When was the last time you bought new clothes?

@owstalaga (4707)
October 31, 2015 6:37pm CST
I've been checking my old photos and noticed I still have the clothes I wore in the pics from as far as 6 years ago!!! Oh my goodness, when will I change my wardrobe? I should give away all my clothes and buy new ones! Oh wait, I think that's what I will do starting this month. Since I'm gonna be moving out soon, it'll be less of a hassle when I do move out. I'll just put all my clothes in big plastic bags and have someone sell it off as thrift items or donate them to the needy. I don't usually buy clothes. When I do it's only when I need them and only in thrift shops too. If not, I'd find the most affordable and fashionable clothes and purchase whatever I can. The last time I bought clothes I think was last year? Heck and those were just a few dresses even. No pants at all. Some of my pants are now outdated and yet I still wear them loose straight cut pants. Oh well.
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17 responses
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
1 Nov 15
Its been a couple of month that i bought my new dress. Before 2 months we had a party from my dad's sisters son. So he bought me a new shirt with dhoties.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
Isn't it nice when people buy you gifts? It's always a nice feeling.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
2 Nov 15
@owstalaga It is indeed a great moment. I wished if i was gifted daily. It would be an honour for me lol to always receive from my big brother.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
8 Nov 15
@rahulvsmokiee when brother give surprise gift and its clothes then face is to much smiling because he know what we like and choice
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
1 Nov 15
I too have many clothes that are 6 07 even 12 years old and since they are in good condition I still wear them. I have a Silk and gold Saree that is nearly 23 years old and it still looks new. I would like to preserve it forever.I keep buying clothes , one at a time but not too many ..
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
1 Nov 15
@thesids Ha ha ha
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
1 Nov 15
Long back, I tried ripping off an old jeans (denim) and I was thinking wife would be furious. Instead, she said - Aha, so you are getting into the groove and fashion with those cuts on the jeans! They even dont let me get rid of those torn ones now
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
@kiran8 Oh wow, I think because Sarees are made of silk they can last for a long time and still look good.
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@LadyDuck (463155)
• Switzerland
1 Nov 15
I like dresses and the last time I bought one has been ten days ago... it was too cute and not even expensive.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
hooooh~ that's just 10 days ago wow. I think the last new shirt I got was a gift from a friend back in May. I buy dresses too but not a lot though.
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
1 Nov 15
I bought them before our eid festival its been three month i guess
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
Oh that's fine, at least you're someone who also has a long gap between buying new clothes like me.
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
2 Nov 15
@owstalaga yes in my teens i used to buy clothes every now and tgen but now i am in my practical married life so now i have to think twice before buying.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
@amnabas Oh it won't hurt maybe to buy one or two from time to time.
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
1 Nov 15
I bought clothes last month it was from thrift clothes but that was alright in my book.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
Yeah we can get thrift clothes that are cool and unique too.
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• Vancouver, Washington
2 Nov 15
@owstalaga I love shopping manely at thrift stores the clothes are just as great as normal ones we would shop at alot cheaper.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
8 Nov 15
I bought almost before 6 month I usally do shopping in odd dayz so it cheap otherwise while festival come it will costlier
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
15 Nov 15
Oh that's interesting, festivals make the price go up instead of down...
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@youless (112243)
• Guangzhou, China
1 Nov 15
My figure doesn't have a change as time goes by. Therefore, usually I buy the new clothes because I like them. I am surprised that you haven't bought clothes for such a long time. It is really amazing. Last time I bought new clothes was a few months ago. I saw two clothes which are nice and inexpensive online. And this is why I would buy it.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
yeah I know, I'm such a cheapskate when it comes to clothes. But never fear, I shall have a new set of clothes soon! I've already given my other clothes away on 2 separate occasion and have yet to buy lots of new ones so I feel like all my clothes are very well used these days.
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• United States
2 Nov 15
I have bought a few things over the past year. Mostly some t-shirts and tops. Nothing expensive. My husband and I just laugh it off when we see ourselves in multiple photos, but with the same outfit.
