Made her look

@dawnald (85148)
Shingle Springs, California
January 22, 2011 1:03am CST
Dearra had a check up today. First thing she took off her jacket and shoes so they could weigh her and check her height. Then they check her pulse, blood pressure, temperature, hearing, vision, etc. They made her pee in a cup (fun), and all sorts of other fun stuff. Nothing much new except that she needs glasses. So we go to leave, and we can't find Dearra's jacket. And we know she brought it in, because she had to take it off when they weighed her. The nurse looks high and low for it. No jacket. So we walk out to the car, and I'm carrying my purse and jacket, and I realize, hey wait a minute, and look at the size on my jacket. Oops, it's Dearra's jacket. Mine is in the car. Bad me, made the nurse run all over looking for a jacket that I was actually holding. Dearra was a little annoyed at me I think. Hey so she can't see and I can't remember. We all have our flaws, right?
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21 responses
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
22 Jan 11
Alrighty then. You obviously know Dearra will remember that one.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jan 11
Well maybe so...
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
22 Jan 11
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jan 11
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Jan 11
Isn't that terrible? It is like we get disoriented or something. I have had that happen. Call it a 'durr moment'. We do all have our flaws and idosyncrancies as well.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Jan 11
What, me flaws? :D
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
At times...
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jan 11
Fraid so dear. Scarey being human isn't it?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Jan 11
Lol Dawn that is something I would do And I agree with you we all have our Flaws
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
I hope I wasn't distracting the poor nurse from something important!
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@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
22 Jan 11
aww, glasses time, that's tough and losing the jacket like that - DAWN!!! how dare you!
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
It wasn't lost. I knew exactly where it was. Sort of....
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• Philippines
22 Jan 11
Poor nurse. I thought I lost my phone once. I was buying at a store and I pulled out my wallet and I was already holding my cellphone. I remember paying for the fee then put my wallet on my pocket then checked my other pocket for my phone and it wasn't there. I looked at the cashier with my brows up and she was pointing at my right hand with her lips. I looked and there it was, I was still holding it. I can remember two other stories. I guess we all get one of those from time to time.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Jan 11
Ok so what's your excuse? Blond or old? :D
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
That's easy to do!
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• Philippines
23 Jan 11
Neither. Distracted, I guess.
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• United States
22 Jan 11
LOL dawn, It is like two peas in a pod. One can't see the other can't hear. Hey you both can help each other out like Ozzie and Harriet. So you will help each other out in the future.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Yeah next time she'll probably rip the jacket out of my hand and check the size. OR she will never again allow herself to be talking into getting the same jacket that I have...
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
24 Jan 11
well stuff like that happens to everyone i think. i wouldnt worry about it. hopefully the nurses didnt mind helping you.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
no, but we were sure all perplexed about it....
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 Jan 11
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
24 Jan 11
I think so.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Is it possible to be internally blond?
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
24 Jan 11
lol It's all good. I do that sort of thing all the time. :)
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
I don't do it all the time, just often enough to make a funny story! :D
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Jan 11
Looks around nervously: Flaws? Where? Not me! I am an example of a perfect pair of X chromosomes What you did was nothing!!!! Picture this: Last night. In bed. Good book. Reached for meds. No meds. Meds in office. Called security at work to put him on alert as he would have to get them out of my office as I am not getting dressed. Turned on all security lights. Leaves house in nightie. Barrelling down road and cell rings. Next door neighbour asking if I was okay. Explained situation re meds. She said that she thought I was going on a hot date when she not only saw me leaving the house but it was obvious that I was not wearing a pantie Asked to bail me if police stop me and ask me to get out of car.(She's a lawyer) Returned home. In bed. Cell rings. Neighbour said that I was back so fast that it must have only been a quickieNow what would Dearra say to that?
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
She'd probably say, "no panties? Eeeewwwww....."
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
At least your neighbor didn't have to bail you out. How many chances are you going to take with the police anyway? :D
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Jan 11
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
22 Jan 11
This happens once too often to me, and I am famous for my absentmindedness so much so that it cant be called Alzhiemers. :)
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
No, it's Alzheimer's when you don't even realize that you're forgetting something...
@vandana7 (99681)
• India
24 Jan 11
I was like this even when I was a kid!!! I blame it on stress. :)
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
23 Jan 11
Haha! A senior moment! Reminds me of the time I went looking for my car keys. When I kept running from the bedroom to the garage for the keys that I had in my hand! No matter where I looked I still couldn't find it. Ooops.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Oops.... You should have shook your hand, you would have heard them jingle.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
22 Jan 11
Soo sad to reveal that "You're getting old" Poor nurse must have skipped one week's exercise routine ... dont you think she ran for too longer searching for jacket which was in safe hands
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
I'm sure she needed the exercise.
@vandana7 (99681)
• India
22 Jan 11
Sunnybunny - you need spanking.
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
22 Jan 11
I've done stuff like that many times. Look high and low for something, only to find it in the other pocket I didn't check or laying right in front of me on the counter. So, yup, we all have our flaws!
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Ah but have you made somebody else look high and low when you were holding the item in your arms?
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Yeah, not only is she older, but if the keys jingle, she can probably plead bad hearing.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
24 Jan 11
Yeah, my Mom. I've had her check her purse, pockets, etc. for the keys to her van, because I swore she didn't give them to me. The whole time, they were in my hand AND neither of us noticed they were in my hand. She's 82...and I'm only 61, but we both tend to completely lose it now and then. I think she has more of an excuse than I do...
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@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
23 Jan 11
A sure sign that your child is growing up, you mistake her clothes for yours. Both of you are better off than I am. I can't remember and I cannot see either. It is good to get checked up on.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
It's the one and only item that we each have one of. Anything else, it wouldn't have happened...
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Jan 11
lol thats too funny
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Jan 11
Yup....and the nurse didn't realize that you were carrying one?
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Yeah but I told her it was mine...
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Jan 11
Yes..we all have our flaws. Besides..the nurse will never know.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
I"m sure not going back and telling her!
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
23 Jan 11
Yip we all could have little flaws, like me wearing my glasses and searching the whole house looking for it. I was scolded and made to remember the incident time and time again. I learnt never to forget something while wearing it
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
Maybe you needed new glasses?
@much2say (54425)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Jan 11
Silly mom!! Hee hee. Just don't tell the nurse or else they might charge you extra on that doctor bill - ha ha!! Scary when you can barely tell your clothing from your kids . . . my daughter is only 5 and now it's almost hard sorting out our socks in the laundry!!!
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jan 11
This happens to be the only item. I had bought the jacket at Old Navy and it was nice and warm, and when we went there looking for Dearra, it was the only one she liked that was in her size. Probably never again will we have exactly the same jacket (next year she'll have outgrown it, no doubt).