I've got a little list!

Cork door - in progress - I've done 3 layers
@ElicBxn (63271)
United States
October 18, 2011 9:22pm CST
So, I had several things I needed to do after work today. NONE of them were particularly hard, but I really needed to do them instead of do what I would NORMALLY do, which is get on the computer and veg. So, my list went like this: 1 - make sandwiches (you guys may remember I make my lunch sandwiches ahead and freeze them) - DONE! 2 - take sewing machine and project stuff out to shed - sewing machine DONE! I only got some of the project stuff out there tho - but what I needed to do asap. 3 - determine which direction I wanted the table to open out on - since one side the hinge is a little lose - DONE! 4 - cut out the fabric for the bean bags - (project for a party in less than 2 weeks) - DONE! 5 - another layer of the cork door - DONE! And - not on my list, BUT - sew the bean bags up - DONE! Also not on my list, couple of more medical stuff set up - no, I'm not sick, I'm just falling apart because I'm getting on in age...
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16 responses
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
19 Oct 11
Do you have lists for your lists? LOL I make lists on my computer. It really does help to keep on task.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
not so much, and in fact, I didn't even pull it out until after I was home from running around with the roommates - but I had made it and I knew what was on the list so that was half the battle right there!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Oct 11
were you able to get through your list?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Oct 11
way to go you are doing just great
@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
24 Oct 11
I was, in fact, since I did this list I've done 2 more lists and gotten them done! I'm almost half done with the cork door, I've done one of the Christmas presents.... need some supplies before I can attack the next one.
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@GardenGerty (158350)
• United States
19 Oct 11
I should either make lists, or at the end of the day I should list what I have done, just because I sometimes feel like I do nothing. You just gave me an excellent idea for Christmas for the grand daughters. I have been going through boxes, etc. in the attic and I keep finding more fabric, including felt. I am going to make some bean bags, and maybe some bean bag games or there used to be a kids CD called the Bean Bag Boogie, they would like that. Thanks for the thought.
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@GardenGerty (158350)
• United States
19 Oct 11
A bucket game would be simple to do. I could even pack the bean bags in the bucket.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
we are going to have bean bag games at this party, a bucket toss and a "throw the bag through the ghost's mouth" sort of thing... a list at the end of the day kind of gives you an idea of what you've done - that's why my friend's on mylot get my updates you know...
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
20 Oct 11
I have lists for everything. I have been recording in my diary the jobs I have to do for almost 30 years. I started doing this because I used ot be a teacher, and with all the metings I had to make a list of them. Eventually it became a habit to list what I had to do. Mylists are as boring as yours. Saturday for instance could be: 1.weekly food shopping 2. clothes washing 3. car was 4. ring my parents 5.clean litte tray 6. continue unpacking boxes in shed 7. plant veges and herbs Age is a significant factor.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
20 Oct 11
I hear ya, I so admire people who teach, not something I think I would like to do for a room full of kiddos...
@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
22 Oct 11
You're a better woman than I am, Elic! I can have a list for years and still not get one thing on it accomplished, so I just don't do lists. LOL It's good to set goals and be able to check them off, though. I just wish I could be one who could do it - but I keep finding things I'd rather be doing and do them instead. So, good for you!!!
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
22 Oct 11
I try to make my list realistic so I can do them. I did another row on the door and sewed 3 projects, 2 very small, but the other a Christmas present for the roomie's great niece.
• China
19 Oct 11
It seems that you are the type of person that follow the prescribed order and adopt a rigorous approach in handling affairs.I admire you for doing so.It is well worth learning,because I am up in years too.Good memory is inferior to bad pen.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
I LOVE your "Good memory is inferior to bad pen." I may have to use it some time! I would much prefer to just cruise along and do things as they strike my fancy, but I do so LOVE to mark things off lists! I do try to prioritize my lists by either what is most important or what needs to be done first.