@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
15 Nov 15
@Auntylou whoa really? That's rare I think.
@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
3 Nov 15
Haha, really? It does sound funny when you mention it, but I feel like I don't want to be caught doing that. hahaha~
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
15 Nov 15
We used to have a neighbour who, according to his wife had 30 identical suits, ties, shirts and pairs of shoes in his wardrobe!
@marguicha (217279)
• Chile
31 Oct 15
I buy sometimes a couple of garments when I´m on vacations, but some of my clothes (in fact most of them) are over 20 years old.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
31 Oct 15
Aw... I still have older clothes in our old house but I don't think I'll be using them anymore. Cool you keep your clothes for that long. Nowadays I don't feel like wearing the same clothes over and over again.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
1 Nov 15
The last time I brought clothes for me *Thinking
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
Oh no... hahaha, you better buy one this Christmas or have someone buy you a gift.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
3 Nov 15
@thesids Wahaha, how aboout your wife? Or any family members.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
2 Nov 15
@owstalaga *Still Thinking... Ah okay, have someone buy you a gift. *Thinking who can be that blessed soul
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@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
6 Nov 15
I only buy new clothes when I need them. I have a closet full so there is nothing I need at the moment. Have fun shopping.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
7 Nov 15
Yeah I have a closet full of them too but I don't want to wear most of them anymore. I'll be getting a whole set of wardrobe soon... Little by little though coz I can't splurge too much.
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@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
1 Nov 15
Here we really don't need to go clothes shopping so much. Most people wear short, tank tops and T-shirts. Yes even to work. This is a laid back island and dress codes are never enforced.
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• Philippines
1 Nov 15
@poehere short and tank tops to work in an airconditioned office?
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• Philippines
1 Nov 15
@poehere it's the same here, that sudden heat and cold that can give you a headache or a cold. i guess the practice there of maintaining just the right temperature means lower electricity bill too. but i probably wouldn't wear too casual clothes or i might feel too relaxed to work.
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@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
1 Nov 15
@hereandthere Yap because it's so hot here and most businesses done't keep it that cool in the office. Why because if you leave from a very cold environment to the heat and back again too many people get sick. So they try to make it the idea temperature so when you go out and come back in it isn't such a shock to your system.
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@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
8 Nov 15
I have been losing weight, so I am waiting to see if I am done before buying any!
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
11 Nov 15
Oh that's great. Losing weight is nice, you get to buy new clothes.
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@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
12 Nov 15
@owstalaga I feel healthier, too!
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
15 Nov 15
My sister joins weight Watchers when her clothes start t get a bit tight. She doesn't like having to pay, but it works for her and is cheaper than buying new clothes!
• Canada
2 Nov 15
Since all my clothes are black, it's kinda hard to tell from photos;), but...not very often.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
4 Nov 15
ALL your clothes are black? Wow, even the underwear? Everything? So sad. What if you have a costume party or something?
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• United States
15 Nov 15
Ever since I retired I don't buy clothes very often. Now that I don't have to go to the office every day my hang around clothes work just fine
@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
6 Dec 15
Yeah that's one advantage of being retired I guess. haha~ Anyway I just bought some new shirts this week! Woohooo!!! Finally, new clothes!
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
8 Nov 15
If they still fit and you like them why get rid of them. I don't follow fashion and am old enough to know what suits me. I do buy T shirts and trousers, as the latter get tatty and frequently bleach stained !
@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
15 Nov 15
Yeah they still fit but I grow tired of wearing the same thing. I feel it's time to change my wardrobe. But first I'll need to move somewhere.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
15 Nov 15
I take 20 bucks every once a month or so to goodwill and buy a couple pieces. Then every few months i go through my closet and give back the clothes that don't fit or i don't like or wear anymore. That keeps my look fresh
@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
15 Nov 15
Oh I should do that too! Or I'll just dump all my clothes in one go and go on a shopping splurge. Ugh. I'll see what I can do. Hopefully I get my brain all sorted out of the love cloud so I can think about other things!!!
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
15 Nov 15
@owstalaga I have to do it that way because I'm on a tight budget. It works.