I feel bad for creeping...

@maezee (41996)
United States
April 17, 2012 6:22pm CST
Okay, I was bored and Googling/Facebook-ing my evening co-workers (that I "supervise" now) and came across some information that I wish I didn't know now! I feel bad for creeping, I guess that's what I get! I found out one of my employees, who is a sweetheart and is always on time and always has a great attitude (and is also very easy on the eyes - he he he), went to JAIL last year (2011) while going to school. He went in for "TRESPASSING FAIL TO LEAVE PROPERTY UPON ORDER BY OWNER" - which I'm assuming is a short detainment. But wow. I found another employee, according to Facebook photos, is basically a huge lush. I mean, we talk on a personal level, and I know she likes to drink on the weekends, but literally every picture I saw of her on there was with a bottle of some sort. I like drinking too... But I definitely try to censor these things from Facebook. And definitely stick to Fri/Sat nights only. But I'm not judging I swear. Anyway, I guess this bit me in the butt. I don't know why I looked them both up, maybe just out of curiousity to see what they are like in their spare time, but oh well. Have you ever "creeped" and it back-fired on you? .
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7 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
18 Apr 12
Is there something about Facebook that lures people into disclosing very personal information about themselves? Why do they do it? They aren't stupid enough to think that no one outside of their best friends will read this? I don't do Facebook or Tweat, so I don't know what compulsion is to tell all.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
18 Apr 12
That's exactly how I feel too! I can't imagine putting anything remotely incriminating on Facebook or the internet at all (unless you count MyLot, but it's sort of anonymous LOL). I don't get it!
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@GardenGerty (158140)
• United States
25 Apr 12
I bet you do not put a whole lot on MyLot either. I try to only put things up that I can be confident of. I do not want to be misjudged because of my online activities.
@GardenGerty (158140)
• United States
25 Apr 12
No, I try to stay off of Facebook, really. You should never look up anything you are not prepared to find the whole truth about. I do not think the jail sentence sounds quite so bad because it could have things that explain what went on. You are smart to keep anything off of Facebook that might even look slightly suspicious.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
25 Apr 12
I must admit I also did 'creep' on a few people on facebook. Usually crushes and girlfriends I've had in high school and in college. I was just curious where they are now (and if we would have been happier together)! Never really saw anything that I regretted. Most are just happy where they are now (according to facebook pictures, anyway). I've even made a friend on one as we now regularly chat.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
18 Apr 12
And you have just underlined the exact fact of why I do not do this. There are just some things about people, that I really do not feel like is any of my business and would rather be just something awful to really know. I mean, there are times where private lives should remain that, that being private. I don't really know if I want to know anything. Because you never know about some people. They could have no secrets to hide. Or rather they have many secrets and some of them might not be discovered, because they are savvy enough not to get caught or to go posting about it on the Internet. Obviously Facebook I think has been the downfall of many people, in many ways, as it leaves you open for people to know a bit too much and obviously some people feel the need to document every moment of their lives and often times post pictures of them.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
17 Apr 12
Sometimes. When I added one of my university teachers (actually he's quite young and we were wuite on good term), and I found out he hated cats that kind of broke my world :D. Also, when I am crushing an an actor, kind of googling him, "jusr a bit", and I find out stuff like they were driving under influence or stuff like that.
18 Apr 12
Yes, mostly in love life... it really hurts afterwards.. cuz you know more and while before stalking you think it's going to help you, after it DON'T!
@flamez3r0 (319)
• Puerto Rico
17 Apr 12
Hello :). Nop, I don't creep because most people tell me upfront everything (I have one of those faces :p) but context is really important. That trespassing thing could be from a protest, which very well could have had reason, or a juvenile prank (as in he was kicked from a place and was dared to run back). And about drinking, it could be she only take pictures when she's with a specific group of people, and that group of people only go out to drink. Of course, it could be hes a thief and she's a drunk, but I try to look the world in a positive way :p. What is hard is to hold back information when you have learned it that way. Because it might be something you say or how you look at them, but if they learn about you stalking them on the internet it could affect your reputation.