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• China
20 Oct 11
That way,You can do things in order of importance and urgency.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Oct 11
I too make lists when there is a function at home, a get together or some major thing like shifting or arrangement for something.Otherrwise, so many tasks are still pending and I am here sitting at mylot. But this is also a kind of work on the net. So, I am justified.. YOu have done wonderfully well.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
I really make lists when things are getting done or, like you say, things need to get done like a get together or a trip. Now, I love mylot, and I would happily sit her all day, but the pennies I might earn don't replace those things I need to do... If I didn't have a job and other things I have to do, then I could justify slacking off and still get both done, but I can't.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
19 Oct 11
I know what you mean. My list goes on and on daily. I never seem to ever be done with anything. I always have something to do plus work on here.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
20 Oct 11
oh, I know about lists going on and on... but I'm making realistic short lists for after work...
@BarBaraPrz (45937)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
19 Oct 11
I managed to dig up the gladiola bulbs and put out the recycling...
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
Hey, they both needed doing...
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
19 Oct 11
I like that list! And I love all the "DONEs" after all of them.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
20 Oct 11
today's list was all done! great fun!
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
19 Oct 11
I find if I make a list I will do things that I really don't want to do, just so I can cross them off. Sometimes I will put on the list things that I have already done to cross them off. I love to make lists, but the best one is one that is all crossed off and then I can do whatever I want. I have a list now of things I want to do to get ready for winter and Christmas. I know I am starting early for Christmas, but it takes me longer to do anything.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
20 Oct 11
oh I know that about putting things on the list I've done to cross them off, I like doing that too Maggie gives me a daily list and there is no joy as much as when I can cross everything off!
• United States
19 Oct 11
Some introduced this idea to me years ago and I live by a to do list daily. I remember my guy friend saying that each and every day I was to write down what I need to do by priority. Even if I did not get to some I was to re-write it daily, listing all by priority again, which would amaze me as to how much I could accomplish this way. I like the sandwich idea and since here it is hard to keep the bread fresh as although we go through phases where we eat it daily we tend to at times allow it to get moldy. So I have as of recently been freezing mine and pulling out some for a few days. So I really like the sandwich freezing idea and will try doing the same. Do you prep it completely then allow them to thaw the day you will eat them. Or do you put some of the trimming later after it is thawed?
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
well, they are just mustard and cheese sandwiches... you can't freeze mayo or that kind of spread (chicken, egg or tuna salads) and obviously you can't freeze lettuce and tomatoes but yeah, I pull them out about 8 and they are thawed by noon when I was first working for the state I would freeze lunch meat sandwiches the same way, if you want other stuff on them - pimento cheese or anything, those have to stay thawed... I also grab an apple or other fruit to take with me.
@mehade (4)
• Bangladesh
19 Oct 11
The work you have done and got a list that is good. make your life in discipline. every one should try to do is.sometimes we make mistake. if we know we can make mistake than we should make a list of work. is kind of list makes very useful to us. i remember ten days ago i was going to long journey. than i make a list of importance thinks that i took with me that helps me a lot. so everyone should make a importance work list for the work you have done better way.
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
19 Oct 11
If I've got a lot to get done and a limited time to do it, I like to make a list to keep me on target, and to figure out where things are to make the best route to do them. This little list was right at the house and was, mostly, in priority, the first thing was the most important. If I've got a lot of little errands I try to do them in a circle so I save gas.
@tamirs (1807)
• Philippines
19 Oct 11
last day i went to city to do some things,,, near were i need to go,i check my notebook and start to read the things i need to do. As i was reading it one by one,my cousin(our driver) laughs at me.. he said, "here comes the bible again"... He always laugh at me when i do that,but with the kind of work i have before,(in a construction) i need to be really organize so i wont forget all the things that need to be done..Once it marks check it means its already done.. Its nice knowing that you did all whats need to be done right...??Cheers..
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@ElicBxn (63271)
• United States
20 Oct 11
I like my lists, but have only recently started using them for daily tasks because I just need to take care of so much stuff before the holidays!
• Spain
19 Oct 11
You had a lot of work to do enjoy your tasks good luck
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• Spain
19 Oct 11
You had a lot of work to do enjoy your tasks good luck
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