Think fast: Without looking name 5 things in your fridge

United States
October 23, 2016 8:57am CST
Hurry, no thinking, just answer - name five things in your fridge. No - don't cheat, do it from memory LOL. I can probably name everything in my fridge but I won't bore you, so here are my 5: * Real butter * Lettuce - store bought and home grown * Leftover 'Cowboy Potatoes' * Ginger Ale * Lemons Now tell us your 5 items.... Photo is mine
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41 responses
@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
23 Oct 16
Milk, eggs, Pepsi, lettuce, orange juice. Very boring.
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
this page is actually exciting good idea believe it or not canned apple juice
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• United States
23 Oct 16
The necessities, except for Pepsi that is.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
@Ghostdmo I do Caffeine diet coke and ginger ale.
@vandana7 (99681)
• India
23 Oct 16
Cheese, milk packets, curds, carrots, and ginger garlic paste. That was easy.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
23 Oct 16
@Ghostdmo ..Yeah...had she mentioned 30 I would be scratching my
• United States
23 Oct 16
I didn't want to tax any brains so early LOL
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• United States
23 Oct 16
@vandana7 I didn't say thirty - I said I could name everything which is way more than thirty I'm sure.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
- Bottles of Smart Water - Bottles of Aquafina Water - Hersheys Almond Candy Bar (just bought it yesterday) - Zico Coconut Water - Dragonfruit just picked from the backyard =)
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• United States
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill Not a lot of food, I don't cook! Lol, yes lots of water here!
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• United States
23 Oct 16
I guess you buy a lot of water!
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@Rohvannyn (3098)
• United States
24 Oct 16
You grow dragonfruit? Look out your door, at the sky. That's me flying over to eat some, ha ha!
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• Eugene, Oregon
23 Oct 16
Milk, butter, pickles, lemons, fish (well wrapped) for dinner tonight.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
well wrapped LOL I hope so and the lemons go with the fish.
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• Eugene, Oregon
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill Yes, there are five lemons in fact. Anne uses a lot in her various teas. I like it on fish and greens.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
@JamesHxstatic I always have them for sweet tea.
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@paigea (36224)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
Milk, butter, ketchup, mayonnaise, carrots
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
cream in the coffee? lemon tea?
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• United States
23 Oct 16
I am probably one of few who don't have milk.
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@MKAlubs (455)
• United States
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill - Count me in. You will never, ever find milk in my fridge
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@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
24 Oct 16
cheese, milk, water, tofu, orange juice
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• United States
24 Oct 16
Lots of people have water, is your area part of MI with the water issue?
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• United States
25 Oct 16
@polyxena Hum, that makes it even scarier.
@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
25 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill Nope, ours doesn't have an issue exactly. Know our apartment maitence men have said not to drink the water, We were never given an exact reason to why.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Oct 16
Mayo, Smoothies, broccoli, iced tea, and milk.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill .....I am fond of it myself.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
Broccoli I love that veggie.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
24 Oct 16
I'm away from my fridge, so from memory I have milk, soda, orange juice, apple juice, eggs. I like your golden fridge...
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• United States
24 Oct 16
Thank you , it's a super nice fridge.
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@BelleStarr (61046)
• United States
24 Oct 16
I have a gallon of milk, two dozen eggs, raspberry lemonade, Yoplait chocolate whipped yogurt and Chiobani coconut Greek yogurt. And yes, I could name a lot more. Irish Butter, raspberries, brussels sprouts, leftover pork and apples etc.
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@BelleStarr (61046)
• United States
24 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill It is delicious, darker in color and with a rich flavor, once you try it you don't want to use American butter anymore.
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• United States
24 Oct 16
@BelleStarr I've never seen it in a store, but you have to remember I live in the boonies. I will keep an eye out for it just in case.
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• United States
24 Oct 16
two dozen eggs, I don't think I use two dozen in two months. But I only use the for baking, since I'm not an egg person. Irish butter what is that like?
