Pedometer Fiasco

@Inlemay (17713)
South Africa
March 16, 2016 1:47am CST
For those that dont know what a 'pedometer' is, its the little gadget all the fitness fanatics wear on their belt, arm, heart, sleeve or just about anywhere to count their daily steps. "A Digital Step Counter" Medical aids offer rewards and discounts to people who register their steps on a daily basis. My youngest seems to have misplaced her FITBIT pedometer this morning and in her total distress at work has had me running around trying to find it - in and out of the house and under the piles of disarray in her room. I have physically walked for an hour in the 'seek for the hidden' object! I personally dont do the pedometer thing as I have found myself to become too easily addicted to exercise which can cause more harm than good to my crumbling bones. About 15 years ago I would run, walk or cycle at least 15km every day, which lead to a serious addiction and a weight loss below normal. My doctor said NO MORE if I wanted to stay walking and not riding in a wheel chair, i would need to slow down - so that was the end of serious over exercising. Back to the missing pedometer . . . . so where can it be? I have no idea - but later after my breakfast, I shall give my home another LOOK OVER and see if its under any untidy place (not likely). (photo taken from Google) How is your day looking so far? Phew its time for some tea!
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17 responses
@ison_1 (1240)
16 Mar 16's going to look as though M has been a complete lard-a.r.s.e today. A whole day without moving - what a slacker!!
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
the medical aid will wonder if she is having a LIE IN DAY! ha ha - but funny aside these things cost an arm and a leg and I am annoyed at her for misplacing or loosing it! But will wait for her to do her own search before I throw my toys out the cot!
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@ison_1 (1240)
17 Mar 16
@Inlemay So was the pedometer found? It's the only thing on my mind!!!
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
17 Mar 16
@ison_1 No - its missing or down the toilet
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@mammots (3209)
• Philippines
16 Mar 16
It usually turn up somewhere when its not needed anymore
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
that is normally the case - in some random place.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
16 Mar 16
It seems that all users of a FITBIT have lost it at least once, my niece already lost 3, she is lucky she has a friends who sells them. My day is a bit better than yesterday. My hand does not hurt anymore.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
16 Mar 16
@Inlemay I have burned my left hand, I wrote a post.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
I am glad to hear you hand does not hurt anymore - WHAT did you do to your HAND? I am off to read your last post!!
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Mar 16
lol all that walking to find a thing to count walking!
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
18 Mar 16
those were my thoughts exactly
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
16 Mar 16
I'm not into any of those gadgets when it comes to fitness. I'm definitely old school. Heart rate monitors, pedometers, fancy apps etc. are for poseurs
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
that is probably an APT description for the girls - they like to fit into certain FADS at the moment
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
16 Mar 16
@Inlemay Do they know that their mum thinks they're poseurs?
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
17 Mar 16
@WorDazza they know!!
@Morleyhunt (21743)
• Canada
16 Mar 16
I bought a clip on pedometer. It did not keep track of my steps properly. When you know you have walked several miles and it registers just 100 know it's not working quite right.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
they have to be set in - so my eldest daughter says - step size must be registered as well.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
17 Mar 16
@Morleyhunt That can be too much iron in the body - I have that dilemma - havent worn a watch for 34 years - they dont work on me at all.
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@Morleyhunt (21743)
• Canada
17 Mar 16
@Inlemay I set it up properly, but I think my old friend static electricity has come back to haunt me. I have a tendency to keep watches from running properly as well.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
17 Mar 16
The real problem is the fact that without the pedometer you cannot check how far you have walked looking for it.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
17 Mar 16
that is the missing pedometer predicament indeed
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
16 Mar 16
You got plenty of exercise looking for the exercise gadget...
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
thats a fact
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@Hate2Iron (15727)
• Canada
16 Mar 16
I take mine out of my pocket each night and place it on the top of my dresser... Yes, I have lost mine a few times too. I think that this is working for me!!
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
16 Mar 16
I hope you find it as it sounds as if your daughter will think the end of the world has come if it doesn't come to light.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
17 Mar 16
she is a little miserable at the moment - loosing an expensive thing-a-ma-bob might just teach her some responsibility the hard way.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49944)
• United States
16 Mar 16
I hope that you have found the pedometer.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
Not yet - still looking but i am going to bowls now, so the search will have to continue when she gets home from work
@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Mar 16
It is surprising where things can disappear too sometimes. She doesn't have it on the other side of her belt than normally, does she?
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
I have pretty much searched the perimeter - now when she gets home from work, she can sweep the estate herself!
• United States
16 Mar 16
I got one for Christmas and sadly do not push myself to exercise more but to sleep more. I was shocked at my sleep habits.
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@Ronrybs (18508)
• London, England
16 Mar 16
I use a pedometer, mainly because it has a clock and I've given up wearing a watch!
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
16 Mar 16
well that is one way to make it work two ways and in the right place, I told my daughter to put the wrist band on and use it as a watch - but she insisted on the clip on
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@Gina145 (3949)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
19 Mar 16
Looks like it's you who got some extra exercise because of the Fitbit, whether you like it or not. I hope you didn't use too much energy finding it.
@gudheart (12659)
16 Mar 16
Hope you manage to find it. I have not used them before, but can imagine it being handy when exercising etc.
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@JESSY3236 (19641)
• United States
16 Mar 16
I have been wanting a fitbit, but I haven't gotten around to getting one.
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