Do you believe in God?

@amadeo (111941)
United States
October 1, 2016 3:48pm CST
this is a subject that I do not talk about. Wonder here how many believe in God.? for me I do believe that there is someone there. Most people do not believe ,if so.Love to hear your comment on this. For me I do not believe in the church.But I do believe there is a God. What is your take on this.Please lets keep this simple.
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35 responses
@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Oct 16
For me the answer is absolutely.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@Just4him.This I know VaL
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Oct 16
@amadeo I had a feeling you knew that.
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
2 Oct 16
@just4him, yeah, let us never doubt.
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@teamfreak16 (43419)
• Denver, Colorado
1 Oct 16
No, we are both atheists, so we don't believe in a God or Devil. But we also respect Christian's. To each his own.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@teamfreak16 there you go.Well said there Scott.
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@Jenning (2016)
• Nigeria
3 Oct 16
@teamfreak16 you don't believe in GOD? First question, who do you think made the world?
@teamfreak16 (43419)
• Denver, Colorado
3 Oct 16
@Jenning Nobody "made" it.
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@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
1 Oct 16
I believe in God and I believe God believes in me.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@Jackalyn yes,he does believe in you
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
2 Oct 16
@Jackalyn , very nice and God is happy for that.
@BelleStarr (61046)
• United States
1 Oct 16
I do believe in God.
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
2 Oct 16
@BelleStarr , without God we are nothing.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
1 Oct 16
Do not believe in God or in any organized religion, as simple as that.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
1 Oct 16
@amadeo Yes, and I respect other people's right to do the same.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@marlina there you go.To each its own.
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@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
1 Oct 16
I don't believe in religion. I believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, my Savior, the only Son of God.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@1creekgirl Many do not believe in religion.Personal relationship with God is good.
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@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@Mike197602 Yes, Christianity is a "religion", but there are a lot of religious church members who have never had a life changing encounter with the Son of God.
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@Mike197602 (15495)
• United Kingdom
1 Oct 16
then that is a religion isn't it?...christianity
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 16
I belileve in God /ameadio though I m not happ y about church either
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@Hatley I see.Many are not happy with the church
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 16
@amadeo no a lot of us are not sad but true
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
2 Oct 16
I believe in God Do not be worried and upset, Jesus told them. Believe in God and believe also in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house and I am going to prepare a place for you. I would not tell you this if it were not so. And after I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am. You know the way that leads to the place where I am going. Thomas said to him, We do not know where you are going so how can we know the way to get there? - john14
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@Bluedoll Thank you for this.I liked this.
• Greece
2 Oct 16
This is a good question and I have no idea why the subject is taboo, so I am glad you raised it. Observation of the wonderful world we live in convinced me long ago that it has been designed so I believe in God. I think more people would believe in God if they talked about Him, searched for Him and got a better idea of Him than the old guy in the sky keeping checks on us all. I do not believe in this kind of a god.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@41CombedaleRoad very well said there.Thank you
@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
2 Oct 16
There is God, the creator of the entire universe, God owns the world and all the things that's on it.He is the only Savior, the only who can save our souls so we can have eternal life. Just feel His presence and see Him on your mind. Talk to Him and you will hear His answers in the solemnity of our prayers. I always receive God's miracle. God the Lord, cured my brain cancer when I was 17, and I am now 36 and still alive. His love for me and my love for Him is immeasurable. There is a miracle God given me, only He and me know.Until now I am enjoying it, so never doubt my dear friends here that there is God. There is God and He owns everything we all inherit in the world.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@cacay1 thank you
@Drosophila (16573)
• Ireland
3 Oct 16
@cacay1 thats amazing story :)
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
2 Oct 16
I believe in God but we don't attend church any more. I don't think you need to attend church to be a good person.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@JudyEv right.I feel the same way.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60793)
• Perth, Australia
3 Oct 16
@amadeo I believe there may be SOMETHING but I'm uncertain what that something / someone may be. If anything, it's the people that scare me away from thinking about God. Some keep changing the story of what "God" apparently wants and it's usually nasty things. I don't like it. I'm Agnostic so I am on the fence.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
28 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 I am a believer, non-believer, atheist, agnostic.... is there any other word? Well if there is then I am that too! Either I am all or I am none! Let others make whatever they make of it.
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@Mike197602 (15495)
• United Kingdom
1 Oct 16
I don't believe in a god as described by the bible and other man made religious books. I do think there may well be a higher power and it is likely to be aliens...that's not a joke btw that's what I actually think.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@Mike197602 what every you believe in.
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@Cmackk (253)
• Cleveland, Ohio
2 Oct 16
Ur entitled to believe in anything u want and that's ok ... I actually believe in God and Jesus and Prayer ....
@NJChicaa (117604)
• United States
1 Oct 16
No I do not believe in God.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@NJChicaa Okay.You have any believe in religions at all?
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@NJChicaa (117604)
• United States
1 Oct 16
@amadeo No. I believe in science.
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@Drosophila (16573)
• Ireland
3 Oct 16
@NJChicaa hahaha science can be a religion at times. e.g. why did the big bang happen? it just did... similar rationale to "because God willed it". no more scientific or logical xD
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
1 Oct 16
I believe in a supreme being. It does not have to be a person like us, but of some other form and essence.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@quantum2020 okay,that is a good thought there
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@imravi (2337)
• India
1 Oct 16
I don't believe in god.I hope there is one.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@imravi There is a God there.It will come to you at a time.
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@imravi (2337)
• India
2 Oct 16
@amadeo oh i am waiting for him and i think i am fed up while waiting for him/her
@Ranuka (273)
• India
2 Oct 16
Yes. I believe in god. But not in religion. For me God is one . There is no difference. There is only one religion. That is humanity and kindness.
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@Ranuka yes,correct.
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@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
2 Oct 16
I do not believe in God, and I don't think it matters. I can't believe any divine being would send me to hell for not believing in him, pretty petty if you ask me.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@norcal your not going to hell.Believe me.There isn't any.
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@Cmackk (253)
• Cleveland, Ohio
2 Oct 16
I believe in God I believe he answers prayers I believe in angels as well, not to big on churches either people go there for answers which is fine but when they start asking for money that bothers me
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
2 Oct 16
@Cmackk , Yes there is God, angels, saints and miracles.
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@beyoume (81)
• Jaipur, India
2 Oct 16
thats very right..i too don't believe in temples but i believe god's existence...its true
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
2 Oct 16
@beyoume Gotcha.