How do you Bacon?

@lokisdad (4226)
United States
January 17, 2016 11:11pm CST
How do you bacon? There are many bacon lovers out there and I read a post about bacon. Bacon eggs and cheese Bacon cheeseburger Bacon lettuce tomato sandwich Turkey &cheese w/blt&ranch Chicken codon bleu with bacon Spaghetti w /maple bacon red sauce Bacon ranch pasta salad Bacon&cheese potatoes Bacon&cheese pork chops Bacon pancakes bacon in pancake batter Bacon Potato salad Cheesy Bacon Garlic Bread Bacon stuffed hush puppies I could go on but then nobody would have anything to comment. How do you bacon?
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19 responses
@JudyEv (328961)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 16
I like fried bacon between two slices of bread - no butter, no sauce, just bread and bacon.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jan 16
yes i ndeed really good n ow I am hungry w ow.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
When its crispy yes i will eat it that way. Otherwise I like the bacon sandwiches with a little more moisture. I know after reading about it and writing about it I wanted some bacon.
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@TheHorse (209135)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Jan 16
I like BLTs, and I like bacon beside my eggs or pancakes. There's also a spinach salad with bacon that I like, but I don't tend to make it for myself.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
I haven't ever tried the spinach salad with bacon but i have had collard greens with bacon which makes them really great. Well if you like southern style food.
@jstory07 (134840)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Jan 16
I bacon a different way each time I have bacon. I have a burrito with bacon in it. I have a bacon,lettuce and tomatoes sandwich. Or I have scramble eggs and bacon. That is how I bacon.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
I want to try bacon ice cream i saw it on a cooking show one time and it sounded strange but I can kind of imagine that being good with some cake.
@Juliaacv (48985)
• Canada
18 Jan 16
Chicken clubs wraps with bacon is a weekly staple here.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
that sounds really great right now.
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@DeborahDiane (40148)
• Laguna Woods, California
18 Jan 16
I love bacon, but I know it is not good for me. I probably only eat it two or three times a year.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
wow you have a lot of self control i don't think i could just eat it 2/3 times a year
@Elizaby (6901)
• Pensacola, Florida
18 Jan 16
I don't bacon no more unless it is turkey bacon
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
I've tried turkey bacon its really not bad considering its not original bacon its mind over matter.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
18 Jan 16
I like bacon for breakfast as in bacon, eggs and toast and sometimes for dinner I like a bacon sandwich which consists of bacon, mayonnaise, tomato and bread.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
the salad element of it makes it feel like you are eating something healthier lol kind of like when you stand behind someone ordering fast food who super sizes their meals orders a dessert and then says i want a diet coke.
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@much2say (54121)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Jan 16
I love bacon, but I don't like an overkill of it. I'm all for plain bacon - just as is. I will tell you my friend bought me a chocolate bar with bacon bits in it - it was the most horrible chocolate I ever ate!!!
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@much2say (54121)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Jan 16
@lokisdad I remember those orange chocolates that are wrapped in foil in a ball/orange shape . . . you smash it and it splits the chocolate ball in "slices" . . . the first time I had those they tasted horrible! I'm really not into fruit and chocolate . . . and certainly not bacon and chocolate!
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
@much2say yes those nasty things lol its just weird it reminds me of the mint and chocolate candies its a strange flavor profile and you need time to adjust to the flavor. Oddly the mint thins the girls scouts sell are awesome!
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
lol it sounds weird i remember the first time i had tried orange chocolate.It was gross to me some things either taste disgusting the first time around and you have to try them a few other times before you like it
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
18 Jan 16
bacon sandwich, with eggs, on pizza and salad. I limit my eating of bacon now ( though i still have the tendency to over eat bacon) and drink lots of water after I've eaten to flush out all the preservatives. My kids love them in their carbonara, nice to be young again cause you can bacon all you want.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
18 Jan 16
@lokisdad yeah! Meat lovers supreme
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
19 Jan 16
@louievill I like he meat lovers but I like my veggies too so i usually get one with veggies too.I like brooklyn's pizza better than dino's they are bigger but so is the price difference
@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
My kids love it on pizza I get them the meat lovers supreme. Yes if you eat too much the salt kills you later.So we have to drink a lot of water too.
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@iamshane487 (1139)
• Manila, Philippines
18 Jan 16
I love bacon. It's one of my favorite.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
I love bacon and sausage too pork is good to your taste buds lol bad for just about everything else.
@LadyDuck (463021)
• Switzerland
18 Jan 16
Prunes wrapped in bacon and fried as appetizers, it's another way to use bacon.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
That's interesting Im guessing it is a bit of a sweet and salty combination Now i am curious maybe i will get some next time we go to the supermarket.
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@LadyDuck (463021)
• Switzerland
19 Jan 16
@lokisdad Yes, it is sweet and salty, an interesting combination. It's not hard to make at home, use dried pitted prunes, roll each prune into a strip of bacon, secure with a toothpick. Place the prunes into a heated pan, flip them once. Remove when the bacon is golden.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
19 Jan 16
@LadyDuck thanks I want to try that and then after if we like it we will probably see what it would be like with some cheese too.
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• Eugene, Oregon
18 Jan 16
We have bacon maybe twice a year. We used to have with eggs once a week or so, but decided it was fat we could mostly do without.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
We used to have it more often than we do now maybe a couple times a month at most now.
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@Jot2me (140)
• Adams, Tennessee
19 Jan 16
I bacon with maple syrup! !
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
have you tried maple bacon its sweet. not overly sweet but when you eat it and it instantly reminds you of maple syrup with pancakes and bacon.
@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
21 Jan 16
@Jot2me those mcgriddles are perfect right up your alley if you like maple bacon or maple sausage any sweet meat really
@Jot2me (140)
• Adams, Tennessee
21 Jan 16
I have not but it sounds like heaven! Also I like maple sausage.
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• United States
19 Jan 16
I love bacon ranch pasta :-)
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
its so good I get the boxes of it when they have it for $1-2 at the super market. Its usually all is gone and no left overs its cheaper to just buy the box of pasta and add some bacon ranch dressing and we add peas and carrots.
@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
@EddieHands this conversation is going to boost bacon sales lol
• United States
20 Jan 16
@EddieHands Yummm! Sounds good!
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@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 16
We usually just fry the bacon, and eat with bread (like a sandwich), or eat with rice (as a dish). I haven't try the other recipes yet.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
That is a first for me i never heard of bacon with rice and now I kind of want to try it. Plain white rice or fried rice? How do you do it?If you have a recipe you can email it to me. IMLOKISDAD@GMAIL.COM thanks
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jan 16
ha ha I bacon al most all the list so im one real baco n lover lol lol
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
20 Jan 16
I love bacon and sausage too sometimes we have the spicy one but it doesn't love me back
• United States
18 Jan 16
I love bacon! Bacon in my sandwiches, burger, pizza, salads. Bacon wrapped vegetables. Side of Bacon bacon bacon for breakfast along with pancakes, waffles, etc! Or simply, I could eat bacon alone or in rice too!
@Drosophila (16573)
• Ireland
18 Jan 16
Bacon stuffed hush puppies (i hope no dog was involved) oO OO I haven't had bacon for a while, trying to lose weight, but love it otherwise with egg
• United States
18 Jan 16
Plain bacon, bacon on a sandwich, bacon on a cheeseburger, bacon on pizza.