Have you seen the movie The Breakfast Club? Which character would you say

United States
February 11, 2007 6:05pm CST
you are the most like - or relate to the most? I would have to say I'm probably a combination of the weird girl (Ally Sheedy), the nerd (Anthony Michael Hall), and the bad boy (Judd Nelson).
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13 responses
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Combination of the Bad Boy and Weird Girl. In High School, I *was* that weird girl. I dressed all in black and I kept to myself and people thought I was strange. People still do think I'm strange, but not quite in the same way. I've traded in the black broom skirts for black leather and I smoke like a fiend. ;)
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I love The Breakfast Club, it is such a great movie, and boy idd it have my generation down to a tee. I can easily say I am not even close to the snooty one. I have never been nor do I care to ever be that kind of person. And even though I played a lot of sports and now I am really into sports I was never really the jock, at least not in the personality sense. I was and alwasy have been way to square to be the bad boy. I was just never really into getting into trouble and lashing out. So I would say that I was and still am probably 80% wierd girl outcast and 20% geek. I am actually happy with that combination. Ally Sheedy's character was and is my favorite from the movie. She is the one I definately relate to the most, not so much because of being weird, but because of being a bit of an outcast and misunderstood. You know, not really belonging to any one group. Anyways, it is a great movie and I suggest that everyone watch it.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
10 May 07
Boy, what a Great movie this is. One I could watch over and over. I think I have seen it like a couple hundred times, and never get tired of it. For the most part when I was in High School, I was more or less a loner, and a lot of times now, I would say I am still one. So I probably can relate more with the Weird girl, and since I came from an Abusive childhood, I can relate a lot with the Bad boy as well knowing how easy it is to lash out even now when I am having a Bad day.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Feb 07
You forgot about the jock (Emilio Estevez)....In any case I would ahve to say I'm a combo of the Weird Girl and the bad boy but more the weird girl LOL
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• United States
27 Feb 07
Yeah I know Emilio Estevez. I used to love Mighty Ducks when I was little.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I love this movie. I didn't think I would but then I saw it and that was it. I thought it was incredible and really showed how teens and school can be. I relate most to Ally Sheedy's character Allison. I'm usually the one in the back doing my own thing and just trying not to draw attention to myself.
• United States
12 Feb 07
It seems quite a lot of us relate to her most.
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@ctinabina (386)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Boy that's a hard one. I'd have to say that I am most like Ally Sheedy- but not 100%. I was slightly geeky, slightly jockish, and a little "bad" too.
• United States
12 Feb 07
I haven't seen that movie in years. It was one of my favorite 80's movies. I guess the Ally Sheedy character is the one I relate to most. I was the wallflower in high school. Wishing I was the cheerleader type, but never having the courage to try out. I enjoyed how they started out with big differences and in the end realized they were all the same.
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@yorb24 (2179)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I liked Anthony Michael Hall and Judd Nelson. They were both hilarious. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
27 Feb 07
My fiance and his brother love this movie. I hadn't really seen it until 2000 and I like it, but don't necessarily get the addiction they have for it. I would hope that I don't fit any of those characters, I wouldn't want to be like any of them, they were all too weird for me. I would probably have to be a combination of them all, except maybe the bad boy.
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• United States
28 Feb 08
I was more like a cross between the princess and the brain.I wasn't as smart as the brain or as snobbish as the princess but I did hang with a rather smarter crowd.But we didn't look down on anyone.
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@kate1356 (697)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I love this movie.. I was a big John Hughes fan back in the day. I have to say I was a combination of Claire (I used to go to the mall every weekend to clothes shop), Allison (because I was the quiet one in my circle of friends), and Anthony Michael Hall (my group of friends took our studies pretty seriously). Very interesting discussion by the way.
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@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
16 Jul 08
Well, I'd have to day that I have always been the weird girl, especially on the outside.. but deep down there is also a "princess"(Molly Ringwald) part of my personality. It's just my outer appearance is more made for the weird girl part, so I guess that's just what has come out. But there is definitely that part of me that wants to shine, and I've always been a good girl, so in that way I think the princess part comes out. So I guess I am a mix of Ally Sheedy's character and Molly Ringwald's character!
• United States
15 Apr 08
Probably Allison (Ally Sheedy)
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