I don’t like this

May 22, 2011 2:36am CST
People here chew betel leaves, tobacco etc and spit on street, walls disfiguring them. You can see men peeing in public places, bus stops, railway platforms even near wall of your home. Today I saw two interesting things.. On a wall, the owner has written in big letters ‘DOGS PEE HERE, YOU ARE HUMAN, STOP IT PLEASE’ But I saw 2 men peeing there; I took a picture with my cell phone. On another peeing spot, somebody has made holes, put some stones, painted it red with vermillion, and applied red flowers, as if it is idol of some Hindu god/goddess. Still some were peeing, I took pictures. I have taken pictures of men spitting on the walls of the city meeting hall. I will give the pictures to the publisher of a local newspaper to print them, hope it might have some effect. Just wonder why they do it? There are public urinals in different places in my city, though bit scattered, there are pots filled with sand to spit too. [b]What is the scene in your place? I am sure you will use them if need arises. What is your valued opinion on this? Please share.[/b] Thanks in advance. Professor ‘*Bhuwan*’. . 22/5/11 SUNDAY Cheers have a lucky day ahead.
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13 responses
• India
22 May 11
yes you are true sir! and we shud b on to take serious steps fr this case so how many will b helping me??
• India
22 May 11
Sourav, you have talked about taking serios steps but you have not told here what are your serious steps. Please be descriptive in your comments. Posted by: Suman Sahu. e-mail: suman_ideal@rediffmail.com Mob: +91-9784629734.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 May 11
It is a very frequent thing around here to see people spitting in public places, and this is something that I feel is quite disgusting. However, the urinating in public places is something that is very rarely seen. The only times that I can think of where I've seen someone urinating in a public place is when the people that are committing this offense are under the influence of a substance that will make them behave in ways that are generally not acceptible.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
22 May 11
Hi. Professor2010. I am sorry that this is happening in your country. Many people just don't have any respect for nature and the beautiful earth that God has blessed us with to have too. They don't appreciate anything at all. This is slack that they are urinating in public places. I would give the pictures to the publisher too. I can't believe that people can be so nasty and uncaring to even care anymore about what they are doing while they are on earth living. Shame on them!
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Professor It is against the law here for others to deface public places here and or urinate out in public. I am sure some still do it and while some do not get caught, some actually do. There is no absolute reason why anyone should do this because here there are public places and free too. Some people are just bad and or mean is my guess and why remains a mystery to me.
• India
22 May 11
Publishing in local newspapers will not help because the people who are involved in these types of activities are mostly illiterate or these people may not read the newspaper. And even if they get to read it they are not going to change because of their stubborn nature. So, the only thing that can change their behaviour is imposing fines of them and including arresting of them for few days. Laws enforcement of the country has to be tight and strict for changing the habits of these downtrodden people. Posted by: Suman Sahu. e-mail: suman_ideal@rediffmail.com Mob: +91-9784629734.
• Indonesia
23 May 11
• United States
22 May 11
I think spitting is gross but i think people peeing is even grosser. People don't do that here. If they do & get caught they will be arrested for indecent exposure.
• United States
22 May 11
I really like the idea of sending the pictures to a newspaper to see if you can make a change in the living conditions in your area. It's disgusting. I hate it. Well there is public urination where I live but it's probably not as bad as where you live. If a police officer catches someone then they can get a ticket and get into trouble. There is also spitting, which is disgusting, though not from chewing betel leaves. I think it brings down the appearance of a place and can bring down the quality of life as well. People need to respect their neighborhoods and their neighbors. I don't understand why people don't use public restrooms or spit on public walkways when it's possible for them to do it in a less disgusting and more private way. I guess people are lazy. There needs to be some kind of enforcement by the police to make people do the right and decent thing.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
22 May 11
In my town things like that are not a big problem from Monday to Thursday, but during the weekend when people get drunk some of them pee in the streets. If they get caught the fine is about $100, but when they are drunk they don't care and they just do it anyway. I think that it is a disgusting habit. My house is not in the middle of the town and it rarely happens in front of my house, because it isn't close to the pubs. Many of the people who pee in the street do it when they are on their way from the pubs to their homes and when people live in the middle of the town they experience it more often than I do.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
22 May 11
dear dada, Here in our place,there are still few men who peed here ,there and everywhere (hehehe). But too few ,since the government put some urinals for men in every places which men possibly peed. hmnn...if they keep doing that in your area...i wonder how the environment smells have a good day dada
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
22 May 11
Hi paps! And i thought it only happens in our country hahahah! I dislike it when men pee on practically anywhere. Is this a proof of decaying proper manners?
@vandana7 (99361)
• India
22 May 11
I agree...and both stink..
• India
22 May 11
It's the same here. Even I'm very much frustrated by such people who spit and make pollute the environment. I believe these people must be fined for what they do. You must go ahead and publish those pictures, that what I think. You can go a step ahead to go and ask those people if they did not feel ashamed to do it. I once scolded a person who was smoking by the roadside and the smoke troubled me a lot. He realized his mistake immediately and told me that next time, he'd look around if no one is affected and then smoke. I am only 19 and feel responsible that the laws in this country must become more stringent so that people do not do it. Jai Hind !! Happy mylotting!