Where it is possible to travel by train?

@maximax8 (31047)
United Kingdom
April 9, 2013 11:53am CST
My home country has a train lines and I have traveled on some of those. The child age is birth to five years old. For some people it is possible to buy a discount card. I have got a Friends and Family Railcard. I have traveled around Europe by train at 18 years old. At 20 to 21 years old I traveled by train in Australia. When I was 29 years old I traveled by train in New Zealand. Its train lines aren't as good now. I have found Amtrak in America often runs late. The child age in Canada begins at age 2 years old. That had been a surprise for me in 2010. How do you feel about traveling by train? Which countries do you know have a good train line? Have you traveled overnight by train and if so was it comfortable?
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13 responses
@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
10 Apr 13
I have traveled overnight by train in Indonesia. Although I took the best couch possible, I can't really say it was comfortable. I heard they are much better these days though; the lines are much faster and they have more modern trains.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 Apr 13
I think some people travel long distances in train to reach workplaces.
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• China
10 Apr 13
traveling by train in china now is very convenient,cause high-speed train nowdays is very popular,the distance between shanghai and beijing is 1200kilometers,however,by highe-speed train,it just cost you 7hours,i don't like to sleep in the tain ,too ,cause it makes me very uncomfortable
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
9 Apr 13
I traveled from Halifax to Vancouver when I was around four and I was sick through the whole time. I have not traveled over night since then, just day trips.
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@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 13
Wow! I would love to travel from Halifax to Vancouver all the way by train. I am sorry that you were sick my friend. My daughter is going to become 4 years old in June. She gets travel sick in the back of my car.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
9 Apr 13
My brother was sick on the voyage over from England and I must have gotten what he had. Missed out on running all over the aisles on the train.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 13
I love travelling by train, to me it's a big adventure, but I don't like travelling at night, when you can't see a thing, very boring, I also used a sleeper service from London to the West country but it was extremely uncomfortable, not something I'd want to repeat. The train service in Germany was if I remember impeccable and the trains were always so punctual. I also loved the experience of a double decker train in Amsterdam.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
i like the railway and train system in the netherlands. when i travel from one city to another by train, i travel with comfort and ease. i could even hardly feel the hump and bump of train on the railtracks. the negative and unfortunate thing is that traveling by train in the netherlands is expensive, especially if traveling without the discount card.
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@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 13
When I was at a university in Wales I had a four months spent living in the Netherlands. I traveled by train whilst living there. I was surprised that I needed a ticket for my bike as well. The Dutch Intercity train is great. The more fancy trains seem very expensive.
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@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
10 Apr 13
I love trains and I love traveling by rail. Unfortunately, we have a very bad passenger rail system in The United States. It is owned and run by our federal government. It is a disgrace that the government has neglected it like it has. Nevertheless, I have gone all over the United States by train most recently last year when I went from Texas to Boston. I spent 2 1/2 days on the train total but that included stopping in Chicago for several hours. I notice you said that Amtrak in America often runs late. Actually, it usually runs late. Around the time that I took my train, another passenger train got stranded for three full days because of bad weather. The passengers were in the middle of nowhere and rescuers could not get to them. Oh, but when it works, it works and it is a great way to see the United States. I want to take the train that runs between Chicago and Seattle. That is supposed to be a really beautiful trip. I slept in my seat and it was ok. I slept ok but next time, I will look into getting a sleeper. You can sometimes get a good deal on a sleeper and you get three meals per day, anything you want. I have also traveled from Nuevo laredo to San Miguel De Allende by train. That route is no longer available. Many years ago, in the 1960's, I explored Europe by train. I had a eurailpass. European trains are so superior to American trains.
@tinayu (214)
• China
10 Apr 13
i like travelling by train.comparing to the bus ,it is very fast and safe,you can enjou the scenery along your trip.and comparing to the airplane,it is veay economic and safe.so the train is the best transport tool when you want to travel some place that not very far.both day trip and night trip,i can accept all.just give me a seat,because no seat is very very misrable.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 Apr 13
I like traveling in train. I do think it is fun traveling by train and the train fares are less costly than bus. I think in India there are lots of good train that goes long distances.
• Bandung, Indonesia
10 Apr 13
for it..i prefer to ride motorcycles,but actually depends on our own,and preferably longer if there is a challenge.
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@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Apr 13
I remember 16 years ago I traveled to Luoyang from Guangzhou by train. At that time it was the summer vacation for students. However, it was not crowded at all in the train. It seems it spent at least one night in the train but it was comfortable. Since it was clean and no more people. Here in my country there are many train lines. Lately there are even high speed trains. I like that much more since the normal trains are not as comfortable as before.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
10 Apr 13
In our country most people travel by train. If you want to travel comfortably, you may buy a berth ticket, which is my option. I don't like to travel on a train without a sleeping bed because I usually travel all the way to my hometown and back forth to my school overnight. If I have to sit all the way home on the train, I will surely be exhausted after midnight.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
10 Apr 13
I love to travel by train. Sometimes it is much faster to fly especially if I want to visit a place that is far away from my own country, but when I want to visit another European country I often prefer to travel by train. I think that a train is more comfortable that a bus. I have travelled overnight by train several times. The overnight train between Denmark and Germany was probably the most comfortable overnight train. I didn't enjoy the overnight train journey between Hungary and Serbia, but I was ill and a had a fever during the trip and I think that was the main reason why I didn't enjoy that journey at all. When my husband and I travelled from Odense to Amsterdam there weren't other people in the compartment and we were able to sleep on the seats.
@allknowing (132674)
• India
11 Apr 13
We in India have a huge railway facility both local and national. The longest route is from Dibrugarh in Assam to Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu covering a distance of 4286 km in 82.30 hours. Mumbai a commercial city has a huge network of both local and national railway facility. Most office goers commute every day by train. There are two classes first and second. The regular travellers can obtain monthly or quarterly passes. I used to be a regular traveller by train when I was working in the Metro. My foreign travel included a local experience in San Jose in the US and a long distance from San Jose to Santa Barbara. Actually we were booked upto Oxnard but the train did not go beyond Santa Barbara on that day - a beautiful sea coast experience. The Amtrak train that we travelled by was a double decker with a canteen. The view was sea, nothing but sea. I had a dream to experience this.
• Philippines
10 Apr 13
Heheheheh that's sounds fun... I never travel that long riding a train... hehehehe... I want someone to accompany me... but anyway our train going to far palces here in country is always full so I guess I need to do some research what is the perfect time to ride it without so many people riding it... But travelling our Mini train is really great... I always bring a book to read and notebook to write while the train is moving fast hehehehehe!!! But we don't eat inside it because its not allowed. hehehehe!
@ShyBear88 (59316)
• Sterling, Virginia
10 Apr 13
In the USA we do have travel trains we call them passages trains. But it can be expensive depending on where you are doing. I have never been on one in the USA before.