The storm in is full force now

@Happy2BeMe (99371)
December 12, 2016 11:15am CST
I am sitting at work looking out my window and it is hard to see in front of me. The snow is coming down heavy and the winds are really starting to pick up. The police are warning motorist to slow down and drive carefully because there has been many accidents all over the city. The worse is still to come. I am not looking forward to the drive home after work. With all the traffic it is going to be a mess out there and lots more accidents before the storm is over sometime this evening.
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22 responses
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Dec 16
Is there any chance that your manager would close early to avoid problems? That often happens here with really bad weather.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
No we never close early here.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
12 Dec 16
Drive carefully! Let's hear when you've arrived home safe and sound.
2 people like this
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Thank you. Yes I will let everybody know.
• United States
12 Dec 16
Drive home safely when you go home =)
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Dec 16
@Happy2BeMe You are welcome =) Do companies let you out a little earlier if its a crazy storm out?
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
@infatuatedbby It has happened a few times but not very often
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
13 Dec 16
I think I read you got home ok
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Yes it was a messy ride home but I was glad to finally get there.
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@moffittjc (120086)
• Gainesville, Florida
12 Dec 16
Oh goodness, I hope you don't have to drive too far in that mess! Please be safe out there when you leave work and take your sweet time getting home! We already had two people lose their life here this morning in a traffic accident, and it wasn't even weather related.
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@moffittjc (120086)
• Gainesville, Florida
14 Dec 16
@Happy2BeMe I never like hearing about people dying in accidents of any sort, but it especially bothers me when people lose their lives right before the holidays.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
14 Dec 16
@moffittjc yes it is so much worse this time of year.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
There were lots of accident here yesterday but thankfully I never heard of any fatal accidents. That happens a lot this time of year around here.
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@Sasquatchy (1131)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Did you survive?
1 person likes this
• Canada
13 Dec 16
@Happy2BeMe SAME HERE!
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
@Sasquatchy Winter is so much fun!! NOT!!!
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Oh ya..and bracing for another one this weekend!! The fun has just begun!!
1 person likes this
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
I hope your very careful on your drive home.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
It was messy and scary
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@rebelann (111989)
• El Paso, Texas
12 Dec 16
Bummer, I hope you stay safe and warm as you travel home.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
12 Dec 16
@Happy2BeMe Be safe and let us know you reached home safely.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Thank you. I will.
@xstitcher (31125)
• Petaluma, California
12 Dec 16
No snow here in California, but it's sure chilly outside !
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Yes I heard you have been having chilly weather there.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Be extra careful when going back home tonight.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Thank you
@hostessman (11871)
• Tucson, Arizona
13 Dec 16
just make sure you are careful going home
1 person likes this
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Thank you
• United States
12 Dec 16
hope ya made't home safely, hon.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Thanks I did
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Dec 16
I do hope people take great care. Sometimes even taking care doesn't help I guess.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
Yes some people just don't slow down and they cause accidents for others who are being careful
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@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
12 Dec 16
I miss the snow but I don't miss that!! I remember one time back east the boss let everyone go home early. It took me 3 hours to get home where it usually too 20 minutes. The roads were so icy. The freeway was closed so I took back roads and they were even worse. I miss having 4 seasons but I surely don't miss driving on icy roads! I hope you make it home safely with minimal trouble!
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Thank you. I have snow tires so that shouldn't be a problem. I live on top a hill which may be a problem. If I meet cars coming down the hill when I am trying to go up that can be a bit tricky.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
12 Dec 16
Take care
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Thank you. I will.
@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
12 Dec 16
The weather seem really bad, take a lot of care
@Hate2Iron (15729)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
It sounds as if you are getting what we had last week!! Drive safe!
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Yes I think so.
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
12 Dec 16
just take is slow.That is what I did this morning.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
Yes that is what I will have to do. I just worry about the others who don't and cause the accidents.
• United States
12 Dec 16
Any chance your place of business will close early so you can get home safely?
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
No they never close early.