Ready For The Ex-Bubblers Migration!

West Haven, Connecticut
November 16, 2015 8:02am CST
As I migrated from what once was Bubblews about a month ago, I see hundreds of new comers that are slowly but surely migrating to myLot. With that said, I hope the spammers dont find their way here and il be happy to see more ex bubblers here on myLot interacting with us all. I wish their was a way to tell all those dedicated bubblers about this site. I know many havent even heard of this site but I still hope they find their way to us!
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11 responses
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
16 Nov 15
I guess if people look up social networking sites they will find myLot
5 people like this
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 15
@BACONSTRIPSXXX yes and those who were left I hope come here one in partic ular is ver y intelligent and has great posts hope he ciomes here @lookatdesktop
1 person likes this
• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
Hopefully they do that and join this site
• Dallas, Texas
16 Nov 15
@Hatley , Well how you doing? so glad you made it. I sadly just wrote a post at Persona Paper and HubPages about the Busted Bubblews. Now that they took away our bubblews, It's a new challenge to gather all our old posts and perhaps consider creating our very own e-book. I am thinking about doing this. I saved most of my posts from there. I hope more migrate here. It's funtastic.
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Nov 15
I think almost everyone is here from bubblews.
5 people like this
• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
I would say about 75 percent more or less
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 15
yes I wouold say a go odly amo unt of us are brom the d read BB but Iwas also o n the old m yl ot.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
16 Nov 15
I hope that they find their way here too.
3 people like this
@gudheart (12659)
16 Nov 15
I am ready :D Looking forward to more interaction.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 15
hi@gudheart and @VACONSTRIPSXXX I hope thse fri ends o mine that were left will no w c ome over here.
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@gudheart (12659)
16 Nov 15
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I can see it now, the revenue will increase and so will earning hopefully.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
Me too! I know it will pick up for us all with more new members
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@mom210 (9062)
• United States
16 Nov 15
I will miss some of the people that have not come here yet, I hope they find their way
3 people like this
• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
Godwilling they will make their way here
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@Elizaby (6901)
• Pensacola, Florida
16 Nov 15
More and more of the good ones will find their way as many of the topics mylot was being mentioned.
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@NeldaHoxie (1381)
• United States
16 Nov 15
Many people over there were talking about MyLot. I think we can help the owners here by flagging any spammers we see show up. I am sure they'll be gone quickly.
5 people like this
• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
I agree, If I see any of it im reporting it asap, I would like for myLot to stay spam free and rid of cheaters
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 15
hi@NeldaHOxie im glad that bb fi nally gave up so I can ote all m y time here. just sorr y that they have bilked a lot of users out of money owed thej.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 15
When one door closes, another opens and mylot doors are always open for people who subscribe to mylot principles. Spammers have no space to breath in mylot.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 15
yes from one crooked site t o m ylot where we have honest admins and we get paid just as promised.Im so glad I c am b ack before the uly demise of bubblews.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
Good point made! And if I see any spammers I will make sure to report them as well
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
17 Nov 15
I have seen quite a few people i followed on bb site here. It's nice to be reconnected to them again though
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
16 Nov 15
I am so happy to say i never left here for there..after hearing all that it is closed now
2 people like this
• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
yeah the site was fun while it lasted
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 15
@BACONSTRIPSXX yes at first it was good b ut they never were close to their users and now they closed abr uptlyleaving a lot of users still waiting to be paid.
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• Dallas, Texas
16 Nov 15
@Hatley I asked the management there to pay my bank forward to another user. If I couldn't get to my goal of 50 dollars at least the 38 dollars could be payed forward to another writer who I thought could use it more than me. I never heard from them in answer to my question via e-mail They flat out ignored me. I was angry by this.
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@norlaw (31)
• United States
16 Nov 15
I think a lot of them will come to this site. I have heard a lot about it and all good so far. I write articles and that has been it. I have to learn how to get around this site. I am looking for a site to post my articles. I have used Triond for years but there is no money there and they have changed it so much it is no longer fun. They always pay though.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
I hope soo, I found out about myLot thanks to Bubblews!
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• United States
16 Nov 15
Word gets around so hope those still in shock from the B place closing today will find their way here
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• West Haven, Connecticut
16 Nov 15
Yeah I hope that is the case, we can all benefit from an increase of traffic