I Really Don't Want To Go

@simone10 (54189)
Louisville, Kentucky
December 22, 2015 6:54am CST
I have a doctor's appointment this morning and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate going to see the doctor anyway but this is my rheumatologist and I have to go every two-three months. This is the doctor that doesn't know how to read an MRI and says that I don't have rheumatoid arthritis (although I have had 3 doctors tell me I do) and that I have fibromyalgia which I don't doubt that I have that also. I have tried to find another doctor in our area but there are only a couple and both are not accepting anymore medicaid patients right now. So, I am stuck with this doctor for now because I have medication that only he can prescribe. Last month I had an MRI of my lower back and the nurse called me back and said there was nothing wrong according to the doctor. I really don't trust this doctor since he couldn't read an MRI I had done of my hip. He says I don't have arthritis in my hip but I have had 2 doctors say I do. I am curious with what he will say about the MRI of my back and I am asking him for a copy of the report. If it shows anything, I will be seeing a neurologist. Anyway, I have an appointment at 8:50am and won't be on here as much this morning as I usually am but will be back in full force in the morning. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
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23 responses
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
22 Dec 15
It seems like a waste of time and money going to such a doctor. I think you are better off just requesting for the MRI, and seeks the attention of another specialist. No point sticking to a doctor that is of no help to you.
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@marlina (154163)
• Canada
22 Dec 15
I agree with this @scheng1, I think that you should talk to your family doctor about that.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
@scheng1 @marlina There are no other rheumatologists that will take me at this time. I am on medicaid and they only accept so many medicaid patients each year and they have met their quota for the year. He is the only doctor I can see right now. My primary care doctor can't prescribe some of the medication that the specialist can.
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
22 Dec 15
Well good luck and I hope this appointment goes a bit better then the rest.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I wish I could say it did but it didn't. It is a little maddening to have to see him when I don't like him but there isn't anyone else I can go to.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 Dec 15
oh my i sure hope you get better results from him soon. sounds like he don't know much. i suspect most doctors are like that these days. mine seem the same way
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
The thing is, this doctor is my age so it's not like he is young right out of school. He should know more, not less. I don't know if it has to do with being in a small town or not.
@mammots (3209)
• Philippines
23 Dec 15
I can feel your frustration with this doctor. Being stuck with a doctor that you dont trust is lke being in a dessert ... you look around and there is no relief at all from the "heat of the sun".
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
Exactly! He is very incompetent and I feel trapped right now because I can't see another doctor.
@JudyEv (329148)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Dec 15
It is such a shame you can't find another doctor. I would have no faith in someone like this.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I don't have any faith, especially after my visit. He gave me the results of my MRI on my lower back and said there was a tiny problem with L5 but he said it was tiny and incidental and there was no never impingement. I went to the imaging place right down the street and got a copy of the report. He left out a whole bunch of stuff.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
22 Dec 15
That's really a shame that there aren't more doctors available to you. He sounds like a quack.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
Oh, he is a quack with capital letters. I am hoping that things will change after the first of the year.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
30 Dec 15
@fishtiger58 Thanks. I'm hoping that I can find one after the first of the year.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
24 Dec 15
@simone10 good luck hope you can find a better doctor.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Dec 15
I had a doctor appointment this morning too. Thank God it went better than I thought it would. I hope your appointment is better than what your thinking too.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I wish I could say it was but it wasn't. He said my MRI was fine but when I went to get a copy of the report, it wasn't fine at all.
• Preston, England
23 Dec 15
he sounds bad at his job, so I hope it goes smoothly for you
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• Preston, England
24 Dec 15
@simone10 hope you find a better doctor soon
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
He is bad at his job and whenever you question him, he gets very defensive.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
30 Dec 15
@arthurchappell Thank you! I am hoping to see another doctor after the first of the year.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Dec 15
Oh, that totally stinks and why I can't stand the fact that I now have to use medicaid. My family doctor will be okay, but from what I have heard my daughter say, specialists just really don't care about the patient.
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• United States
24 Dec 15
@simone10 That doctor would absolutely hate me.. lol
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
30 Dec 15
@Carmelanirel2 Lol...he doesn't care for me much either. Especially when I brought my brother once with me.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I agree. This doctor is very arrogant and gets defensive if you question anything he says. He thinks he is right and ALL the other doctors are wrong.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
23 Dec 15
I really hope this appointment went better than expected but I am suspecting it won't .
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
24 Dec 15
@simone10 Oh no, you need to get a new doctor ASAP
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
30 Dec 15
@BelleStarr I agree and I hope to be able to get in to see one after the first of the year.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
No, it didn't. I'm going to post about it in a few days but I will say that he said my MRI was fine and when I went to get a copy of it, he was wrong.
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@LadyDuck (463306)
• Switzerland
22 Dec 15
If you could only change the doctor it would be so much better. I do not like to talk with doctors who cannot understand my problems.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
Well, I am getting more and more silent when I go to him because I am thinking, what's the point.
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@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 15
I hope your doctor can help you this time. You do need a doctor that you can trust.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I just wish one of the other rheumatologists would accept me. Maybe after the first of the year, I don't know. It all has to do with the type of insurance I have.
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
22 Dec 15
You should consult a doctor.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I did consult a doctor and he isn't a very good doctor at all.
@LLSummer (586)
• Guizhou, China
22 Dec 15
I also dislike to see a doctor,if someday I got a cold I would rather buy some OTC medicine than go to see a doctor, I don't know why and just do it sometimes, and I am so sorry to hear what you been through, but I hope everything is going to be fine in the end.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I'm that way too. I hate having to go and wait in the doctor's office when I could be doing something else.
• United States
22 Dec 15
I wish you blessings for your health dear friend. It is terrible to be stuck with doctors that are like that. I feel your pain and I am in the same boat. Not with RA, but other issues. I do not have a choice where I go.
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• United States
24 Dec 15
@simone10 I hope it can change Sharon.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
30 Dec 15
@TiarasOceanView so do I. I'm going to call around after the first of the year and see if anyone has any openings.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
It really is the pits, isn't it? I hate not having a choice on where I can go but hopefully that will change after the first of the year. Keeping fingers crossed.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
24 Dec 15
Get thee to the doctor!! I start the rounds again after the first of the year--UGH!
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
That's what I am going to have to do. Right now, all the doctors have met their 'quota' on medicaid patients. Hopefully after the first of the year, that will change.
• United States
23 Dec 15
Hope all goes well and you get some sort of answer. There's nothing worse than having to deal with a doctor that you don't have confidence in
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
You are so right. I just have no choice right now but to wait it out.
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@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
24 Dec 15
That doctor is a wasted of time, why bother going at all? Look outside your area, the drive to a good doctor is worth it where wasting your time is not.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
27 Dec 15
I agree that it would be worth driving to but the closest is 80 miles away and my brother would have to drive me. He can't take time off right now because he is under a new management company.
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• India
23 Dec 15
thats very sad.... :( why didn't you go out of your area or city and consult with another doctor??
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I can't go out of my area because I can't drive that far and my brother can't take off work to take me. Besides, my insurance won't pay for me to see a doctor outside of where I live.
@Shiva49 (26291)
• Singapore
23 Dec 15
Lack of trust in a doctor is a double whammy as one is the wasted time and another it is of no use as far as diagnosis is concerned. I go to doctors who give confidence that they are professionally capable - siva
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
24 Dec 15
I wish I could find a competent rheumatologist but right now, he is the only choice I have.
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