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
24 Oct 16
I can name 5 things that are always in my fridge. Ketchup, mustard, apple juice, orange juice, water bottle, lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes. That is more than five things.
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• United States
24 Oct 16
I am sure we all have more than 5, I hope so anyway LOL
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
Here are my 5 things in thinking fast: Milk Cheese Bread Salad Dressing Veggies
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• United States
23 Oct 16
Lots of milk, almost everyone has milk.
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@MKAlubs (455)
• United States
23 Oct 16
Grey Poupon mustard, jalapenos, real butter, cheese, hot salsa.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
I forgot about Grey Poupon, I forgot to buy a new jar.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
@marlina Rememeber when they only had one 'flavor' now the choices are unlimited.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
Grey Poupon is for me, my husband is into Boars Head mustard and then the regular yellow mustard for his hot dogs.
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@Rohvannyn (3098)
• United States
24 Oct 16
For some reason, I love these. My five: Blackberries, eggs, cheese, really thin locally made tortillas, and some super-wilted cat lettuce. Romaine, because my cat likes lettuce.
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• United States
24 Oct 16
So the lettuce is for your cat and the cat likes it wilted? My husband likes his a little wilted.
@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
23 Oct 16
Energy drinks, Soda, butter, Mayonaise, eggs,and i could name maybe 10 more
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• United States
23 Oct 16
Glad I'm not the only one with soda LOL
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• United States
23 Oct 16
@miniam The basics - but we all branch out in different directions.
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@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill I think give or take,all fridges have the same contents unless we run out of money and waiting for payday
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@patgalca (18251)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 Oct 16
Nice challenge. Cranberry juice blend Yogurt Milk Left over chocolate birthday cake Left over pasta salad... and tomatoes
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@patgalca (18251)
• Orangeville, Ontario
26 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill Weeellll, I brought it home for my husband. It was a pretty huge cake. I think the two layers were 3 inches thick each. He, uh, doesn't know it's there. I haven't pointed it out to him yet. LOL!
• United States
23 Oct 16
Gee. Are u you sharing that cake?????
@fazelath (1174)
• India
23 Oct 16
Five things in my fridge are : Eggs Dry fruits Mutton Fruits Juices Water
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@fazelath (1174)
• India
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill Thanks for liking my comment, but i think you will find non veg items in most of the refrigerators in India
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
I like the tags water and cold in a fridge think that is universal
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• United States
23 Oct 16
Can honestly say that's the first time someone said mutton
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
24 Oct 16
Organic peanut butter, butter, cheese, chocolates, and water. That's about it.
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
25 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill I'd fill my fridge with chocolates if it was up to me!
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• United States
24 Oct 16
I see I'm not the only chocolate lover.
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@sallypup (59188)
• Centralia, Washington
23 Oct 16
Soy milk, home bread, home hummus, flax seed, onion chunk, home peanut butter. That's 6. You get a bonus.
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• United States
23 Oct 16
A bonus Ha Ha - OK, can I have the onion?
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@sallypup (59188)
• Centralia, Washington
23 Oct 16
@AbbyGreenhill Only if you eat some home hummus.
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@Rohvannyn (3098)
• United States
24 Oct 16
@sallypup I'll sign on the home hummus wagon! I love that stuff. Especially with garlic or black olives in it.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Oct 16
Pickles, mayo, mustard, grape jelly, spinach. I can name more from memory.
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
23 Oct 16
John? Abby is in your fridge!
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• United States
23 Oct 16
We have grape jelly - I don't like grape soda or jello or candy, but I like grape jelly.
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Oct 16
@Bluedoll Then she can take the spinach and broccoli away!
@Yadah04 (3363)
• Philippines
24 Oct 16
butter, coke, pineapple juice, soda, some meat
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• United States
24 Oct 16
I didn't even get into what I have in the 'meat drawer'.
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