unique discussion site. 3. those forums don't pay you to participate.
• Malaysia
13 Mar 12
there are so many forum that pay you to post, each post $0.02, but i dont like their format.
@TheIzers (680)
15 Mar 12
Well I get $15.00 every month just to participate 4 times a month in any topic discussion at nutrition aisle. Sometimes we can make another $15.00 if we start a discussion and many member participate. But I do like my lot too it's new to me any the topic discussion is various.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Yeah,this site is really unique and different to other forums that are all over the net.
• Malaysia
14 Mar 12
ya, i agree with you ^^ happy mylotting
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
13 Mar 12
I don't know many other forum that pays for posts, actually tried one or two. I found them annoying and I never found a topic that I felt like posting in, so I just left after trying a few times. It makes no sense sticking around if I have nothing to post, even if it pays more, so I'll stay on mylot too.
• Malaysia
14 Mar 12
ya, somemore the post already few years ago..and didn't update. i think other those using other forum is just simply post to gain point to convert into cash when they reach the minimum payout. but those forum is really dull
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
13 Mar 12
I don't even bother to try other forums. I guess I'm just a loyal-to-one type of person.
• Malaysia
14 Mar 12
that's good to you, better not to try other forum, if you you will get dizzy~~haha
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
I choose to respond to topics that spark my interest so that I can give out beautiful responses.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Hi there Dorothy172! You're right. When I was a news member here, I was kind of confused about how to access the topics that I have accessed before and thought that it was disorganized. But, as time passed, I realize that it is well organized and it is a lot better than any other online forum because of the wide variety of discussions available. It is also very interesting that you can talk to people from different countries here and people with different interests.
• Malaysia
13 Mar 12
ya, this site is really well organized. other forum make me feel dizzy to read on them, and do not interesting at all ^^
@betlynfrnds (4065)
• United States
15 Mar 12
Hello Dorothy, Thank you for your input. I've often wondered if branching out and trying other forums would be worth my time. Based on what you said and the responses from other myLot users, it appears as though my time will be much more well spent here. Thank you again.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
15 Mar 12
I couldn't say more. We can learn from discussion created by members and post our comments which in turn gives us credit. All members are very willing to help each other. Some don't even thought of the earnings they will received through posting comments/response as long as they have help other members. Yes, it's much more easier as long as we follow the rules/guidelines in posting comments/responses.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
14 Mar 12
Dear friend, I'm perfectly okay with you. Also I think in fact the same thing, ie that Mylot is the "forum" for excellence easier to operate. Even in the past I've had bad experiences with other forum that did not pay above all, contrary to what is instead Mylot. I am in fact very happy to make myself active on this site, never misses a day without logging here!
@JohnRok1 (2051)
14 Mar 12
The big advantage mylot has over the other forums I use is that if you ask it will arrange to let you know by email what's going on (The only other one that did that was that of my professional association, and that could be massive fun, until we had to use our own names, then it was still rewarding, but dampened down a bit - of course they didn't pay, but it ws to do with what we did in our jobs so ...), so I get to use mylot a lot more than any thing else. The others I visit when I think of it, but the other ones I use are fine otherwise. There are some topics on those that would not predominate here.
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
14 Mar 12
I hate, hate, HATE forums... lol Well, at least participating in them... I read them sometimes. Most forums look about the same... with the threads and the sticky's and all that. I just don't find them that easy to navigate. MyLot is not a forum in my eyes. It's definitely more like a social-networking/discussion site. The layout is very appealing and easy to navigate. And the discussions are very well monitored so that spam and flame wars are not everywhere. I like it here.
• Philippines
28 Mar 12
Yes agree, i love my lot because it is easy and you can voice out about any of your thoughts and you cn do a lot in here with no limit to post in ere so enjoy to be in my lot.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
i would agree with you on this. i also think that mylot is the best forum. you can find topics easily by searching for keyword tags. you can create topics by following the main topic of your discussion and it gets to be displayed (the current hot topics witha ctive discussions) above the search bar so people gets to glimpse on what mylot people is busy about. =)
• United States
14 Mar 12
dorothy, the thing I like about mylott is that when you want to respond to anyone, your response shows up right underneath the person to want to respond to. On some of the forums, you hae a discussion start or a response in the discussion, but when you reply to someone, your reply could be 10 or 12 places underneath who you are replying too. I don't like those, and I also do not like the forums where they all talk dirty or vulgar or just continuously put each other down. You can ask a question like we do on Mylott when you need help about how the site works, but so much is going on in the responses except the answer that you need, and you never end up with any help at all. It's just totally useless to even try on some of them.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
14 Mar 12
One of the reasons I love mylot is even disabled people who can't socialize much can have a place to go online and "talk" with people about subjects they enjoy. I breaths life into their thoughts far beyond what the television can do.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
14 Mar 12
hi there, i agree. i like it here better compared to all the others. i can learn here, be able to help others and also earn some. i hope i earn bigger though hehehe i just have to keep it up here on mylot.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
14 Mar 12
It's true that i found mylot so easy to use and the style is really so good and comfortable.Isn't it? lol ,anyway,we love mylot and also we can make friends here.It's great.
@flapiz (22570)
• United Kingdom
14 Mar 12
I could totally relate to this. I joined some other forums before and some earns a lot but they are not sustainable. After some weeks or months they tend to be bankrupt. And they turn from genuine to scam. Plus they are indeed messy. That is why even if I disappear for sometimes, I always come back to mylot.