There Is No In Between The Raindrops

United States
November 8, 2015 8:03am CST
The rain didn't come til late yesterday. It is raining this morning and the wetnosedogs, except Jenny, don't want to go outside. So I open the door, encourage them and it rains. Wetnose Bella and Roscoe look at me like I'm a bit crazy. So we wait for the rain to slow down. Wetnose Jenny likes the rain. Wetnose Bella and Roscoe do not. Ah, the joys of wetnosedogs that don't like the rain. Anyone have tips to coax the dogs outside? Please don't say pee pads. Those wouldn't work.
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14 responses
• United States
8 Nov 15
If I had dogs, I would run outside and coax them out that way. I would laugh and talk with them like children.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
@RasmaSandra , Yeah, the rainy day weather is not fun for cats, either.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
They would love that. Surprisingly, the wetnosedogs did go outside eventually.
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@RasmaSandra (74847)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs Have enough problems with Sid. He saw all the rain today and plopped down to sleep in the kitchen. Every time I went in there he was meowing for attention for food etc.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
I'm assuming if they have to "go" bad enough the rain won't stop them from going outside.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
You got that right. They finally went outside.
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@rebelann (111663)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Nov 15
Ally won't go out in it either. Maybe a huge bag of cedar chips? What if ya take an umbrella n go out with em, I mean eventually they're gonna hafta pee. Or, stick em in the tub and tell em "Pee Rosco but squat pleeze" .... I know, bad idea. Well, those were my only ideas, sorry bout that.
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@rebelann (111663)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Nov 15
Do we spoil our furbabies or what @wetnosedogs ?
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• United States
9 Nov 15
They are too heavy. I can't lift them in the tub. They did finally go out. I was surprised cause Bella does not like rain. And I do go out with them. I think they want me to have a sweeper to unwet the grass.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
8 Nov 15
I don't have a clue. Both of my dogs don't like to go out in the rain. Right now, we live in an apartment and have to take them out on leashes so they have no choice. maybe a leash would work but that would mean you would get wet also.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
9 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs I don't know why dogs don't like rain. I guess for the same reason my two don't like baths.
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• United States
9 Nov 15
@simone10 . Wetnose Jenny is the only one who will go out in the rain. Bella and Roscoe don't like it at all.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
I got the wetnosedogs outside, so we are good. It just took a while.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
8 Nov 15
I uh, pick mine up pack them outside, sit them on the porch walk inside and shut the door. Then I stand just out of sight and watch to be sure they give up and go, then I let them back in. lol
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• United States
8 Nov 15
That works. Do you have smaller dogs? the wetnosedogs did get outside eventually.
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• Centralia, Missouri
8 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs 2 boston terriers and a pom, the pom is NOT tea cup, he's a throwback, the size they were before they were bred small, so just as big albiet much lighter in weight. He is not the problem too often. It's the old fat bostie I gotta assist outside, lol
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
10 Nov 15
A great idea if you have a porch !
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@JudyEv (328645)
• Rockingham, Australia
8 Nov 15
Other than unkind things like putting a treat out in the rain, I don't really have any suggestions. Hope someone else can help. I'll be interested to see what people suggest.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
I was just looking on the web about this. Go outside with them, which I do, but they are refusing. So I'm doing the right things. They'd rather wait for it to stop.
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@JudyEv (328645)
• Rockingham, Australia
8 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs As long as they can wait without having an accident, I guess it's all good.
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• United States
8 Nov 15
@JudyEv , Happy to report, the wetnosedogs did go outside and it was still raining.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49471)
• United States
8 Nov 15
I have to go outside first and act like the rain is fun.
2 people like this
• United States
8 Nov 15
Good for you. That's the way to do it. Mine did get outside later.
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
10 Nov 15
I bet you are a great actress!
• Canada
9 Nov 15
When you gotta go, you gotta go. Rain or no rain.
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• Canada
9 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs We all procrastinate, but some things are too important to wait for.
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• United States
9 Nov 15
You would think so. It sure took them long enough.
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@gudheart (12659)
8 Nov 15
Put loads of treats outside!? LOL
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• United States
8 Nov 15
They got outside, then they had a treat inside.
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@gudheart (12659)
8 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs That is great :D Lucky dogs hehe
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• United States
8 Nov 15
the pup that's a constant companion don't like to get wet, the cat could care less. she'll stand out in the rain/'r snow 'n 'talk' to the pup 'til she goes outside's well. 'course, she'll not do such 'less she's really gotta go, lol. otherwise, its suit up 'n take her out. i aint ne'er used those pee pad thingies. to me they're kinda like those pull-up diaper thingies fer young'uns 'n jest show laziness. but then, i aint wired proper :)
2 people like this
• United States
8 Nov 15
I finally did get the wetnosedogs outside and since it's raining again, we will go through it again.
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10 Nov 15
well, i'd probably just try to move them outside myself if they won't go. shut the door long enough for them to do their business. then let them back in. good luck
2 people like this
• United States
10 Nov 15
Calling for more rain again. So while we got through one round, in a few days, here we go again.
@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
10 Nov 15
Get an umbrella and go out there with treats in your hands. Treats one up rain any day to my grand-dogs..
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Nov 15
Yes, indeed. More rain is coming
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• Eugene, Oregon
13 Nov 15
We have had a lot of rain here too, and it is pretty cold today. I am glad to not be working.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Nov 15
We may hit 30's at night this weekend. Br -r
@tuttiharris (1338)
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
10 Nov 15
@wetnosedogs (1367), Our old chocolate lab, Cody,he hates to go out in the rain, and he has to walk down the deck steps and then back up, and gets all wet. He will stay in until he just can't anymore.. and at night we have to drag him outside, like an old donkey. Sometimes we call him Eorye, or is it Aeorye, You know the old lazy donkey in Winnie the Pooh :: smiles ::
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• United States
10 Nov 15
The wetnosesdogs have to walk up and down the steps and get wet in the process. Oh my!